Gypsy Rose Welcome

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Welcome to your personal designer site.

I believe that a background set should say about about who you are.

When I visited your site and saw all the wonderful things you had done and said with my awards, I wanted to thank you.

I could have said just "Thank You!!" but I wanted to make it a special thank you. I knew exactly how to say thanks when I saw your site. You needed a designer site with custom graphics to show all of who you are. That is what is here......
Pieces of you on every page with a set made for that page.

All sets have been made especially for you with your name in the border as well as the welcome banner.
This page is not the real index page.
I just wanted to make sure that you understood how this is set up.
The real index page is presently called"index1.html"
It is the same as your original page but with these graphics.

The drop down menu will show you all the site
as I did not put in the complete URL.
On your index1.html page, the complete URL is put in and is your original URL page.

Hope you like it *S*

This is your new calling card.


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This page last updated on May 13, 1999

Lady Care's Logo

Graphics designed and copyrighted by Lady Care.
This set was especially created for Gypsy Rose's Garden.
Please do not take any of the set or the graphic without permission.
Thank you for respecting the copyright laws.

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