Ride the Rapture Rail

The Rapture Rail is being created for a time in the future. In the not-so-distant future, the Church is about to be raptured. Only after reading the third book in Tim LaHaye's Left Behind series, did I begin to realize just how much of an impact the internet will probably have for God, even after the rapture has happened.

I remembered how I had heard that people are hiding bibles in the place the Jews will probably run to, so they will be able to find them at that time. And I began to think....there is so many good salvation pages on the internet....It would be nice if there was a way to guide people through them, even though we will be gone.

Because of that, I came up with the idea of a Rapture Rail web ring. Of course, the web ring will have to be set up now....before the rapture happens. Just like Noah had to build the ark, LONG before the first drop of rain fell.

My intention is for this Rapture Rail to link Christian web pages together in a way that people will be able to travel this Rail, and see all of this good information, after we are no longer around to update it. I know the "What's New" pages will be way out of date. But the most important part of the pages, the gospel message, will still be there. I understand that most of the free home page services will not take the pages down as long as they are receiving some visitors....some say they will never take them down once they are established.

My DREAM for this web ring would be to unite EVERY Christian web page on the internet....from the smallest with 20 or 50 visitors on the counter.....to the largest with several hundred thousand. So, when joining this ring, you should not only be intending to add the HTML code to your own page...but also to invite everyone you can think of to join, also. When visiting web pages and signing guestbooks, leave invitations for those web masters to join, also. It would be AWESOME to be able to link every Christian web site on the internet.

One more thought....this ring was not created for arguments or debates. To use the words of a famous song, "When it's said and done, it comes down to a man, dying on the cross, saving the world." THIS is the most important thing. I understand that some denominations/beliefs of Christianity hold that the Church will be around until the last minute....others believe that there will be absolutely no chance for those left behind. However, as I said, this was not created for arguments. If your belief negates the need for a Web Ring such as this one....And, if after careful prayer, God tells you that there is no need to join this web ring. Then, by all means, do not join. However, if on the other hand, after careful prayer, God instructs you to join, we will gladly welcome you. But in either case, there is no need for doctrinal disputes through this web ring. As long as the page exhibits the basic beliefs of: One God in three parts, the deity of Jesus, and salvation through no one but Jesus...the page will be welcomed. Minor doctrinal disputes between different Christian beliefs are not the important thing here...and are not to be disputed here. As a matter of fact, by the time this ring is serving its main purpose, many of those minor disputes will have been settled.

If you would like to join, please complete the following form. After you join, you should check your e-mail for the HTML code to "cut and paste" into a prominant position on your web page. Once the HTML code is in place, you can again return to this page to visit a page within the Rapture Rail and ask the web master/mistress to add you to the ring.

Submit site to The Rapture Rail
Owner's Name:
Site Title:
Site URL:

Please choose a password. (Don't forget it!!)
Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.
Description: Enter a short description of your site.

This is the way the code should look on your page
Ride the Rapture Rail
This ring has been created for a time to come. There will come a day when there will be multiple vanishings all over the world. Hundreds....thousands...even millions...will be gone....vanished...no one knows what happened. Or do they? If you are reading this and this event has happened, then YOU are one reason this ring was created. If you are confused and do not know where to turn or what to believe...this ring is for you. Follow this ring through the many web pages designed just for you. You will find one simple truth running throughout all of these web pages....Jesus loves you....Jesus died for you...and yes, He can still save you, if you'll call on Him.

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If you would like to leave invitations in guestbooks for other sites to join, you may make up your own, or leave code similar to the following in a guestbook. (Just "cut and paste", by clicking on View Source)

Ride the Rapture Rail
This ring has been created for a time to come. There will come a day when there will be multiple vanishings all over the world. Hundreds....thousands...even millions...will be gone....vanished...no one knows what happened. Or do they? If you are reading this and this event has happened, then YOU are one reason this ring was created. If you are confused and do not know where to turn or what to believe...this ring is for you. Follow this ring through the many web pages designed just for you. You will find one simple truth running throughout all of these web pages....Jesus loves you....Jesus died for you...and yes, He can still save you, if you'll call on Him.

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The Rapture Rail is an attempt to link all Christian web pages, everywhere, together on the internet, so that unbelievers left behind after the rapture can have a "guided tour" of the helpful Christian Pages on the internet.

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