Michelle's Christian Music Home Page


Below are the Staff Members of this page. Michelle would like to issue a special thank-you to these staff members. These staff positions are strictly voluntary. Please show your thanks to these staff members by clicking on their name to visit their personal Home Page. I promise that you won't be disappointed. If you would like to volunteer for a staff position, please feel free to e-mail Michelle.

Owner and Creator

Michelle Rogers

I began this page on August 17, 1997. I am 27 and live in Alabama. You can view my Statement of Faith. I LOVE Christian Music! My ICQ number is 3332994 and my AOL Instant Messanger Screen Name is "MicheKnows". Please feel free to contact me through either of these methods.

Technician/Design Engineer


Note from Michelle:The Technician works to make the page look better and run smoothly. Will helps to program some of the pages on this site.


Anne Doucette

I'm 20 years old, and a Junior English Writing major at Rider University. At the top of my life is Jesus, and after that writing and music. I've been saved for almost 6 years now, and am a member of West Monmouth Baptist Church, in Freehold, NewJersey. My home page is the Cyber Coffeehouse, and I can be reached at LifeTone@hotmail.com or at LifeTone@aol.com.

Note from Michelle: If you have signed the guestbook on this site..you may have heard from Anne all ready. As the Greeter she personally visited the pages of those who had signed the guestbook. She signed their guestbooks if they have one. For those who do not have a web page and/or guestbook, she sendt an e-mail thanking them for stopping by. Anne has done a MARVELOUS job as Greeter! However, she is now starting school again and will not have as much time. Therefore, she is changing positions to write articles for the upcoming newsletter.


Jacob Garland

Note from Michelle: The Consultant is just what the name implies. I am trying some new programming ideas in some of the pages. Jacob answers questions for me and even helps to code some of the pages.

Guestbook Gopher and Greeter

Rachel Franklin

Note from Michelle: The Guestbook Gopher really has a fun job of seeking out various sites and signing the Guestbooks, leaving an invitation to come to this site. Also, because Anne is about to start school and won't have as much time, Rachel is going to be taking over the job of Greeter.

News Scout

Chris Franklin

Note from Michelle: The News Scout is "scouting" out news from the world of Christain Music and updating the news page. If you have any news that you feel should be posted on this page, please e-mail Chris and let him know.



Note from Michelle: Andytandy is going to be helping as a Greeter. I know that he's gonna do a GREAT job here on staff. :)


Dave Ahlgren

Me? I am in my late 30's :+) , married to a wonderful woman who loves God (Julia), and have been a Believer since 13 September, 1980. My first love is Jesus Christ, then Julia, then my two daughters and my little son. I am in the Air Force, and have lived many places; 9 years were in Europe. Currently I am working with and attending the Shaw AFB chapel in South Carolina. My home page is IP-Dave's Christian Resource Cyberworld, and I can be reached at my primary email address of david.ahlgren@usa.net, or ahlgrend@hotmail.com. I've done web sites for the AF, and write Bible Studies, Poetry, and a Scripture Memory program for Windows. One of my loves under Christ and family is writing, another is Contemporary Christian music. Ok, computers and the internet, too!

Note from Michelle: Dave will be writing, at least mainly, for the Online Christian Music Magazine. If you haven't all ready done so, you should go back to the index page and subscribe to the magazine to see Dave's articles. You can also find some REALLY good stuff on his web page.

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