LIVE Christian Radio

Is there no good Christian radio station in your area???

Don't worry!!

Here, you will find links to two live Christian radio stations from the internet.

The only thing is that you need to have Real Audio in your computer. Don't have that????? No problem! You can download it free from here. Just click on the logo. .

Once you have the Real Audio downloaded, you are ready to being listening. The good thing is that either of these radio stations will open in a separate Real Audio window, so you can continue browsing Michelle's Christian Music Home Page, or even other pages and the music will follow you, until you close the Real Audio window.

And now, the moment you've all been waiting for.....Here are the Radio Stations I have found...

This is a Southern Gospel radio station


These are Contemporary Christian radio stations
Air 1 Radio Network
This radio station says they are the best and FIRST Contemporary Christian Music Radio to be LIVE on the Internet.

Calvay Satellite Network (CSN) International

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