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Climb The Brances of My Family Tree

Welcome to my Genealogy Gorge. One of my favorite hobbies is to look up my family tree. I've been doing it for a little over 6 years now and have found out so much information.

If anyone can help me out on my search, or if I can help anyone out on there their search, I'll be more than glad to help. The family names that I'm researching are Smith, Spinks, Reeves, Chapman, and Rector. I only have a few links, including my son's page, so feel free to check them out.

Tommy, my son, is only 8 years old and started 3rd grade in August. He loves it. He'd go on weekends if he could!! Henry is my husband. He and I have our own computer business for system support, system design, and web sited design. So having the Internet helps a bunch on my genealogy research.

I found a distant relative on the Rector's side. Her name is Doreen McMurray (Michaels now). She lives in Kalispell, Montana (sort of a long way from here, I live in Glade Valley, North Carolina). We've sort of already met, via e-mail. We "write" to each other quite often.

I have a software called Family Tree Maker. If I can figure out how to intergrate it into HTML, I'll get it up here so I can share it and hopefully find a connection somewhere!

Well, I finally found something to put my family tree on the Internet! Visit my Family Gedcom file. Who knows, there might be a match! Maybe we might be able to help each other out.

I have a 'chapter' telling about Aras B. Cox, one of my ancestors. He had married Phoebe Edwards. If you would like to download it as a .pdf file, click here. When the page comes up, just click on the disk icon to save to your computer.

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