Vatrushka Russian Blues

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Learn more about Russian Blues

The Russian Blue Cat

CFA Russian Blue Breed Profile

TICA Russian Blue Written Standard

More Russian Blue Cattery Web Sites

Russian Blues from around the world.

Visit an Australian Russian Blue Cattery
(note the different look from the American Russian Blues)

Visit Ziggi Blue, a Danish Russian Blue cattery
There is a wonderful list of world Russian Blue Cattery
names here, new and old.
Check it out to see how many you know!!

Visit Arneri Cattery, Moscow Russia
See some Russian Russian Blues!!

Silver Spur Cattery
Another Russian Blue Cattery from Moscow, Russia

Winterday Cattery, Moscow Russia
some more lovely native Russian Blues
and some Nebelungs, longhaired Russian Blues

Rhovanion Russian Blues
from Belgium

Barynia Russian Blues
from Sweden. Lots of nice pics here!

Kosmoskattens Russian Blues
also from Sweden

Recommended Reading

Books I own, read & recommend

Other Interesting Cat Links

The Exceller Fund
An Internet group dedicated to rescuing Thoroughbred horses
who would otherwise be sent to slaughter.

Rainbow Bridge
comfort for those who have lost a cherished pet.

Other Interesting Websites!!!

Add a patriotic banner to your website!

Battleship Row
Sorry, no Ben Affleck here, but a facinating website
devoted to Pearl Harbor and that day in December 1941

Latest Pacific NW Seismic Activity

Manhatten Transfer
One of my favorites! A history and discography.
A Beatles Tribute band--they are excellent!!!

Woodland Park Zoo, Seattle, WA

Cat Tales Zoological Park, Spokane, WA

San Diego Zoo & Wild Animal Park

Sea World

Jack Hanna's Animal Advetures
My 'Blues' and I LOVE Jack Hanna!!!

Tiger Information Center
A Conservation Effort--we should all be concerned...