DeKalb County Hospice

DeKalb County Hospice

2727 Sycamore Road
DeKalb, Illinois
voice:815 756-3000
(24 hour phone service)

When a family member is diagnosed with a terminal illness,
there are so many questions, so much to do...
Hospice can help ! 
A life threatening illness effects not only the individual who is ill, but also family and friends.  DeKalb County Hospice offers support and practical help during those difficult times.

Services provided by Hospice staff and volunteers are available at no cost to the patient or family.  Hospice depends on donations of money, time, equipment. memorials, fundraising events, grants and membership dues.  Funding is also received from several United Ways, United Funds and special grants.

Residents of DeKalb County Illinois are eligible for hospice care regardless of age, sex, religion or national origin.

How do you get help ?  Simply call 815-756-3000.  The hospice director will call to assess needs, answer questions and set up an appointment to visit the family.
Referrals can be made by doctors, nurses, other medical professionals, family and friends.

Read about some of our support programs, as reported in the DeKalb Daily Chronicle:

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since August 25, 1999

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