Christian Network
ICQ Chat Room
Christian Network has chosen ICQ as the preferred method of communication between its members. ICQ empowers members with a means to chat whenever they like and enables them to share ideas, discuss similar interests or anything else. We encourage all members to get ICQ and join our ICQ Public Chat Room. We will be conducting conference chats to discuss Jesus, the Bible, and Christian Music. All interested in joining our discussions are invited.

Chat Room's Information:
  NAME:   Christian Network
  CATEGORY:   Personal Interest
  DESCRIPTION:   Discuss Christian topics
  ICQ#:   3372509
ChatMaster's Information:
  NICK NAME:   Michelle
  REAL NAME:   Michelle
  ICQ#:   3332994
  E-MAIL:   ChatMaster's E-Mail
  ASSOCIATED LIST:   Associated ICQ Users List (if any)

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You can ICQ-Page the owner of this web page as well as other users or you can EmailExpress him right from here with no additional software. Your message will be instantly delivered. If the user is online, the message will popup on her screen if she is offline it will be stored and forwarded to her as soon as he connects to the internet. Installing the ICQ client will enable you to know if your peers are online and communicate directly with them, join chat rooms and receive ICQ paging and EmailExpress directly to your screen.