Miracles Do Happen


The following was written a few short weeks after giving my life to Christ back in 1998. When I look back at those precious first days after my conversion I rejoice in how the Lord has consistantly grown me over the last two and a half years. Jesus..... you just have to love Him!!!

Many people of late are wondering about the noticeable changes that seem to be occurring in my life and the questions seem to be flying like dust in the air. Well, there is but one word that would even come close to describing the feelings that I have felt come about inside myself; miracle, with a capital "G" for glow. It is, in fact, nothing short of a miracle what the spirit of God Almighty has performed on my life and my soul. The depths that I had sank into the rot of this world would shock the average man, and even scared a lot of people that were in the depths of the rot also. I have no choice now but to go forth and not allow my past to drag me down, but to use my experiences to strengthen myself every day while providing a living testimony to others as to how far down a person can go and emerge with a soul that is cleansed by the grace of God.

The events that began to occur almost immediately after Jesus Christ saved my soul continues to stop me in my tracks on a regular basis; it truly amazes me. It also speaks for itself that no one is too deep in this world that they may not be rescued from the depths of Hell on Earth, not as long as there is one breath of air left in them. I now have no enemies, and what I always thought were problems (mountains) in my life, seem now to be so miniscule that I find myself laughing them off in comparison as to how they used to drive myself into the depths of depression. I now look at life as a big picture with a sense of direction, for I have chosen to go forth with the help of God, and try to help others by sharing my past experiences in the depths of the world. By being as far down that I was, and so empty of life, I have developed a tremendous respect for life itself just over the past few weeks. There was always a little voice inside myself that told me that if I dedicated my life to serving the Lord, I would have nothing to do, and would be bored to death.

Well, let me say that now I barely have time for four or five hours sleep a day. My life is so full that I don’t even desire to sleep. I merely lay down upon the point of exhaustion in order to rest my body for a short while, so I may get up again and enjoy the blessings of life itself and help others understand the miracles that God can perform in these trying times. These changes may be hard for some people around me to comprehend and the reason may very well be that they have never experienced the true power of God. I pray now for those and hope that one day they may enjoy the same feelings that I have inside. There is nothing that God can’t do, his powers are limitless and I am shown that almost each and everyday.

This too, can happen for anybody and my greatest wish in life is that God will help me lead others in this direction.

May the grace of God go with each of you that I have given my inner thoughts to, and if there is ever anything that I may do for you, never hesitate, just call.


David Alexander


I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me. (Galations 2:20)

Faith Works...See?

My Testimony
