I have recieved several awards and gifts already. I am very proud of all my awards and I thank everyone from the bottom of my heart for each of these awards. They really mean alot to me!!! Please take time to check out each of these sites, they are all beautiful. Just click on the award!
I recieved this award from Devona on Sept.4,1997.
Thank you Devona for the lovely gift.
Thank you to Caitlin for this lovely gift.
I recieved this award for finding all the angels at ~Art Angels site, click below and you can find them too!
I recieved this award from ~Art Angel on September 6, 1997.
I got this award from Annabella on September 7,1997.
This rose was a gift from a very good friend of mine. Thank you so much Andy!
Page 2 :Awards
Missy's Page*Larry's Page*Austin's Page*Kayla's Page*Grandaddy's Page*Friend's*Picture page*Pictures Page 2*Links*Webrings*Net Babies*Adopted Pets*Adopted Angels* Win My Award* Winners of My Award*My Awards*Awards Page2*Princess Diana Page*Special Dedication*
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