Curriculum Vitae




Board Certification                 American Board of Family Practice Certified Diplomate

Certified: July 12, 2002


License Information               State of Florida – ME81170 – Active Status


State of Nevada – 10250 – Active Status


State of Texas – L6487 – Active Status


Federal DEA – Active Status


Nevada Board of Pharmacy CSR – Active Status


Texas Department of Public Safety CSR – Active Status




08/1995 – 05/1999  M.D. awarded 05/14/1999

University of South Florida / College of Medicine

Tampa / Florida


08/1994 – 05/1995  Post-baccalaureate studies in Physics and Psychology

  Santa Fe Community College

  Gainesville / Florida


01/1989 – 08/1991  B.H.S in Medical Technology awarded 08/10/1991

University of Florida / College of Health Related Professions

Gainesville / Florida


08/1986 – 06/1988  A.A., Magna cum Laude awarded 06/28/1988

Seminole Community College

Sanford / Florida



Life Support Certifications      BLS, ACLS, PALS (all current);

ATLS trained, exp. 4/2006; ALSO trained, exp. 10/2004; NRP trained, exp. 6/2003



Professional Affiliations          American Academy of Family Physicians

Alpha Omega Alpha - Medical Honor Society





 11/13/2006 – present    Outpatient Family Practice Physician Contractor

                                                Malcolm Grow Medical Center – Primary Care – Gold Team

                                                79th MDG / SGOPG

                                                1058 West Perimeter Road / Andrews AFB / MD / 20762


Provide outpatient primary care for active duty military members, dependents and military retirees in a large group multidisciplinary practice setting. Perform duties including diagnosis, evaluation and management of acute and chronic diseases in patients, including very complicated patients and pediatric populations 5 and up.  Perform in-office skin procedures, joint injections and minor fracture splinting. Perform occupational medical management for active duty members including duty & mobility readiness using the PIMR system and initiating Medical Board Evaluations.  Interpret office EKG and plain film radiographs. Super-User trained user of CHCS-II (AHLTA) and competent user of CHCS-I, PIMR, AFCITA and ICDB electronic record interfaces.


08/07/2006 – 10/27/2006   Outpatient Family Practice - Locum Tenens Coverage

Independent Contractor through PrimeCare of Nevada, Inc.

Nye Regional Medical Center Clinic

825 Erie Main Street / P.O. Box 391 / Tonopah / NV / 89049


Performed the duties of family practice physician in a solo practitioner outpatient setting including diagnosis, evaluation and management of acute and chronic diseases in patients, including very complicated patients and pediatric populations from birth.  Performed in-office skin procedures, joint injections and some fracture splinting. Performed occupational pre-employment and periodic screening exams, including DOT and occupational medical qualification examinations and work related injury examinations.  Interpreted EKG’s, PFT’s and plain film radiographs.


06/12/2006 – 07/01/2006   Outpatient Family Practice – Locum Tenens Coverage

                                                Independent Contractor through Jackson & Coker

                                                Nevada Rural Health Clinics – Wendover Community Health Center

                                                925 Wells Avenue / P.O. Box 3520 / West Wendover / NV / 89883            


Performed the duties of family practice physician in an outpatient setting including diagnosis, evaluation and management of acute and chronic diseases in patients, including very complicated patients and pediatric populations from birth.  Urgent and emergent care evaluation, stabilization and coordination of transport to next level of care by both ground and air.  Performed fracture splinting.  Performed routine wellness examinations for pediatric and adult patients.  Performed EKG, spirometry and plain film roentographic interpretation.


02/05/2006 – 02/10/2006  Family Practice Physician Consultant

Independent Contractor through Maxim Physician Resources

Roche Pharmaceutical Group & Comprehensive Health Services

Venetian Hotel / 3355 Las Vegas Blvd, South / Las Vegas / NV / 89109


Performed the duties family practice physician consultant for Roche employees participating in the Avian Flu Pandemic Preparedness Plan.  Performed detailed medical history evaluations to determine employee fitness for participation in the plan to include future use of Tamiflu in the event of pandemic avian flu.  Provided employees with adequate information to ensure informed consent for participation in the program.




10/23/2005 – 04/01/2006   Outpatient Family Practice - Locum Tenens Coverage

                                           Independent Contractor through Physicians Locum Tenens & Staff Care, Inc.

                                           CHD Meridian Healthcare

1.        Golden Valley Medical Center

515 West Haskell Street / Winnemucca / NV / 89445            

2.        Golden Health Medical Clinic

247 Bluffs Avenue / Elko / NV / 89801     


Performed the duties of family practice physician in an outpatient setting including diagnosis, evaluation and management of acute and chronic diseases in patients, including very complicated patients and pediatric populations from birth.  Performed in-office skin procedures, joint injections and fracture splinting.  Performed routine wellness examinations for pediatric and adult patients.  Performed occupational pre-employment and periodic screening exams, including DOT and mining personnel occupational medical examinations.  Performed EKG, spirometry and plain film roentographic interpretation.


10/18/2004 – 08/15/2005      Outpatient Family Practice - Civilian Contractor

                                                Choctaw Management / Services Enterprise, Inc.

Brooke Army Medical Center, Family Medicine Service

3851 Roger Brooke Drive / Fort Sam Houston / TX / 78234


Participated in the provision of outpatient primary care for active duty military members, dependents and military retiree in a large group multidisciplinary practice setting. Performed duties including diagnosis, evaluation and management of acute and chronic diseases in patients, including very complicated patients and pediatric populations from birth.  Provided prenatal care for uncomplicated pregnancies up to 36 weeks. Performed in-office skin procedures, joint injections and some fracture splinting. Performed occupational medical management for active duty members including creating duty profiles using the MEDBASE system.  Interpreted EKG and spirometry results. Earned CHCS II Super-User status and participated in transition from paper charting to 100% EMR. Provided PowerPoint briefings to colleagues and clinic staff on efficient and effective utilization of the EMR, visit documentation and ICD-9 coding.  Participated in Quality Assurance and Quality Improvement programs.  Served as a clinical preceptor for USAF and USA medical officers in the family practice clinic.


10/08/2004 – 10/15/2004      Outpatient Family Practice - Locum Tenens Coverage

                                                Independent Contractor through JC Nationwide                                          

Clay Gruesbeck, MD Medical Clinic

                                                5345 Walzem Road / San Antonio / TX / 78218


Performed the duties of solo family practice physician in a high volume outpatient clinic (90-100 patients per day) working with a nurse practitioner and a physician assistant.  Duties included diagnosis, evaluation and management of acute and chronic disease in patients of all age groups.


03/29/2004 – 09/07/2004      Outpatient Family Practice - Locum Tenens Coverage

                                                Independent Contractor through Spectrum Healthcare Resources

                                                99th MDOS / SGOPF - Family Practice Resource Sharing

                                                4700 Las Vegas Blvd North / Nellis AFB / NV / 89191


Participated in the provision of outpatient primary care for active duty military members, dependents and military retirees in a large group multidisciplinary practice setting. Performed duties including diagnosis, evaluation and management of acute and chronic diseases in patients, including very complicated patients and pediatric populations from birth.  Performed routine wellness examinations for pediatric and adult patients. Performed in-office skin procedures, joint injections and fracture splinting. Interpreted EKG and spirometry results. Created appropriate duty profile for ill or injured active duty members.  Interpreted EKG and spirometry results. Achieved >90% utilization of PGU-I EMR visit documentation. Served as clinical preceptor for USAF physician assistants and medical officers. Participated in Quality Assurance and Quality Improvement programs. Participated in the development of a standardized patient lipid profile laboratory results letter for use facility wide. 


 08/04/2003 – 08/08/2003     Outpatient Family Practice - Locum Tenens Coverage

                                                Independent Contractor through Maxim Physician Resources, Inc.

South Padre Island Pediatric Center

               160 South 13th Street / Aransas Pass / TX / 78336


Performed the duties of solo family practice physician in a outpatient pediatric clinic including routine well child visits and diagnosis, evaluation and management of acute and chronic disease in pediatric patients.


05/05/2003 – 12/20/2003      Outpatient Family Practice - Locum Tenens Coverage

                                                Independent Contractor through Maxim Physician Resources, Inc.

Nye Regional Medical Center Clinic

825 South Main Street / Tonopah / NV / 89049


Performed the duties of family practice physician in an solo practitioner outpatient setting including diagnosis, evaluation and management of acute and chronic diseases in patients, including very complicated patients and pediatric populations from birth.  Performed in-office skin procedures, joint injections and some fracture splinting. Performed occupational pre-employment and periodic screening exams, including DOT occupational medical examinations.  Interpreted EKG results.


08/05/2002 – 02/26/2003      Family Practice

                                                Florida Health Care Plans, Inc.

                                                8 Office Park Drive / Palm Coast / FL / 32137


Participated in the provision of outpatient and inpatient primary care for a population of HMO patient in a 2 physician office, 4 physician call group.  Performed duties including diagnosis, evaluation and management of acute and chronic diseases in patients, including very complicated patients and pediatric populations from birth.  Performed routine wellness examinations for pediatric and adult patients.   Maintained hospital privileges for the inpatient care of a wide variety of diagnoses, including ICU care privileges.  Performed in-office skin procedures, arthrocentesis and injections. Interpreted EKG and spirometry results. Participated in Quality Assurance and Quality Improvement programs.


03/01/2002 – 06/30/2002      On-Call Staff Physician

                                                Halifax Psychiatry Center & Halifax Behavioral Services

                                                303 North Clyde Morris Blvd / Daytona Beach / FL / 32114


Provided night and weekend on-call service for patient restraint evaluation.  Included conducting mental status and physical examination to ensure patient safety while restrained or confined and to verify the medical necessity for the level of restraint.


07/01/2001 – 06/30/2002      Chief Resident – Family Practice

                                                Halifax Medical Center, Family Practice Residency Program

                                                303 North Clyde Morris Blvd / Daytona Beach / FL / 32114


Performed the duties of Chief Resident while continuing residency training in post graduate year 3.  Duties included resident scheduling for inpatient and outpatient coverage for each ward and clinic.  Served as liaison between residents and faculty for matters involving curriculum, scheduling, performance review and disciplinary action.  Actively participated in meetings and self review committees for ensuring residency accreditation and financial stability.



03/13/2001 – 03/12/2002      Staff Physician

                                                ACT Corporation, Mental Health Services

                                                120 Willis Avenue / Daytona Beach / FL / 32120


Conducted history evaluations and physical examinations on adolescents entering county protective care and adults entering prisoner rehabilitation programs.


07/01/1999 – 03/09/2003      Staff Physician

                                                Daytona International Speedway Infield Care Center

                                                1801 W. International Speedway Blvd / Daytona Beach / FL / 32114


Provided emergent, urgent and acute care to motor sports competitors and patrons in an outpatient urgent care setting.   Cared for patients of all age groups suffering from minor illness and injury to major physical trauma.  Interpreted EKG and radiographic films.  Performed fracture splinting. Performed emergent and urgent transport of critically ill or severely injured patients.


07/01/1999 – 06/30/2001        Resident Physician – Family Practice

                                                Halifax Medical Center, Family Practice Residency Program                               

                                                303 North Clyde Morris Blvd / Daytona Beach / FL / 32114


Performed the duties of Family Practice Resident in training.


Hospital Affiliations


11/03/2006 – present              Malcolm Grow Medical Center – Outpatient Primary Care

                                                79th MDG / SGOPG

                                                1050 West Perimeter Road / Andrews AFB / MD / 20762


07/24/2006 – present              Nye Regional Medical Center & Outpatient Clinic

                                                                Temporary Admitting Privileges

                                                                825 South Main Street / Tonopah / NV / 89049


10/18/2004 – 8/15/2005        08/15/2005Brooke Army Medical Center – Outpatient Primary Care

Department of Primary Care - Family Medicine Service

3851 Roger Brooke Drive / Fort Sam Houston / TX / 78234


03/29/2004 – 09/07/2004        Mike O’Callaghan Federal Hospital – Outpatient Primary Care

                                                                99th MDOS / SGOPF - Family Practice Element

                                                                4700 Las Vegas Blvd, North, Nellis AFB, NV  89191


                05/05/2003 – 12/31/2005        Nye Regional Medical Center & Outpatient Clinic

                                                                Courtesy Privileges, non-admitting

                                                                825 South Main Street, Tonopah, NV, 89049


10/01/2002 – 03/01/2003        Florida Hospital – Flagler

                                                                Active Admitting Privileges

                                                                60 Memorial Medical Parkway, Palm Coast, FL  32164




Brian J.W. Blaxall, M.D. Associate Directors Award for Resident Excellence, Halifax Medical Center Family Practice Residency Program, 2002

Inducted into Alpha Omega Alpha, USF-COM, 1998-1999


Medical Interests       Women’s Health, Pediatrics & Prevention

 Medical Informatics, Electronic Medical Records and Practice Management


 EMR Experience      DoD Systems including CHCS Legacy, CHCS II / AHLTA (Super-user Trained)/P-GUI, and ICDB, US Army’s MEDBASE, and. USAir Force’s PIMR and AFCITA 


Hobbies/Interest           Travel, crafts, music, running



Language Fluency      English only 



References are available upon request.

No history of malpractice actions.

No history of Medical Board actions.

No Privilege, Licensing or Controlled Substance Registration refusals, suspensions or revocations.