Michael English - Gospel ...  This is Michael English's first new release since returning to Christian Music.  As with any Michael English CD, we are sure that you will find it to be excellent!  It should be in stores all ready.  Just look for it under 'Michael English'

Michael English began his career as an unknown, finally getting a break with a Gospel singing group, The Singing Americans. Once he was discovered by Bill Gaither, Michael English's singing career grew by "leaps and bounds". Michael English quickly became a household name, at least in the Christian Music genre. Suddenly Michael English had gone from an unknown to someone who needed a U-Haul trailer to carry home all his Dove Awards for the night. People of all ages loved to listen to Michael English, because Michael English had the ability to sing any style of music and sing it well. It seemed like Michael English was the king of Christian Music and many newcomers were trying to sound "just like Michael English". Then came the fateful day when Michael English's world came crashing down. It seemed that the Christian Music industry would never again hear the name, "Michael English". By tearing down Michael English and his ministry, Satan thought he had won a major battle and kept thousands of souls from being saved. And for 4 long years, many people continued to think that way. However, one day Michael English reappeared to tell the world

I'd rather have Jesus than anything this world affords today.

With these words, Michael English now spreads a message around the world. His message is that it doesn't matter what you've doesn't matter where you've been, Jesus is waiting right there. Michael English speaks from his own experience when he tells us how easy it is to take your eyes off Jesus for one second and find yourself somewhere you never dreamed you would be. But Michael English also speaks from his own experience when he tells us that it is just as easy to ask Jesus to forgive us and to receive that forgiveness instantly. And now, I know that Satan must be banging his head against something because when Michael English speaks from his own experiences, people listen. And when Michael English speaks from his own experiences, people respond. So, while we all wish this never would have happened.....Once again, God has worked a bad situation out for good. Because Michael English responded with a repentant heart, when God called him, hundreds and thousands are now responding to God, with their own repentant hearts, after hearing what Michael English has to say. It reminds us of the song, There's not a victory without a fight. There's not a sunrise without a night. There's not a purchase without a cost. And there's not a crown without a cross.

The steps of a righteous man are ordered by the Lord, though he fall, he shall NOT be utterly cast down, for the Lord upholds him with His hand...

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This would be a picture of Michael English's Gospel CD This Michael English Web Ring site is owned by
Michelle Rogers.

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