Luke Oswald's Family Tree

Welcome to Luke Oswald's Family Tree Web Site!

A little about me

Hi! My name is Luke Oswald. I am 25 years old and live in Adelaide, South Australia. I have been very interested in my family tree for quite a while now. A few years ago I bought a computer package to help me with the family tree (now the company that made it is out of business!!) Never mind, as I am slowly transferring the information onto the internet, which seems like the most sensible thing to do. And it has worked, as I have had a number of queries into the family tree, and several successful reunions!!! If you think you might have a link to my family, then please e-mail me at

My background on my father's side is Anglo-Celtic, with an interesting link down the direct paternal line, with one of the early pioneers of South Australia who was a founding member of the Adelaide Club. Down my mother's side is a bit more complicated and sketchy, as mum was born on the Italian / Slovenian border, and much of the near family in all corners of the globe.

I gave up trying to create individual pages for each person on record as it is so hard to link it up all together. So I found a site called, which allows for the basics of each record (in the form of a GEDCOM file) to be uploaded onto their internet site. You can browse these records at here where you might find the information you want. Because of privacy issues, do not allow the details of living persons on the website (except their surname)... these people will appear as "Living ".


Just as a quick summary for these pages here is a list of the main surnames of people I have on file:

Oswald, Dobrigna, Taylor, Ur¹iè, Bergin, Taggart, Devidé, Munih, Phillipson, Levi, Phillips, King, Kragelj.

Names Index

Some Useful Links

Australian Family Tree Connections

South Australian Genealogicial and Heraldry Society

Genealogy's Most Wanted

RootsWeb WorldConnect Project (Family Tree site)

JewishGen: The Home of Jewish Genealogy

ICQ White Pages Directory

Australian White Pages Phone Directory

This is a Genealogy Site

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last update: 4 February 2003