In Search of:
Surname Name Remarks & Point of Contact
Golden William b. bef 1836? OH, m. Delphey, Octavia b. bef 1858 // POC:
Golden Beulah See Golden, Thomas C. with ISO by:
Golden Helen From: (Kenneth Scott)

I am looking for any information on Helen Golden. She lived in St. John,

N.B. and moved to New York when married to Edward Nathan. She was born

around 1882. D.Scott, PO.Box 17116, Plantation FL 33318-7116

Golden Thomas C. From: (Rosemary Golden)

Beulah and Thomas Clarence were on the 1900 Lowndes Co. MS census along with Thomas Jefferson Golden and his second wife, Nancy Pilkington and her mother as head of house. I cannot find further record of Beulah or Thomas Clarence. What happened to them?

Golden Worden From: (Eldon L. Hills)

Worden Golden, b. 8 Oct 1831 in Albany Co. N.Y? Any help will be greatly appreciated on any GOLDEN from Albany Co. N.Y.