Welcome to my File Cabinet and Desk.
This is where I keep things that are related to my ministry, and
current working projects.
One of my big ongoing projects is writing the Home Page for the
New England District Church of the Nazarene. You can visit it at
this location.
One of my goals is not simply planting a single church, but helping others to
do the same throughout the world, especially in New England.
The Churchplanting Page
on the District Web Site is a reflection of that desire.
You can visit the home page for the church my wife and I are planting in Tewksbury,
Massachusetts (USA). Click HERE
Music in the churchplant
One of the important elements in a churchplant is in the handling of the worship music. How is that accomplished when you have a small group, and perhaps little talent available? Here are some alternatives that you may find feasible:
- Use split-track cassettes or CD's This is a good alternative. For a relatively small cost ($100 US), you can amass a fair collection of choruses and hymns to use. It offers no flexibility though as far as number of verses used, tempo, etc..
- Use a 'hymn-box' Available from Christian bookstores, these are briefcase-sized machines that come programmed with many choruses and hymns. More flexible than CD's and cassettes, but also more expensive ($500 US)
- Sing accapella The cheapest alternative, you need someone who is loud and who can hold a tune well.
- Learn to play a keyboard, or find a keyboardist. Not as bad as it sounds, just be sure to keep the tunes simple. You might even be able to persuade a secular musician to do your services for a small fee. This may not be viable depending on your philosophy of ministry. You might be able to 'borrow' a musician from another congregation, as long as they don't need their talent at the same time.
- Use a midi-capable keyboard There are computer midi files available for very little or nothing. This takes some specialized equipment and some talent with a computer, however. May be a very good alternative depending on your situation.
Try looking at these links:
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