"Sugar Gliders??"

"The One, The Only....Flying Marsupial's"

Squirl on Wire

Sugar Glider? Housing Feeding

If you press my picture, you will hear the sound I make when I'm scared.
Press this photo to hear my "I want attention" bark.

What is a Sugar Glider?

What is a Sugar Glider?


Housing Your New Pet

    When considering a new home for your pet, there are a few thing you should take into account
    • As spacious as possible, depending on the amount of time that your pet is allowed to exercise
        My cage is approximately 3 ft high by 3 ft wide by 2 ft in depth.
    • Easily assessed and cleaned
    • Secure so that he does not escape (they do have a tendency to get out on occasion)
    • Safe with no sharp metal that would injure your pet
    • Placed in a part of the room where the temperature remains constant
    • Sufficient furnishings to keep him busy when you are not around
    • Adequate sleeping, feeding, and drinking facilities
    • Only use granulated paper, natural wood pulp or non-printed paper for bedding


Feeding Your Sugar Glider

    Feed your pet at the same time everyday; the actual time should be determined by your daily routine. Try to make it a habit to stick to the same feeding time. This will assure that you will remember to feed it each day. Captive Sugar Gliders are often fed a diet of a mixture of sunflower seeds, wild birdseed, hamster mix, puffed-wheat cereal, wheat germ, dry dog kibbles, melon seed, and Granola. Sugar Gliders are partial to anything sweet. Many kinds of fruits, vegetables, and nuts are needed in their daily diet. Give them a choice of cherries, lettuce, apples, oranges, grapes, raisins, carrots, raw sweet potatoes, corn on the cob, and, if avai lable, the fruit of the prickly pear cactus. Some favorite nuts are raw peanuts (not to many or he'll get fat), pecans, walnuts, hickory nuts, acorns and pistachios. I give mine a variety of fruits, vegetables and baby food every night. In order to giv e your sugar glider an effective diet, you need to determine what he is eating and what he is not eating. Most sugar gliders love peanuts and will get spoiled if you give them a peanut to often. They should only get a peanut (or any nut for that matter) about once a week. It is a good idea to give your pet a variety of solids (fruits and vegetable) and liquids (baby food) to keep your pet regular. When giving your pet water, some prefer a dish as opposed to a water bottle, because it is closer to what he would be accustomed to in the wild, and your pet would always have fresh water. I prefer the water bottle for mine because I have a busy schedule, and the last thing I want is for my pet to go a day without water. Three precautions pertaining to wat er that are critical to the survival of your pet:
    • Never use tap water (your pet is very intolerant of Chlorine)
    • If you use a water bottle, always check it for mold that may grow on the side
    • Don't use household cleaners to clean any part of the cage or dishes, they could be deadly

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    Last Updated: December 12, 1998.