Pastor Ray's Study

Hi! I'm Pastor Ray Mann. Welcome to my Study!
I am a bivocational minister in the Church of the Nazarene. That means that I am not only a minister, but I have full-time secular jobs, too. I work for a grocery store in Vermont (USA) as well as working for the local school district as a 10th grade special education aide

. I am the Pastor of the Milton Church of the Nazarene in Milton, VT along with my Co-Pastor (and wife) Deborah.

Please visit some of the corners of my Study...

The File Cabinet and Desk.. This is where I keep important stuff related to my ministry.
The Bookshelves. This is where I put the books and other resources for my work.
My Workbench. When I get stressed and need a mental rest, this is where I go to work on my hobbies.
My Easy Chair. When I'm tired, I go here with my faithful friend Rocky.
The Hall Closet. This is where all the stuff that I can't classify goes.

I have tried to provide something useful and original in each corner of my Study, because that's what the Web and this Page is all about. Not just providing a collection of links, but giving useful original information to help people.

You can Email me with comments or questions.
Go to Milton Churchof the Nazarene .

Please come back and visit my Study again soon!

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