I would also advise you to visit Seeds Christian Tracts at their web page. You will find many more tracts there. They also have Illustrated Bible Teachings, Tracts for Downloading, and Tips for using the tracts. Also, please e-mail them at Seeds to thank them for their beautiful tracts.
1. Set the "page set-up" for your printer (usually under the edit menu) to print "landscape" (long ways) on a letter size piece of paper (8 1/2 X 11).
2. Click the "print" command on your web browser. You are going to print side A on one side and side B on the opposite side of the same piece of paper. Depending on your printer, you may have to manually feed the paper.
3. Fold the tract so that the cover is face-up (the cover is always the right panel on side A). There are several ways to fold the tract, just find the way that looks best to you!
4. Cut the page down the middle and you have two different tracts! Now get out and share the Word of God!!!
The Greatest Thing That Has Ever Been Done For You/side A
The Greatest Thing That Has Ever Been Done For You/side B
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