Concert - Enterprise, Alabama
July 9, 1999

The concert with Kirk Talley in Enterprise, Alabama was awesome! The crowd was low. This was a "rush" concert and there had only been about a week to publicize. But Kirk acted no different than he would if the building had been packed.

After opening numbers by *grins* myself (Michelle) and Matt Gingery, Kirk took the stage with a song called, Look Up. It was a lively song that truly did have everyone "looking up" by the end of the song.

He continued the concert alternating between new and old songs.

I have to admit that this was my very first Kirk Talley concert. I had seen some concerts or parts of concerts with "The Talleys" on television. And I had even seen Kirk sing a song or two by himself on television. But I was totally unprepared for a solo concert experience with Kirk Talley.

Kirk expertly weaves humor (sometimes hysterical humor) , worship, and ministry into one awesome package. There are very few who could come close to the quality of his outstanding tenor voice. But at the same time, he is willing to allow God to move in whatever way he chooses.

Being in the deep south, of course one person in the audience asked him to sing a song called, "Two Glasses of Buttermilk"? I have to admit that even though we were at my home, I had no idea what this song was. Kirk apologized for not knowing that song. BUT...if you ever hear of a new Kirk Talley song called, "Two Glasses of Buttermilk"'ll know where it came from. *smiles*

Speaking of.....Kirk told us a story of how a couple sent him a fruit cake one Christmas. He doesn't like fruitcake, but thanked them for the gift anyway. Maybe because he thanked them, the couple now sends him a fruit cake every Christmas. He said, "I always get a fruit cake on December 15th neighbors always get a fruit cake on December 16th" *GRINS* But now, Kirk has a song, called The Fruitcake Song, which will be recorded on his new Christmas CD to be released, which will be called, Talley Ho, Ho, Ho. This is the cutest little song that says, "What am I gonna do with a fruitcake."

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