Welcome Ladies

Ladies, welcome to our very own Morrison page just for us !!
My name is Theodora Gilmour, but on the net I am called Lady Theodora . I thought you would like to have a page of our own where we can gather to discuss the really important things in life: our homes , food , our children, and of course last but not least, our MEN hehehe. Here is a place we can come to share all the things that make our life complete. I want you to let me know the kinds of things you want in this room so this will be your place too. I have just completed a recipe page Click here to go there. I know there are some great Morrison cooks out there . So please send me your favorite recipes so I can post them. Keep in mind the coming holidays so we can all share our favorite holiday recipes. Also I thought we might consider haveing a "childrens' section" where we can share our tips with how to survive trips to the Scottish Festivals with our children and still have fun :-) You know any of those wonderful ideas you have for keeping the little ones happy too.

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Lady Theodora , David Gilmour

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