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Clan Morrison Society of North America


Eight centuries ago a Norse ship struggled in heavy seas off the Scottish island of Lewis. A proud Kintyre noblewoman named Lauon stood on the deck cradling her new-born infant son, Gillemorrie, in her arms while her husband, Olaf the Black, shouted orders to the crew. Despite his Herculean efforts the ship foundered. Olaf, Lauon and their son plunged into the frigid waters and clung to a piece of driftwood floating near their sinking vessel. Fortune smiled upon the stoic trio, and they were deposited safe but wet upon the stony Lewis shore.

Lauron married Olaf in 1214 and bore him one child (Gillemorrie). The fact that she was a cousin german to Olaf's first wife was unacceptable to the church. Bishop Reginald of the Isles declared their relationship incestuous and nullified the marriage, thereby rendering her son illegitimate in the eyes of the church.

Gillemorrie, upon achieving manhood, married the last heiress of the Igaa (also known as as the Clan Gow). She held the stronghold of Pabbay Castle near Harris as her birthright. It was from this union that the Clan Morrison sprang. The strong influence of the Celt and the Norse forged the clan into a gaelic clan of the Hebridies. Two distinct branches evolved; the Morrisons of Harris and the Morrisons of Lewis. The Morrison of Lewis established a Dun or fortress named Dun Eistein on the northern tip of the island. The Lewis Morrisons gave rise to ten generations of brieves (hereditary judges) which held sway over the outer Hebridean islands until 1613. This branch of the family vanished from the pages of history following the issuance of "Letters of Fire and Sword" on August 28, 1616.

In 1226 Olaf the Black became King of Man and the Isles. His third wife Christiana (daughter of Ferquhar, Earl of Ross), gave birth to Leod, the progenitor of the Clan Macleod. The Morrisons of Harris became the hereditary armourers of the MacLeods.

They say three times the charm well I hope this is true as this is my third try at a guest book so hope this one works. Thank you for your patience. Lady Theodora
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