We do not encourage or discourage linking to the banners above. Geocities thought it would be nice to put them there. Since their paying for the server space we figured we'd be nice enough to honor their request to put it there. Now on with the page.
Doug and Tam's Home Page
(aka. Swen and Inga)
Mike and Andee's Wedding Photos from Lake Chelan, Washington. 8/1/98
NEW madison photos! 10/8/98
We would like to announce the birth of our first child,
Madison Vianna Hatch,
A healthy baby girl, 8lbs. 4oz, born February 19th, 1998, at 2:18am. Click HERE to see her first photos.

We camped at Jacques Cartier State Park on the St. Lawrence River 6/19 - 6/21, and were treated to a spectacular sunset!
Follow Skyleur to Madison's Latest Photo Page
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Look no further amazon.com has it all!
Favorite Links
PB&H Moulding Co.
National Public Radio
Public Radio Music Source
The Ferneys
Chinese Lunar Calender
Zeta Nu Home Page
Cody Stone
Madison's Fashion's 6/15/98
April Photos 5/1/98
More Madison 4/3/98
"Demi" shot and second sonograms 12/28/97
Christmas photos!
Tam's Baby Shower. 12/27/97
Find out about your baby @ Olen childbirth calender
Another baby link! Homearts.com
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