Vatrushka Russian Blues

Vatrushka Russian Blues

…In the Grand Tradition of the Tsars

CH. Tsar Blu's Vladimir of Vatrushka

TICA 1996-1997 International 3rd Best Russian Blue Kitten
TICA NW Region Best Russian Blue Kitten
TICA NW Region Best Russian Blue Cat

An elegant, short haired cat, the Russian Blue has an air of mystery about it. Sweet and gentle by nature, with a natural shyness, Russian Blues make excellent, loving, playful companions to their owners. While being extremely loving and loyal to their families, due to their shy nature, they can be cautious with strangers. Russian Blues seem to be very territorial, prefering the security of their family and home. They are perfectly content to remain indoors & watch the world go by through a favorite window.

Due to their believed origin from the northern arctic area around the Russian port of Archangel, the Russian Blue's coat is short and double, similar to a beaver's. It is often remarked that a Russian Blue's coat feels like silk. Their coats should be an even medium to light blue, with preference given to the lighter shades. The tips of the fur should be silver, which gives the Russian Blue it's silvery shimmer when struck by light. A brushing once or twice a week is sufficient to keep their coats in soft, shining condition. The eyes should be green, preferably a deep emerald green. Their faces appear to have a mysterious 'Mona Lisa' smile with slightly upturned mouths. Their bodies are slim and elegant, with long legs and graceful lines.

At the Interesting Links site below, there is a link to the TICA Russian Blue breed standard. This is supposedly the "perfect" Russian Blue and shows how the judges at a cat show will award points to the kitten/cat based on how well it fits the written standard.

Russian Blues love to follow you around the house and have a keen interest in everything that you do. Being very intelligent cats, my Vladimir has learned to open the drawers where the catnip mouses are kept and he will have them scattered all over the house if not watched!! Vladimir also loves to play fetch, and for several nights in a hotel room before a cat show, I was kept awake all night by him dropping his 'catnip toys' on me so that I could throw them for him to fetch. While not a very vocal cat, they can and do express their opinions -- fortunately their voices are soft and melodious!

A Russian Blue male will weigh between 7 to 9 pounds, with the females weighing between 5 to 7 pounds.

From time to time, kittens will be available for sale by contract only. Occasionally adults may be available also. Please note: all Vatrushka Russian Blue pets will be sold already neutered to their new homes.

Check out a Cat Show...

My Russian Blue Photo Gallery...

Vladimir at 8 weeks, such a handsome baby!!!
Although his breeder "mom", Donna Fuller, waited another 4 weeks to
verify he would be show quality, who could resist him at this age?

"Vladi" at 11 months, February 1997
All grown up and still a handsome boy!!!
Vladi's dad is GC, NW Tsar Blu's Zarin, DM
& his mom is from SeeNeekats.
He has always been a very affectionate boy,
full of kisses and purr-trills.

Click on Vladi's picture to take you to his photo page!!

Quadruple Grand Champion Russka Rose's Vesna of Vatrushka
TICA NW Region's 3rd Best Russian Blue kitten 1996-1997
TICA NW Region's 2nd Best Russian Blue Cat, 1997-1998

Vesna at 10 months, July 1997.
Her mom is from Tsar Blu & Grisaille lines
bred by Russka Rose cattery
and her dad is from Marikatin cattery
and was imported from Finland by Silverlock,
thus the slightly darker coat and rounder face
of her European sire,
and with an extra sweet temperment,
her nickname is "Punka-Poo".

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