time to regain control over your life. Cut deeply into the
outrageous cost of everyday life in the city, by becoming
independent. Renew and modernize those methods that helped
our forefathers create a style of life in which they were
dependent only on themselves for there basic needs. Why not
prepare your home and family for the future? Are you
prepared for the year 2000? Why worry about Y2K bugs if you
are prepared for the future you are prepared for Y2K bugs.
As an urban dweller it's time to use the resources available
to you and create the lifestyle you want for your
site will be dedicated to providing you with resources to
help you become an Independent Urban
Dweller (self sufficient in the
Follow the
quest to become independent in our food, power, and fuel
needs. We live in an average neighborhood in an average city
in the US, so all projects, leading to our own self
sufficiency, must fit into the Urban setting.
survive in the city is one of our main goals. We can only
guess what the future holds for the cities. A primary
concern is that there may be a collapse of the social order
that holds these centers of civilization together. There are
many who say they will pack up their families and run for
the hills. What they have not considered is that those who
already live in the hills will not welcome them with open
arms, instead they are more likely to be met with an
entirely different type of arms. We have decided to stay in
the urban environment survive and make every attempt to plan
for our own future.
We can
predict with some accuracy that all consumables will get
more expensive in the cities. That would include food,
electricity, fuel. It is our desire to prepare for whatever
the future brings by at least being able to provide for our
own supply of food, electricity, and fuel.
is also critical to our survival in the city. We will
attempt to plan for the most obvious types of problems that
could effect us. Problems such as riots, loss of law and
order, gangs, can all be expected. Developing plans to deal
with these problems seems overwhelming but it can be
happens the cities will recover in time, we would like to be
counted among those that survive and prosper. It is our
belief that we can aid our community in recovering from
anything that may damage it, if we as a family are
successful in our efforts.
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