Golden Norfleet Genealogy
The Golden - Norfleet Family Genealogy Home
August 31st, 1997
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This homepage outlines the Henry Roosevelt Golden family of
Jefferson County, Alabama, and the Alvah Edison Norfleet family of
Chesapeake, Virginia. Other families of immediate interest are the
Belcher (southeast U.S.) and Styron families (mid-Atlantic region).
For Goldens, this very much is a homepage for all Goldens. My
Goldens got off the boat from Ireland at Savannah, Georgia, just
prior to the Revolutionary War. Some migrated up through the
Carolinas, Virginia (and West Virginia), Kentucky and then down
through Tennessee into Alabama. They since have relocated many times
in the last generation or two. I've had a great deal of trouble
tracking all of "my" Goldens so I've decided to track them all for a
while at least: Golden, Goulding, Goldin, Gouldrick, and even
Family lore has it that my branch of Goldens were not Irish so
much as temporary residents of Ireland. They could have been English,
or they could even have been Jewish refugees from Portugal and Spain
several centuries earlier prior to their travels in the English and
Irish isles. No Jews are known to be in the family today but lore has
it that some Goldens were.
One Golden of particular interest to me is Green Golden, circa
1840-1880 (AL, FL, GA, KY, TN, VA, WV). There were several Greens,
some related and some possibly related. That is the grandfather at
which I got lost. Family legend has it that he came from Southeast
Kentucky and went down to Rome, Georgia, where he married an Indian
woman. He and his bride then moved to Northeast Alabama and had a
brood of children. Green later left the family and returned to
Kentucky where he remarried and had more children. Green supposedly
often visited his Alabama and Georgia kinfolk. In his later years he
supposedly lived in the southeast Kentucky or western part of West
Virginia, where he practiced as a folk herbal doctor.
To all, this homepage is just a few weeks old and I hope to add a
significant amount of information to it. I've been researching
Goldens and Norfleets, plus their allied families, since the
mid-1980s. Boxes of stuff will make it sooner or later to this
Best regards,
William "Bill" Golden