
Feb. 1, 1998 - May 5, 2002

I looked deep into your eyes today
And knew the time had come to let you go
The signs had been there for a very long time
But my heart held on to you so
I'm sorry I put myself before you
My heart now knows the need
That you find the happiness
That you so much wish to see
A happy spirit you are at last
It took so long it seems
Run free my dearest "Whisper"
I'll see you in my dreams
Right here inside my mind
I'll have a picture of you
Your tail is just a waggin
Enjoying things you never knew

Someone once told me when
we were searching for our first sheltie,
"They're just like potato chips,
you can't just have one!!"
We Are Not Breeders Of Shetland Sheepdogs
Only Lovers Of The Breed
We also do some rescue of Shelties and Chow Chows

Oops, almost forgot.
We have since adopted "CHING CHING" the Chow Chow!!
Who is now King of the Sheltie Harem.
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