Genealogy Index for surnames beginning with L

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L'Estrange, Henry (-)
La Field, Sharon Ruth (-)
Lane, Cornelius (-)
Lane, Mary (-)
Langestraat, Nelltje (-)
Latham, Aurelia (7 APR 1847-17 OCT 1923)
Latham, Julia H (22 FEB 1838-1867)
Lavender, Mary (-)
Lawrence, Deborah (-)
Lawrence, John (-)
Lawrence, John (-)
Lawson, Christian (-)
Lawson, Eleanor (-1878)
Lawson, John (-)
Leeds, Dorothy (1680-)
LeFevre, Antoine (-)
LeFevre, Magdalena (-BEF. 1718)
Lefferts, Maria (1806-1897)
Lehman, Susannah (-3 NOV 1848)
Lehn, Frederika (BET. 1825 - 1829-BET. 1894 - 1900)
Leibacher, Verena (1543-)
Leibacker, Elsabeth (1642-)
Leming, Griffith (-)
Leonard, Henry (-)
Leonard, John (-1712)
Lequier, Abraham (-)
Lerner, Haley Jordan (-)
Lerner, Mark (-)
Lerner, Moriah Ivy (-)
Liddell, Martha (7 FEB 1742/43-6 JUN 1824)
Lingenfelder, Edward (-)
Lingenfelder, Henry (-)
Lingenfelder, Henry (-)
Lingenfelder, Robert (-)
Link, Jonathan (-)
Linton, Mary (-)
Long, Herodias (-)
Loper, Jacobus Capt. (-1653)
Loper, James (-ABT. 1686)
Lord, Frank W. (30 AUG 1848-)
Lord, Maurice Franklin (5 OCT 1887-1937)
Lord, Walter Van Emon (10 SEP 1881-26 AUG 1882)
Loveridge, Temperance (-)
Low, Elizabeth (-)
Low, Jannetje (-)
Lowden, George (-)
Ludlam, Hannah (-10 JUN 1752)
Ludlow, Colonel (-)
Lupardus, Adriana (29 DEC 1697-)
Lupardus, Annatje (-)
Lupardus, Antie (-)
Lupardus, Antje (-)
Lupardus, Christianus Rev (3 JUL 1636-BEF. 1700)
Lupardus, Christianus (-BEF. 7 MAR 1699/00)
Lupardus, Christianus (10 MAR 1695/96-)
Lupardus, Christianus (-)
Lupardus, Cornelia (-)
Lupardus, Francina (-BEF. 7 MAR 1699/00)
Lupardus, Geertruyd (-)
Lupardus, Joanna (-)
Lupardus, Johanna (-BEF. 7 MAR 1699/00)
Lupardus, Lammetje (-)
Lupardus, Michael (-)
Lupardus, Michael (-BEF. 7 NOV 1673)
Lupardus, Rem (-)
Lupardus, Susanna (-)
Lupardus, Wilhelmus (-)
Lupardus, Wilhelmus Rev (-10 FEB 1701/02)
Luppart, Guilliam (-)
Luppart, Michael (1603-1661)

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