While "surfing" the 'net, I have found many varied views of biblical positions on certain issues. While I expect to write and post my own articles on some of these issues, I do agree with the position the Assemblies of God takes on these issues. So, I have created this page so that you can link directly to the Assembly of God position papers. These position papers, not only tell you where the Assemblies of God stands on these issues, but also gives you the scriptures used to arrive at that position. Just use the "back" button on your web browser to return to this page. Also, please feel free to e-mail me if you have any comments or questions.


The Inerrancy
of Scripture
Adopted May 1970


Born-Again Believers Be Demon Possessed?
Adopted May 1972


Divorce and
Adopted August 1973


Adopted August 20, 1974


The Ministry
of the Body of Christ
Adopted August, 21 1974


Discipleship and Submission Movement
Adopted August 17, 1976


Adopted August 17, 1976


Adopted August 17, 1976


and Responsibilities of Deacons and Trustees
Adopted August 17, 1976


The Doctrine
of Creation
Adopted August 15-17, 1977


The Security
of the Believer
Adopted August 21, 1978


Adopted August 14, 1979


Rapture of
the Church
Adopted August 14, 1979


The Believer
and Positive Confession
Adopted August 19, 1980


The Initial
Physical Evidence of the Baptism in the Spirit
Adopted August 18, 1981


A Biblical
Perspective on Gambling
Adopted August 10, 1983


Adopted August 6, 1985


A Biblical
Perspective on Abortion
Adopted August 6, 1985


The Kingdom
of God as Described in Holy Scripture
Adopted August 4, 1989


The Role of
Women in Ministry, as Described in Holy Scripture
Adopted August 1990


Theology of
Adopted 1993