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Who are The Blues? A Moment In Time
The current family membership, though small, has made an impact on American society. From the lineage of an humble slave named "Billy" who was the property of River Daniel Blue, there have sprung a significant number of outstanding people who have succeeded in distinguishing themselves professionally, culturally and socially. This page begins what we hope will be a chronology of the past and a progressive historical document of the Blues. With time, the old order shall pass and a new generation will fill the spaces and continue the recording of our lives and times in this or a similar medium.
Our purposes for creating these pages are many; however, space will not allow a long listing. Briefly, we are a Christian family whose values are couched in a strong belief in the family structure as the basic foundation for a healthy and productive America. We are, therefore, pro-life, in the main, strong in our support of adoption as one of the "real choices" for preserving the sacredness of life. Our point is well demonstated through observing the contributions of two of those mentioned herein--James(Jamie)Blue and Regina Blue-Soloman. Both were adopted through The Children's Home Society of North Carolina.
Although we are an African- American family, proud of our heritage; we believe that there is but one race- the human one- in which we are bound to common purpose by a divine power. Our lives, the degree to which we succeed, and our destiny will be determined by our cooperation with each other regardless of race, creed or color. Finally, we believe the greatest "calling" of people is to Service. Thus, we dedicate these pages to these purposes and especially to Ann Juanita Blue Mclean,other family members,friends and associates who have become family.
Several descendants of both families settled in the immediate neighborhoods within easy driving distance from the old homestead, we don't think it was ever called a "plantation". The little town of Carthage, NC, became the community in which most of the Black clan settled. We were, at one time, a rather large group. Throughout the years our numbers have dwindled to only a few who still live in the area. We are now scattered all over America in the main , with a few in Canada and England. However, those bonds which tied us together in that small town and in the Eureka community have never weakened. Contact is maintained with everyone for whom we have a valid address. In 1980, we had our first reunion in Carthage and we have had biannual gatherings since in cities near or in the residences of relatives.

Ann Juanita Blue McLean
The Solomans
The original home place of the Blues is now an historic site on The US Department of The Interior's List of Registered Historic Sites. It is located in rural Moore County, Eureka Community, near Southern Pines, NC. The document to which we were able to trace our roots was found in the Moore County Courthouse Register of Deeds Office. That document was a deed granted to River Dan Blue transferring ownership of one slave boy named "Billy", son of Bob, to River Dan's son. Billy became a field worker and lived in the old home site in a small room over the kitchen, which was attached to the main house by a small porch. Several years passed and Billy took a wife. Her name was Katie Kelly, to them three children were born. Katie died , and Billy married Clara Kelly, Katie's sister, Seven children were born to this union. No records are available on the three children of Katie. The current clan, about which we have knowledge, are from Clara. Clara was quite an "institution" in her own right as the story goes. She was a worker in the Blue Household, a mid-wife, a "doctor, nurse, vet, and undertaker" who went to" lay-out" or prepare people for burial. It is said that Clara as a mid-wife "spanked a lot of white behinds", did it legally and with the total approval of the parents. Strangely, or maybe not so strangely, given the close interpersonal living relationships, Billy's family was treated as a part of the River Daniel family; though not legally free, they lived freely.
The kitchen burned and totally destroyed all the personal belongings of Billy and Clara. The replacement still stands and is filled with artifacts of the family and of the era, however, none of it can be identified as belonging to Billy. The main house has been restored with furnishings and interior woodwork which approximate the original as closely as possible. The present owners of the house and surrounding farmland are the direct descendants of River Daniel. Sam and Louise maintain the old homestead and raise tobacco. A visit by members of our family elicited an unexpected feeling of unity and a bond between the families. We were told that the two segmented families shared the joys and sorrows as a unified family through the years, long after slavery ended. Even to this day, it is quite common to have members of the other family in attendance at special occasions.
Here we offer the reader who has stayed the course and is still interested enough to read more, a few profiles of family members who have made rather distinguised marks on the pages of our histiory to date. Their contributions speak for themselves, read on.
James F. Blue III
Donald Baker
Jimmy Hayes (Hayeson)
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James F. Blue Jr.,