02/20/98 04:19:58
Name: Eloise Schroder |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite Christian artist: where should I start! Carman, out of the Grey, Point of Grace, Avalon, Hillsongs, Steven curtis Chapman, Susan Ashton, Jaci Velasquez, Cindy Morgan.... the list goes on! |
Your favorite Christian song: at the moment... Never Be by Carman and Out of Eden |
Great page!! So much to see! I'll have to come back and check it out again, when I have a lot more time to do it with! Please check out my page, I love CCM and have a few links off it, and I'm putting up heaps about myself in the near future!

02/18/98 07:00:22
Nice Site. great resource, keep it up!

02/16/98 00:47:42
Name: zac |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite Christian artist: BTR |
Your favorite Christian song: WWJD |
02/15/98 05:25:11
Name: Sheila Belcher |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite Christian artist: Helen Baylor |
Your favorite Christian song: Total Praise |
02/13/98 03:25:19
Name: sabrina |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite Christian artist: Ray Boltz |
Your favorite Christian song: One drop of Blood |
I am serching for christian artists whose birthday is in Febuary. Mainly the one that sings the song with these lyrics... it was late one Friday afternoon if my mind serves me right ..take the crossroads its your best bet the ride may be a little rugged
but it will get you there trust me friend take the crossroads. If you have any idea please e-mail me back.
02/10/98 17:25:22
Name: Michael Cunningham |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite Christian artist: Bruce Carroll |
Your favorite Christian song: Chrous of Faith |
great site! Where does a single Christian man,
36, never married, find a woman of like interests who is equally yoked?
God Bless!
02/09/98 13:48:29
Name: IP-Dave |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite Christian artist: hmmm... Petra |
Your favorite Christian song: hmm. The Race - Michael Omartian |
Thot i'd sign here cause i don't know if'n i did already or no. From PA, now in Sumter, SC. Been working up my own www site with many, many music linx, my testimony, gospel, bible studies, poems, and more. Check it out! I've also applied as volunteer
riter. Waiting on ur eM... Been eM'g Anne D a lot lately; great heart for God!
IHS, Dave A.
02/08/98 17:11:08
Name: Krysten |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite Christian artist: Amy Grant |
Your favorite Christian song: Lord I Lift Your Name On High |
You've got a great page.It took me a while to find the guestbook,but I found it.Thanks for signing my guestbook.I have a link for you.My friend has a Christian site you might have been there it's h
re and if you like you could pass by my other page here
God Bless You,
02/06/98 07:45:08
Name: Jim Shivers |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite Christian artist: John Michael Talbot |
Your favorite Christian song: It Is Well With My Soul |
Great website!! Would like to see some music streams, just got Netscape Communicator and just discovering the web. All in all a well built site.
01/31/98 03:08:33
Name: Mrs. Darlene Pineiro |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite Christian artist: Rich Mullins, Jon Gibson, Out of the Grey |
Your favorite Christian song: Call on my Love by Jon Gibson |
I absolutely love God's music much better than anything the world has to offer. Thanks for putting great sites like this on the web to honor the Lord Jesus!
01/28/98 09:01:02
Name: Tom Mullins |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite Christian artist: Michael English |
Your favorite Christian song: Friends and Awesome God |
Great Page!!!

01/22/98 17:27:18
Name: John Clark |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite Christian artist: THE BLACKWOOD BROTHERS (Original) |
Your favorite Christian song: THE LIGHTHOUSE |
I would like to be added to your links. My site is about THE BIBLE OUTLINED. Thank you for your consideration of this request. God bless.
John Clark
01/21/98 20:59:34
01/21/98 20:56:54
I believe you will be adding information to your page about my son in the near future (next year or so). The Lord has really blessed him with a great voice which he has decided to use for God's glory.
Your page is fanstastic. I'm sure I will be back many times!! Thank-you for all of your effort and time:>)
01/21/98 20:30:30
Name: Greg Collver |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite Christian artist: ?? |
Your favorite Christian song: Jesus Lead On |
Not too familiar with any Christian artists yet, but will be hopefully!
01/20/98 10:38:20
Name: Dan Schuette |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite Christian artist: Amy Grant |
Your favorite Christian song: ?? |
JESUS, IS LORD ! The world needs to know that,,but they think HE's not. I made a webpage for HIM !! I have a webpage for me too,you might like too ! http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Heights/6158/
01/19/98 02:15:33
Name: Leah |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite Christian artist: Michael English :) |
Your favorite Christian song: too many to name! |
Hey, Michelle! I really hope it works this time! I've been trying to sign your guestbook since yesterday!
I just wanted to say THANK YOU for signing my guestbook! I really like your site. I've been here probably 3 or 4 times before, but I never signed your guestbook (what a hypocrite I am!)!
I like your banners and buttons! Who did you have make them for you? Or did you make them yourself? I'm asking because I want to get a banner for my page. A guy already made one for me, but he misspelled Michael's name, and I didn't want to bother him
again. If you could help me out, I would REALLY appreciate it!
Thanks again! God bless you!
01/19/98 00:42:25
Name: Karl G. |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite Christian artist: Jackie Velesquez (I'm not sure how to spell it) |
A favorite verse:
Isaiah 40:31
"But they that wait upon the Lord
shall renew their strength;
they shall mount up with wings as eagles;
they shall run, and not be weary;
and they shall walk, and not faint."
01/18/98 22:58:46
Name: Robin Sears |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite Christian artist: michael w smith |
great site keep up the good work.
I have come across a wonderful program that is long overdue to christians.a christian ISP void of pornographic sites. Isnt that wonderful.If you would be interested in reading more about this site.Please visit http://www.globalads.com/gfn-prelaunch/grate
God Bless
01/11/98 01:31:27
Name: Frances |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite Christian artist: Gaither |
Your favorite Christian song: Majesty |
What a God given site, to go into a site and see that people except the Lord because of it is great.Stop by and visit sometime when your not busy.God Bless you In His Love Frances
01/08/98 04:07:09
Name: Vicki |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite Christian artist: Bill Morris |
Your favorite Christian song: Anything he sings! |
Well are you happy now!
It is a great page.....your so smart!
Love Ya,
01/06/98 05:19:01
01/05/98 00:45:55
Name: Anne Doucette |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite Christian artist: Cindy Morgan (for now) |
Your favorite Christian song: Because He Lives (the hymn) as of now |
Really love your page. Duh. and figured I'd sign, acknowledge marching orders, etc.. Hm, I'll E you. God bless!
12/30/97 19:22:11
Name: Jackie Walker |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite Christian artist: Michael English |
Your favorite Christian song: There Is A Love |
This is a great site. Keep up the good work.
12/30/97 15:40:37
Name: Amber |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite Christian artist: Jars of Clay |
Your favorite Christian song: Crazy Times |
no comment except HI.
12/19/97 01:12:47
Name: Stephen |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite Christian artist: Carman |
Your favorite Christian song: No Monsters and Bite The Dust |
Hi Mommy, I have a webpage now! I am going to add more stuff to my webpage sometime. I was just going to say I have a webpage.
12/19/97 00:40:49
12/18/97 06:47:43
Reciban bendiciones del Señor Jesús!; es mi deseo invitarles a visitar la página del Ministerio Evangelistico El Reino de Dios; encontrara artículos y enseñanzas Bíblicas con respecto a la oración, sanidad, lucha espiritual, etc. También se pueden dejar p
didos de oración por enfermos y necesitados. "Porque nada hay imposible para Dios." (Lucas 1:37).
Solo haga un click en el banner para visitarnos.
Evangelista Carlos Devetac.
12/17/97 08:48:04
Name: Tom Mullins |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite Christian artist: Carmen |
Your favorite Christian song: In Christ Alone |
God Bless! Very Cool Site! Keep up the good Work.
12/16/97 08:07:55
Name: Rich Anderson |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite Christian artist: Michael English |
Your favorite Christian song: Through The Open Door |
Great page! Link mine if you get time! And check out my guestbook....Signed by Mark Lowry!
12/13/97 21:49:56
Name: Will |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite Christian artist: changes every so often |
I LOVE your web site! I also love seeing how much effort you put into it just for the sake of Jesus! I love it!
12/13/97 20:32:27
Name: Janet Nicholas |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite Christian artist: Gary Shelton |
Your favorite Christian song: Yahweh |
Thanks for visiting my Geocities homepage. Your page is very nice. Haven't had a chance to look around yet. There is so much to see! Keep up the good work.

12/10/97 02:02:29
Name: Ann-Christin |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite Christian artist: Ron Kenoly |
Your favorite Christian song: God is able |
You have made a great website, I enjoyed my visit here, and I'll come back often. It's great to see that you are not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ! Keep up the good work and God bless!
12/09/97 12:49:08
Name: Dave (Scoop0901) |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite Christian artist: Steve Green |
Your favorite Christian song: People Need the Lord |
check out my homesite, Michele
it would be terrific to see you there!!!
12/09/97 12:42:40
Name: Dave (Scoop0901) |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite Christian artist: Steve Green |
Your favorite Christian song: People Need the Lord |
check out my homesite, Michele
it would be terrific to see you there!!!
12/09/97 12:39:58
Name: Dave (Scoop0901) |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite Christian artist: Steve Green |
Your favorite Christian song: People Need the Lord |

12/05/97 19:05:58
Name: Michelle Palu |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite Christian artist: Ray Boltz |
Your favorite Christian song: Thank you for giving to the Lord |
Hi Michelle! I love your home page I so glad I came and checked it out. You've been book marked!
Stop by and visit mine when you get a chance and please sign my guest book. Blessings to you. In His Love......Michelle
12/01/97 11:50:29
Name: Dave (Scoop0901) |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite Christian artist: Steve Green |
Your favorite Christian song: This Little Child |
Great site! Keep up the good work, Michelle!!
11/30/97 02:12:12
Name: Doug |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite Christian artist: ummmm.....all of 'em!! =Þ |
Your favorite Christian song: Sometimes Step by Step |
Howdy Michelle...gee, nice start...when are you REALLY gonna get going on this page? (hehehe). No, really...you're doing an awesome job. Looks great!! Hope to talk to ya soon! *hoping*
11/29/97 20:55:04
Name: Jefferson Kameo |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite Christian song: Joy To the World |
I am proud to have Jesus.
11/26/97 20:46:26
Love the site. I had added a link on my site to yours.
11/19/97 00:33:21
Name: Don (Top) |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite Christian artist: Amy Grant |
Your favorite Christian song: The House That Mercy Built (POG) |
I'm Sir DJ's brother and found your page through his webpage.
Hope to get to talk to you. I am also a Christian and enjoyed your page.
11/18/97 00:33:01
Name: fabien |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite Christian artist: ron kenoly |
Your favorite Christian song: god is able |
I enjoyed browsing your site. You did an excellent work!!!
fabien zinga-kanza

11/18/97 00:32:10
Name: fabien |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite Christian artist: ron kenoly |
Your favorite Christian song: god is able |
I enjoyed browsing your site. You did an excellent work!!!
fabien zinga-kanza

11/15/97 22:48:41
Name: Jill Bondurant |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite Christian artist: Don't have one |
Your favorite Christian song: Hymn: When We All Get To Heaven |
Enjoyed your site. I'm not much into contemporary Christian music...prefer the old time hymns, and classical music, but you organized everything well, though it did take a while to load. Keep up the good work.

11/15/97 07:32:38
Great to see Christians online, great to see young people living for the Lord ! Hope every one reading this will seek the face of God .That sin will be turned away from our children and grand kids .turn the hearts of our nation and the hearts of our worl
to that which is right in the sight of God .Forgive us Father ! Lord save our children ! put a fire in them, a determination that they will not go on down the road this world is headed ! But stand in their Day and let the world see Jesus in them !to make
known to this generation" God is not dead "!
11/14/97 14:37:40
Name: Dwight Chaffin |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite Christian artist: Evie |
Your favorite Christian song: Amazing Grace |
you have a fantastic web site. I like the way you minister through a quality presentation of the nuts and bolts of the internet pages. May I talk with you more about using some of your graphics?
Dwight Chaffin
11/03/97 00:32:09
Name: Satomi Fujikawa |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite Christian artist: Point of Grace, Newsboys, and everyone else |
Your favorite Christian song: Keep the Candle Burning |
I really enjoyed your page! Especially with all the things to look at. Keep the candle burning!
11/03/97 00:28:21
Name: Satomi Fujikawa |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite Christian artist: Point of Grace, Newsboys, and everyone else |
Your favorite Christian song: Keep the Candle Burning |
I really enjoyed your page! Especially with all the things to look at. Keep the candle burning!
10/30/97 19:23:49
10/29/97 17:50:19
Name: Cheryl |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite Christian artist: all southern gospel artist |
Your favorite Christian song: all southern gospel songs |
Hi...I really enjoyed your site. Do you live in PC? I husband was raised around and went to school with Selena Grant. We knew her before and after she gave her life to the Lord. She is really a blessing to be around. My page is nothing compared to yo
rs, but I working on a new one in geocities.
10/29/97 17:50:17
Name: Cheryl |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite Christian artist: all southern gospel artist |
Your favorite Christian song: all southern gospel songs |
Hi...I really enjoyed your site. Do you live in PC? I husband was raised around and went to school with Selena Grant. We knew her before and after she gave her life to the Lord. She is really a blessing to be around. My page is nothing compared to yo
rs, but I working on a new one in geocities.
10/27/97 05:41:02
Name: Amos and ruth hare |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite Christian artist: kingsmen |
Your favorite Christian song: Amazing Grace |
You have done a wonderful job.I enjoyed my visit.
Come visit our site and sign our book if you dont mind thanks. love in christ.
10/25/97 10:23:54
Name: Rob Corner |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite Christian artist: Steve Grace |
Your favorite Christian song: Great Southland |
Cool site Michelle
Congrats & God bless
10/22/97 02:54:33
Name: Tracy |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite Christian artist: Point of Grace |
Your favorite Christian song: Ky Rose by Micheal W. Smith |
Please everyone come visit me. It's my first homepage!!!!!
10/22/97 00:26:30
Name: Michael Carroll |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite Christian artist: Third Day |
Your favorite Christian song: Stone was rolled away (Three Crosses) |
You should add a top ten list.
Thanks, Mike <><
10/18/97 09:35:27
Name: Keirstenna Starr |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite Christian artist: Plumb |
Your favorite Christian song: "In the Light"- DC Talk |
I just wanted to let you know I enjoyed your site
emensely and would like to add it to my own
christian music website at http://www.geocites.com/RainForest/Vines/5009.
10/17/97 11:06:20
Name: Marie |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite Christian artist: Many |
Your favorite Christian song: Amazing grace |
yup Tis me agin hope have time to finish this.
Its my eldest daughters name.
I must go ta! ever so agin your site just ''BLEW ME AWAY, I WILL SEND E-MAIL REGARDS YOUr MUSIC
10/17/97 10:45:41
Name: Marie |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite Christian artist: top of my head cliff richard came to mind as he is in a show here now, but I have heaps of aussie ones too :)) |
Your favorite Christian song: "Amazing Grace" for deep personal reasons! |
G'day Gosh I am so sorry I was in such a hurry to sign your book afore I got cut off I missed your name, I will pop back tomorrow for sure my dear :) as am having a ball today looking at Christian sites like yours WOW!! I didn't realize there were so many
GREAT!! STuff for "Our Lord" hey :)
It has been really nice going for a "WALK ABOUT"
on your site. shame not had a good look see yet to comment more on your work but what I saw is TERRIFIC LASS KEEP IT UP HEY! these days I sign guest books first due to ISP problems
& getting cut OFF without warning . SO! am looking forward to the
rest of my journey. So many webbers put so much work into their
creation its nice when some one recognizes ones effort, so keep up
the great work. I do hope you will stop on by and visit my far away
little :) corner of the world "DOWN UNDER" God Bless you & all.
Marie xoxoxo Alias "RECYLED TEENAGER " :) :)

10/16/97 14:01:44
Name: ilive4theking |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite Christian artist: Jars of Clay |
Your favorite Christian song: Overjoyed |
Hello! While surfing guestbooks, I came across your page. You have a nice page -- I am glad I surfed on! J

10/15/97 12:05:55
Name: Lawrence Bobo |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite Christian artist: Barbie Bobo |
Your favorite Christian song: Your Refuge |
I'm married to Barbie and my prayer is to have her music to reach others around the world who need hope and inspiration.
Please visit our home page and go to AUDIONET to listen(it's mono but you will get the idea of her Christmas album).
We do have Barbie's two albums for sale.
10/15/97 06:28:14
Name: Troy and Judy |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite Christian artist: Kim Hill |
Your favorite Christian song: Only One You |
Love your website! We have our own site and would like to link it to yours. You have a wonderful ministry here, and I can see it is very popular. We will be back again and again to see the new features! God Bless!
10/15/97 02:17:08
Nice web site. Please come visit mine.
10/14/97 22:16:29
Name: Jim Mangum |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite Christian artist: Geoff Moore |
Your favorite Christian song: The Vow |
Hi Michelle,
Great page, we love music also, God is using music
to reach people everyday. To sing praises to God
is the most repeated command in the Bible. It is
also the most enjoyable ( for me especially )!!!
God Bless you and your family,
10/14/97 03:18:40
Name: Tracy |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite Christian artist: Point of Grace |
Your favorite Christian song: Kentucky Rose by MWS |
Hi Michelle. This is Tracy. Doug told you a little bit about me and what I am going through rigth now. I hope that you will Email me with some words of wisdom and hope. Thanks!
Love in the Lord,
Jer 29:11
10/10/97 23:25:51
Name: Diane Crider |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite Christian artist: What If I Stumble by Jesus Freak |
Your favorite Christian song: There are so many good ones it is hard to pick just one |
What a wonderful page you have...keep up the good work
10/10/97 18:51:06
Name: Doug Bullen |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite Christian artist: Rebecca St. James/Rich Mullins |
Your favorite Christian song: Carry Me High/Sometimes Step by Step |
Hi Michelle...Your page is really GREAT! Sorry it took me so long to get here :) And remember:

10/08/97 16:11:23
Name: Priscilla |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite Christian artist: Harvest |
Your favorite Christian song: You are my Lord |
I love your page!!!! God bless and guide you daily.
10/02/97 19:57:38
Name: Scott |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite Christian artist: Big Tent Revival |
Your favorite Christian song: Friends and RSJ-God |
Great page. I really like what you've done with it. I have alot of music links on my page, so if you're interested, please check them out. In addition, if any Christian Singles are reading this, my page focuses on you, so please feel free to check it o
10/02/97 18:56:25
Name: Pat Stevenson |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite Christian artist: Michael English |
Your favorite Christian song: I bowed on my knees and cried holy |
I really like your web page -- I'm looking forward to viewing some of the videos and listening to some of the audios. I'm also excited at seeing the growing support for Michael English and his ministry (God gave him that beautiful voice for His Glory and
that is Michael's ministry -- to share his voice whenever he can -- and also to carry the message of God's wonderful grace and unfailing love.)
10/02/97 18:55:08
Name: Pat Stevenson |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite Christian artist: Michael English |
Your favorite Christian song: I bowed on my knees and cried holy |
I really like your web page -- I'm looking forward to viewing some of the videos and listening to some of the audios. I'm also excited at seeing the growing support for Michael English and his ministry (God gave him that beautiful for His Glory and that
s Michael's ministry -- to share his voice whenever he can -- and also to carry the message of God's wonderful grace and unfailing love.)
10/01/97 01:26:11
Name: Sheila |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite Christian artist: Michael English |
Your favorite Christian song: In Christ Alone |
1st time visiting your page. It looks great. My husband and I attended the Michael English concert in Charleston, IL concert on 9/27 -- the first time we've seen him since,,,, you know when. Boy I love his voice!
09/30/97 22:06:31
Name: Elton Smith |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite Christian artist: not sure |
Your favorite Christian song: Magnify the Lord |
Interesting page. I listen to Christian radio, but sometimes I am concerned that it is getting too commercialized. I write Christian music, mostly for churches to sing, but some could be used in popular music. Be sure to hear a few songs at my web site
God bless. Yours in Christ, Elton
09/29/97 01:48:35
Name: Stephen |
My URL: Visit Me |
Your favorite Christian artist: Carman |
Your favorite Christian song: No Monsters |
I like your web page, Mommy! I wish I had one too.
09/28/97 20:04:58
Name: Marilyn |
My URL: Visit Me |
Your favorite Christian artist: Crystal Lewis |
Your favorite Christian song: The Lion and the Lamb |
09/27/97 23:17:20
Name: Amanda |
My URL: Visit Me |
Your favorite Christian artist: Crystal Lewis |
Your favorite Christian song: "People Get Ready" |
Hallelujah!! You did a great job Cousin Michelle! Too bad I don't have the internet so that I can keep up with your page and even have one of my own.
09/24/97 17:36:18
Name: Jamie (RA-DEC) |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite Christian artist: Ray Boltz |
Your favorite Christian song: Lamb of God (Twila Paris) |
Thank you Michelle for helping me through a troubling time. God is using you in a clean and pure way. I'm glad we met. Great site too!In Jesus Precious nameJamie (RA-DEC)
09/23/97 07:23:44
Name: Rachel Hepner |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite Christian artist: Rich Mullins |
Your favorite Christian song: Step by Step |
Great page Michelle
09/22/97 01:35:17
Name: Kristina |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite Christian artist: Steven Curtis Chapmen |
Your favorite Christian song: " It's My Turn Now " |
Your page is totally awsome.....I'm a very religious 15 year old and i love Christian music it ROCKS.... I couldn't hear the music on your page...Just thought i'd let you know and there's one more thing....STEVEN CURTIS CHAPMEN RULES!!! Sorry I had to ge
that out of my system...Your page is awsome....I will keep Rich Mullins family in my prayers keep up the good work...
Your Christian Friend,
09/19/97 23:55:56
Name: Becky |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite Christian artist: Point of Grace |
Your favorite Christian song: God Forbid |
This is an awesome page. You have done a good job
on it. Keep up the good work. :-)
09/16/97 14:36:42
keep praising the Lord for He is worthy to be Praised!!!!!
09/12/97 13:02:45
Name: Michael Adams |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite Christian artist: too many good ones to chose just one |
Your favorite Christian song: Again, too many, but check out Favorite Song of All, by Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir,title name of CD |
I am glad to see someone using the internet for something more, for His higher purpose, instead of just idle chat, entertianment, or business. Thank you for all your efforts Michelle. God will bless you for all your work here. He is great and his love for
us is great. We all need to follow your example and set out to share the good news with the world, to be His lights shining through the darkness that is this world.
Lord Jesus, please give Michelle, myself and all who read from this web page the inspiration to do the work you have planned for us, for the glory, honor, and praise of our heavenly Father. It is in your beautiful and powerful name Jesus that I pray. Amen
09/12/97 00:25:48
Name: Christopher |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite Christian artist: none |
Your favorite Christian song: Amazing Grace (the old version) |
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I disagree with this.... yes you are bringing His message to others which is good.... but you are doing much worse by bringing Satan into your home and website! Think about it!
09/11/97 21:00:35
Name: kelly |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite Christian artist: DC Talk |
Your favorite Christian song: Jesus Freak |
Great page, keep up the enlightening work!
09/10/97 21:37:11
Name: Julia |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite Christian artist: Newsboys |
Your favorite Christian song: "What if I Stumble" by DC Talk |
You have a great page. I love listening to christian music. It calms me down so well after I've had a bad time.
09/10/97 14:38:50
Name: Deanna Irwin |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite Christian artist: There are so many |
Your favorite Christian song: too many to name |
Great start. I'm looking forward to seeing what you make of this page...
09/09/97 21:38:21
Name: Tifarah |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite Christian song: Rock of Ages |
Wow..you've done a lot of work for such a young site. It's looking very good...keep up the great work!
09/09/97 14:45:53
Hello again Michelle--for some reason we couldn't reply to your e-mail requesting a link to our site-(keeps getting returned to us)--but please feel free to make a link to our tract printing site--we have added your homepage to our list of links as well--
od bless you--Joe and Laura
09/09/97 13:46:07
Name: Joe--from Seeds Tracts |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite Christian song: Arise And Be Healed |
God bless your new website, Michelle!The Lord has told us that the internet is fertile soil in which to sow seeds--we're praying for you!
09/07/97 05:31:15
Name: David |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite Christian artist: Not sure |
Your favorite Christian song: Ditto |
This link is to the my church page on what we believe. Check it out. I sent it 'coz of what I saw on your 'statement of faith' page. :-)
09/07/97 05:33:41
Name: David |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite Christian artist: Not sure |
Your favorite Christian song: Ditto |
Hey, so I checked it out. It's really good. I'll be back here often. So, you surf through guestbooks like me ey? :-) See ya 'round...
09/05/97 14:00:55
Name: Jill |
My URL: Visit Me |
Your favorite Christian song: El Shaddai |
Nice job so far. You should embed a midi into your first page since it is primarily a music site. Found you through the Jesus Saves webring, which I just joined. God bless!
09/05/97 10:20:43
your page is great:) It seems you have a little bit of everything to offer:)
I am sure I will revisit the page..God Bless you:)
09/03/97 02:37:59
Name: knock |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite Christian artist: Newsboys |
Your favorite Christian song: Breakfast |
Great work, Michelle! I am also a big fan of Christian music. I am a bigger fan of the one that makes Christian music so great--Jesus! God Bless you always, my cyber-sis. Knock.
08/30/97 18:13:48
Name: Alejandro Selin |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite Christian artist: Amy Grant |
I love Christian music!!!

08/29/97 21:45:22
Name: Christopher D. Mims |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite Christian artist: Dottie Peoples |
Your favorite Christian song: Near The Cross |
For someone just starting out making a web page, you have done yourself good. I know as you progress, that you will add more interesting things to your web site. Keep up the good work. God bless you ALWAYS!!!!
08/29/97 02:34:05
Name: Scott Burnham |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite Christian artist: Audio Adrenaline |
Your favorite Christian song: Good People |
Great PaGe. I like the the new title
08/28/97 06:35:02
08/28/97 06:28:16
08/27/97 06:26:44
Name: Matt Wagner |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite Christian artist: Michael W Smith |
Your favorite Christian song: Nothing at all - Third Day |
May the Lord guide you, May he go before you to show you the way, May he go behind you encourage you, above you to watch over you, and within you to give you peace...
08/26/97 21:14:33
Name: Scotty Grissom |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite Christian artist: Church of Rhythm |
Your favorite Christian song: Where is God |
Cool page. :Þ
08/25/97 06:39:59
A couple CCM URLs for you: :-)
The Kry
Geoff Moore and the Distance
Rebecca St. James
CCM Online
More on my web site. :-)
08/25/97 06:33:21
Name: Jason Sanborn |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite Christian artist: The Kry |
Your favorite Christian song: I Believe It (The Kry) |
This is a good CCM site, and I can tell it has the potential to be much greater (as you develop it). Keep developing the site for the Glory of Him who set us free.
God Bless.
Jason Sanborn
(II Timothy 4:17-18)
08/20/97 13:42:07
08/20/97 13:37:36
08/19/97 19:48:00
Name: Sharon Lyles |
My URL: Visit Me |
Your favorite Christian artist: Carman |
Your favorite Christian song: All |
I love your page. It is very well done. Please correct spelling of "CONCERT". :-)
08/17/97 20:49:46
Name: Kevin |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite Christian artist: none |
Your favorite Christian song: We are an Easter People |
Hi, my name is Kevin. I have been asked to represent these webpages.
http://members.tripod.com/~kevinascott/map.html - Please visit my website.
http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Prairie/9904/index.html - My other Website
http://ccweb.com/creator/kidspages/9605555.html - Visit my brother's webpage!
08/17/97 15:35:19
Name: Elaine |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite Christian artist: Michael English |
Your favorite Christian song: "Friends" |
I'll be back to visit soon to see what else you've done!
08/17/97 04:27:08
Name: Michelle |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite Christian artist: Carman |
Your favorite Christian song: too many to decide |
I just wanted to be the first to sign my own Guestbook. I guess I also wanted to make sure that everything was working okay. Thanks for reading. Now, you sign, too.
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