Hello and thanks for signing my guestbook! I'll be by your site to return the favor very soon. Have a wonderful day!

Conan Crocker - 11/21/00 04:33:17
My URL:http://www.corecomm.net/~crocker/homepage.html

We named our son, who was born on April 19, 2000, Camon Dean. I was interested to find that there was another Camon out there. Our Camon can be seen at the provided url.

Recruiter Blazer - 11/09/00 02:10:58
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/country/myfriends/
My Email:ladyblazer@therumbles.net

You have a lovely site and I would like to invite you to join us at The Rumbles... http://www.therumbles.net/

Rachel Boniface - 11/05/00 23:46:23
My Email:rbladybug@hotmail.com

Debby! Your site is truly wonderful..It touches your soul...it touched mine. I'm so glad I came across your site.

mommylady - 10/24/00 23:03:09
My URL:http://come.to/NanasAngels
My Email:tkadams@flash.net

Wow it's been a long time! Enjoyed stopping in and am popping over to your other site, Debby's Things now :-) Take care!

JoAnn Ellis - 08/20/00 04:31:15
My URL:/ellisj00/reliv.html
My Email:ellisj00@yahoo.com

What a wonderful site you have here. Keep up the good work! JoAnn

Igor - 04/26/00 13:27:15
My Email:garry@ntl.ru

Hello, Debby ! I am glad, that could write to you hallo! How are You ? How are Your HusBand ?Sincerely Yours Igor Tebeykin (ICQ 22988034 Garry)

Genish Terry - 03/28/00 09:04:56
My URL:http://www.genishenterprises.com

Hi! I came across your wonderful site, while I was in the process of viewing one of Oprah Winfrey's many website. Since you were linked to one of her sites, I decided to take a little peep. You have a great site! God bless you!!!

tukanuska - 03/10/00 00:28:37
My URL:http://www.diggetydankgifts.twoffice.com
My Email:tukanuska@aol.com

Aho, You have great site! I'm new at this and I need your opinions. I want my site to also show my intentions are from my Heart.By the people for the people. I have a large Native Family and I don't always have the time to spend helping my Family.This is why my site is being developed, to allow me more time to h lp my Family with ceramony. And there lives.Please take a moment to visit my site(custom orders page)and share your opinion. Thank you. http://www.diggetydankgifts.twoffice.com I am also looking for a translation for the word (Tukanuska).any help would be grateful aho.

Joe Hammond - 02/19/00 05:46:18
My URL:http://www.joehammond.com/
My Email:joehogg@earthlink.net

I like your page and your greyhounds. Would you post me to the Greyhound Ring? I need some one to add me to there ring box. My ID is 283 and my URL is http://www.joehammond.com/ Please let me know if you will and thanks. Oh and let me know what you t ink of my site. Joe and the Boys

Trevina - 12/20/99 05:02:36
My URL:/Petsburgh/Zoo/1224
My Email:iluvdogs@swbell.net

Hi, sis. I just wanted to let you know that I visited your wonderful site. You have really done a great job. Keep up the good work and drop by for a visit. I also wanted to tell you that my wonderful dog, Dixie, is in Santanna's Millennium Dog 2000 Co test and would appreciate you voting for her. The contest runs Dec.1-Dec.31

Vote for Dixie
Vote for Dixie

Meet Dixie, she is a pound puppy rescue and Parvo survivor

11/14/99 11:12:33
Name: Free For Chat My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing and came accross your page Thanks

Peg Waite - 10/19/99 06:01:52
My Email:momwaite@nu-world.com

Love your site. I keep it bookmarked so I can hear the music and see the greyhounds. Someday I want to get a greyhound. But I need one that will like cats. I have a bengal kitty. I use to have Saints. But now I am retired and live alone. I love the greyhound's gentle nature. Peg

Ginger - 10/16/99 13:07:18
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/1804/
My Email:ginger-holliday@usa.net


< font face="Harrington" size=5 color=#8080FF>H'lo, Debbie. I'm SO sorry I missed your birthday and hope you'll accept these balloons as a belated gift. I tried to write to Bob and Katie this morning and my browser said they didn't have a valid email address. Do you have one you could send me so I can email them? If not, that's cool. I just wanted them to know that I visit their pages every no and then, looking for new additions. They ARE my neighbors, after all. *G*

I hope all's well with you, Deb', and that you had a terrific birthday.

Happy Belated Birthday!

Linda Tognetti - 10/09/99 20:10:12
My URL:http://www.lindastrinkets.com
My Email:lindatog@lindastrinkets.com

Happy Birthday to my LOTH sister. It was an additional treat to see a site that is a cut above. I've enjoyed my visit. Thank you.
Hugs ~ Linda ~ LOTH® Good Will Ambassador

Judy ( aka Lady Nickitta ) - 10/09/99 12:32:38
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Cottage/6400/MyRoseGarden/Entrance.html
My Email:MistyLakez@aol.com

Grrrrrrrrrrrrreat site, Sis!!! :::Smilin'::: I really enjoyed my lil visit to your "home". . . keep it up!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

~ Judy ~ ( aka Lady Nickitta ) LOTH Goodwill Ambassador

spitboy - 08/18/99 23:14:17
My Email:hot-rod@hotbot.com

want to join my realy cool and new webring?The e-mail me and tell me why...

joan / joni primack - 07/28/99 16:59:01
My Email:barrelady@webtv.net

it was so great. what a beautiful tribute and site. all my love.

Nancy - 07/20/99 03:32:13
My URL:http://www.50megs.com/mygarden

This is a wonderful site. I am exploring it and will bookmark it - there is so much to see!

A friend! - 07/20/99 03:29:06

Lovely site.

Licienne Sodano - 05/28/99 22:44:54
My Email:GiggyOne@aol.com

I looked at your son and daughter in laws dedications and they are both beautiful....they are obviously very very loved....they are lucky and I am sure very deserving of love like that A future military mom....:-)

Deborah Oney - 05/27/99 22:42:51
My URL:http://members.aol.com/debbieoney/blood.htm
My Email:DebbieOney@aol.com

This is a very interesting throught-provoking website. Deborah Oney, Blood Recall/Withdrawal - Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD)

perth99 - 05/18/99 08:31:37
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/de/perth99/index.html

like wow, just surfing around and found your site...totally fantastic job you've done. I particularly related to the new Cathy page LOL. The time poem is very good to, would be interested to know where you found it *S*..I will be checking in in future BFN

Claudette Letendre - 04/08/99 12:55:41
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~petitchoux/index.html

Hi sister from LOTH your site is simply beautiful! I would be honored to give you my Rose Angel Award

Carla Zawadzki - 03/09/99 16:13:38
My Email:Carlaz@indy.tds.net

Debby, It was so nice to browse your webpages. I was so happy to see your Nanny. Our Nana lived with us until her death in May/98. She was with us 8 years. Seeing your picture together made me cry...but happy tears. Nana is Frank's mom and she taught me lots, too. At one time we had 4 generations under one roof...OURS! Hectic times, for sure, but great times, too. Families are so important. But, Friends are family, too. I value friendships! *HU

Wolfy - 03/04/99 17:20:25
My URL:http://come.to/wolfys~den
My Email:lintro@telusplanet.net

Love in LOTH:

Willieg - 02/03/99 04:43:13
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/tx/williecg/index.html
My Email:williegg@yahoo.com

Just thought I'd stop by for a visit--and I'm so glad I did! (:You've developed a truly wonderful site here! Stop by sometime...Anytime...you're always welcome!

old-timer - 01/13/99 03:52:37
My URL:http://geocities.com/Baja/Canyon/3822
My Email:tsalagi@mtco.com

Well Done! Tremendous amout of work. I will come back and visit more. old-timer

Cecil Park - 12/26/98 20:28:48
My URL:http://www.mindspring.com/~capark
My Email:capark@mindspring.com

What a beautiful website you have here. I'm sure I'll be coming back. So long, Cecil.

Natale Williams - 11/28/98 06:33:33
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~natalewilliams
My Email:natalewilliams@yahoo.com

You have a beautiful site. I enjoyed my visit very much. I am new to LOTH and I thank you for putting together such a fine site.

Patty Timpe - 11/20/98 06:10:32


Ginger Holliday - 11/12/98 13:38:19
My URL:http://www.nidlink.com/~ugholl/
My Email:ginger-holliday@usa.net


Good morning, Debby! Thanks for sharing your Nanny with me. Those leaky chemical weapons they have stored down there must not be too bad since she's managed 92 years and is still going stro g. *G* Your site is a whole lot bigger than I remember. It's attractive and the sentiment of all of us being one relation is beautiful. I've enjoyed my visit very much. I've written Bob and Katie twice and they haven't responded. *shrug* I'm not su e what to think about that so I try not to. I hope we get to meet sometime. We're not all that far from each other geographically, you know. Take care, Debby, and give Nanny a hug for me.

WhiteHorse - 11/11/98 17:17:52
My URL:http://white-horse.net
My Email:WhiteHorse@white-horse.net

Howdy! What a GREAT web-site! Just surfed in & like what I see. Would like to invite you to enter my web-site competition. A FUN way to promote your web-site & help provide a "family friendly" surfing network for others. Interested? Accepting sign-ups now for December Contests. Check it out.


flake - 11/04/98 11:40:03

cool page love it

Debby - 11/01/98 06:11:55
My URL:http://members.stratos.net/brandywine/index.html
My Email:brandywine@stratos.net


Silverwolfshadow - 10/27/98 18:25:29
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/rainforest/vines/8643
My Email:DoublesD@prodigy.net

Hello! What a great website! Just surfed in and like what I see. Would like to invite you to enter my web-site competition. A FUN way to promote your web-site & help provide a "family friendly" surfing network for others. Interested? Accepting sign-up now for November Contests. Check it out.

AiSv Nv wa do hi ya do(Walk In Peace) SilverWolfShadow

Dawn - 10/09/98 19:33:34

Awww - sorry about that. Let's try it again :)

Take care, Dawn

Dawn - 10/09/98 19:32:19
My URL:http://come.to/dawnie.com
My Email:dawnie@rida.net

Hi Debby!

Here's a nice, fattening present for ya!

Hope your day is wonderful!

Your friend in UCWW, Dawn

Dawn - 10/09/98 19:26:52
My URL:http://come.to/dawnie.com
My Email:dawnie@rida.net

Hi Debby!

Here's a nice, fattening present for ya!

Hope your day is wonderful!

Your friend in UCWW, Dawn

Becky "Becca" - 10/09/98 06:57:22
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/paris/parc/6833
My Email:tattmania@yahoo.com

Happy birthday!!!!! From a fellow MOTW =:D

NorthernStar - 10/07/98 20:53:53
My URL:http://members.theglobe.com/NorthernStar/
My Email:northernstar_cs@hotmail.com

What an interesting and beautiful site. I have it bookmarked not only for my own enjoyment, but also to share with a european friend who is very interested in American History. Also ~ wanted to say.. Happy Birthday. *Light, Love & Hugs* ~ a LOTH sis .. br>
10/04/98 13:08:29
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

Diane Porter - 09/19/98 23:30:44
My URL:http://http://www.fortunecity/meltingpot/kings/822
My Email:dport@goodnet.com

I am very happy to see other grandma's in the LOTH I would very much like to join them.

Ramirose Attebury - 09/19/98 22:03:35
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/HotSprings/Spa/2310
My Email:rattebur@orednet.org

Hello to a fellow Eastern Oregonian. I enjoyed my trip to your page. Keep up the good work. :)

Bob Moonbear - 09/08/98 02:13:19
My URL:http://www.jersey.net/~afmretro
My Email:afmretro@jersey.net

Followed the ICQ webring here.....nice page.... atop and visit me at the Jersey Rocker Website

Cointreau - 09/03/98 22:43:26
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/Cointreau
My Email:cointreau@earthlink.net

Hello, Debby! You have a wonderful site, and I appreciate your causes as well. Best wishes ~ a Motw and Loth member

Fran Valenta - 09/01/98 22:41:15
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/wellesley/6431/
My Email:franvalen@apo.com

Welcome to MOTW I know you will enjoy being a part of this lovely group of caring people

Claudette Letendre - 09/01/98 14:01:25
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~petitchoux/index.html
My Email:petitchoux1@yahoo.com


Welcome To

Your site is simply wonderful!
I have some awards for you!
I've been here before but things have changed so much
it's great!
1. for caring about the animals
Angel of all the animals
2. for your beautiful native page
Native Award
3. the over all content of your site.
Rose Angel Award
Keep up the wonderful work!

The World Harmony & Hug Movement

Stitchalot ( Jane) - 09/01/98 12:39:59
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Park/3924
My Email:stitchalot@bigfoot.com

Hi and welcome to MOTW. I know you are going to enjoy this group a great deal. I have enjoyed my visit and you have some great pages and family! I too am a grandmother..aren't grandkids great!!! Stop by when you can..would love to have you.

Kimberly *MommyOf4* - 09/01/98 04:38:13
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~MommyOf4/index.html
My Email:ekrbd@erols.com

You have a wonderful page ! So much here... *L* Welcome to MOTW, it's so nice to have you and I look forward to getting to know you more.

Serena - 09/01/98 03:16:28
My URL:http://home.earthlink.net/~isthisme
My Email:iamamom@hotmail.com

Just wanted to welcome you to MOTW! hope you emjoy this group as much as I have!

Helen - 08/31/98 23:14:46
My URL:http://home.earthlink.net/~helen367
My Email:helen367@earthlink.net

Hi and welcome to MOTW :) Your site is very interesting and I'll be back to browse more. I'm in the process of setting up my POW/MIA page and yours is very nice. Keep up the wonderful work!

Browneyes - 08/31/98 21:38:53
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Meadows/1124/
My Email:browneyes2@bigfoot.com

I was just stopping in to say Welcome to MOTW, and got caught up in following your pages. I have more exploring to do here, but am very interested, as I am part Cherokee. Sites about our Native Americans always catch my eye:-) Please come by and say he lo when you have time.

TJ(Teresa) - 08/31/98 17:39:24
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~TeeJay82/index.html
My Email:DeucesRWld@netscape.net

Hi & Welcome to MOTW! You have a great site here, i'm so happy you joined. Now I have another great site to visit often.

Lisa aka cmecu2 - 08/31/98 16:06:04
My Email:trath@midwest.net

Welcome to MOTW! I hope you enjoy your stay with us. It's a great place to be and the ladies here are truely the BEST! I hope you have a great week. God bless you!

sherrie - 08/31/98 12:30:59
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Alley/4373
My Email:craftslady@hotmail.com

Hi I really enjoyed your web site..My uncle is Cherokee so I always like to see native American Sites and we live very close to many Reservations.. Thanks also for visiting my site and all your kind compliments.

Marsha - 08/31/98 08:29:18
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/me/Marshamellow/index.html
My Email:mhankins@gte.net

Wanted to stop by and welcome you to the "Mom's". I am sure that you will enjoy belonging to this wonderful group of ladies as much as I do! You have a wonderful & beautiful site here. Good job!

Barby - 08/31/98 00:54:26
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~boocat1
My Email:rmabney@ipa.net

Hi! Just wanted to pop in and welcome you to Moms on the Web! I so enjoyed your pages--they are very thoughtful. Thanks for sharing with us!
~~Wishing you joy and laughter always!~~

Mick Brooks - 08/17/98 13:40:54
My URL:http://www.geocities/Heartland/Acres/6564
My Email:osomick@micron.net

I certainly have this page Bookmarked now ... Pages are looking very good and enjoyed my stay,. and of course I will be back.. Thanks for being my Friend..

jolita williams - 08/17/98 13:33:05
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Acres/1581
My Email:rainbow1@inwave.com

This is a well deserved page i am honored you allowed me to view it Keep up the work for we Americans, only if i were a whols and not a part

Urpo Bäfver - 08/14/98 07:46:04
My URL:http://www.oulu.fi
My Email:urpo.bafver@oulu.fi

Hello, It was nice visited your pages. Urpo

Carol (Bitcey) - 08/12/98 04:57:49
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Carol5
My Email:cesmith@ucom.net

Hi Debbie!

Saw your post on the Grannies MB. I am trying to visit as many of the LOTH sits as possible. With over 3000 ladies, it is slow going. LOL

You have a lovely site here. You have put a lot of love and elbow grease into it. *G*

Visit my website(s) when you get the chance. The Welcome Mat is always out.

from a Granny LOTH Sis,
Carol (Bitcy)

Carol (Bitcey) - 08/12/98 04:56:41
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Carol5
My Email:cesmith@ucom.net

Hi Debbie!

Saw your post on the Grannies MB. I am trying to visit as many of the LOTH sits as possible. With over 3000 ladies, it is slow going. LOL

You have a lovely site here. You have put a lot of love and elbow grease into it. *G*

Visit my website(s) when you get the chance. The Welcome Mat is always out.

from a Granny LOTH Sis,
Carol (Bitcy)

Kathy - 08/05/98 13:42:46
My Email:kbrezins@geocities.com

Hi Debby ~smile~ Just a note to say:

SWEETIE - 08/05/98 01:53:22
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Pointe/8603/
My Email:sehh@bayou.com

Hi Just wanted to give you a big LOTH hug.. and give you my gifts.. You have a very lovely site..i see you do genealogy..I love working on my genealogy..I am so Glad to have so many sisters (LOL)in LOTH...***HUGZZZS***

Blossom - 07/24/98 20:03:36
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/fl/floridarosebud/index/html
My Email:missyg@webtv.net

Debby with out u i never would be here...what a wonder home age u have...i will surely return to enjoy u are a blessed person GoD Speed Blossom

Caz - 07/23/98 00:16:08
My URL:http://www.jungleweb.net/vanguard
My Email:vanguard@bmts.com

Greetings to you. Just a short note of 'hello' from a fellow UCWW member (I'm newly joined). Have been cruising the fellow members' sites and thoroughly enjoying myself. Am just getting started on your site, but from what I've seen its going to be a fa cinating and blessed cruise around. The prayer on the main page is wonderful. Your site is beautiful, and from what I've seen so far your heart shines through. Looking forward to meeting you via the UCWW forum. May you be richly blessed in all you do nd be. Regards.

Stormi - 07/13/98 17:30:45
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Wellesley/Garden/2747
My Email:teri423@prodigy.net

Loved your pages, your graphics, your content. All so very nice. Kepp up the great work. *S* LOTH sister.

Shelley - 07/10/98 01:56:09
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/wa/Babebluz
My Email:babebluz@hotmail.com

I was brought to your side by your e-mail to me and I am so glad. It was wonderful... I love that you quoted Chief Seattle... I live there in Seattle and truely believe that he was and is a Great Spirit.... Thanks for inviting me...

Winter Dove - 07/06/98 04:34:32
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Yosemite/Trails/9212
My Email:windove@oneimage.com

Greetings; I really liked your page .You have done will.Keep up the great work. Please come to my site and sign my book also.. I am looking for some new graphics for my page do you have any that you might like to share with me??

George Jones - 07/05/98 03:33:51
My Email:jonesgct@dockingbay.com

awsome page- as a retiree with 21 yrs of military service- this is definitely a great tribute to the service members of the military and their families. Thanks for Letting me feel at home.

Eloise - 07/04/98 03:53:35
My Email:Shygramof5@aol.com

I enjoyed seeing your site. Nice to know there is something out there now for us "grannies." I do have one teensy suggestion...you might want to change the spelling of "Pooter Grandma" to "Puter Grandma." (let's see...how can I word this delicately???) Puter is the new term for computer...the other is a word that some young people today refer t when talking about a "body part." I made the very same mistake in spelling that and someone e-mailed me to correct me. I was happy they did, before I embarrassed myself any further, LOL. Guess us "grannies" aren't up on all this new lingo...and in mo t cases, I'm glad I'm not. Have a nice evening and a great holiday weekend. Thanks for inviting me to your site.

Norma - 07/02/98 16:37:49
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/6562/
My Email:yorktown@cybergal.com

You have done such a great job with creating the Granny pages.. I love them. Norma

Evaline - 07/02/98 05:32:34
My URL:http://members.aol.com/Cybergram2/Cybergram2.index.html
My Email:cybergram@webtv

Enjoyed visiting the Grannys in LOTH and it would be fun to join all of you. Surely qualify at 91 but am not as talented as many of you. I still volunteer in the schools and will do so until I no longer can. Love to e-mail so all of you write. I live n Redondo Beach,Ca.

Charlene Thayer Montgomery - 06/28/98 23:58:36
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Valley/2509
My Email:tyke@prodigy.net

I was wondering what exactly to write here...you page has so much and then I read the military wife page. We are retired and the part about the friends brought back a memory....we had an unspoken "rule" in military houseing when we were in....if your chi d got sick or you were having another...any family emergency you would return to your home as clean as can be. We always called this lady that cleaned "Ethel". No one ever bragged or asked who did it...just grateful for the helping hand. Now I am a mot er of nine and a grandmother of 21 I wish Ethel would return....so if any one out there knows Ethel please tell her I have been looking for her for 20 years...LOL Loved you page,Charlene new LOTH member also retired 20 year military wife

jeanette - 06/23/98 17:00:35
My URL:http://www.eaznet.com/~jet/
My Email:jet@eaznet.com

I your page is great, thank you so much for stopping by my niece's page and signing her book, she was so happy!

joanna - 06/23/98 16:58:53
My URL:http://conk.com/world/catgirl5/
My Email:catgirl5@conk.com

I liked your picture so i am going to sign yours. Thank you for signing my book

Shirley C. - 06/23/98 14:20:06
My URL:http://members.aol.com/TincupCk/index.html
My Email:TincupCk@aol.com

Hi Debby... I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed your pages... My husband was employed by the Mohave Tribe, at their casino in Laughlin, NV for about 2 yrs... We have relocated to Reno now, but while we were there, I was fortunate, to have developed frien ships with several tribal members. What you are doing on your website is a "good thing!" Take Care... Shirley

Moonsong - 06/21/98 19:09:46
My Email:mmhelfer@oregontrail.net

Great Homepage. Thank you for sharing it with me. Am starting my homepage. And should be up in near future. Hope to here from you soon

Carol aka: Angel Keeper - 06/20/98 00:49:55
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Wellesley/8418
My Email:caroljs@bendnet.com

What a great group of pages. So glad to have gotten your url from buddy page. I seen you were from Oregon and had to check it out. I am in Central Oregon, Prineville. Stop by and see my pages and don't forget to sign my guest book..*S*

Mary Ann - 06/15/98 12:23:47
My URL:http://members.thglobe.com/1MaryAnn
My Email:maryann@acmenet.net

I have enjoyed my visit to your homepage my sister *S* Loved the background and all the links *S* . My daughter loved the section on the greyhounds..

Mary Ann

Elaine aka light - 06/15/98 01:56:43
My URL:http:/www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ridge/1738/
My Email:elainem@i-55.com

Darling Debby!!! I Love your Beautiful Web Site...Thank You So Much for Sharing it with me.. I can't thank you enough for all your help with my web page!!! :o) God Bless You My Dear Friend!!! You have been my LOTH Buddy and Web Angel!!! Light & Love to you Always!!!

Marie Peragine - 06/10/98 12:31:51
My URL:http://www.liii.com/~ralphp1/Grandma
My Email:mariep1@hotmail.com

Best Wishes - Marie Peragine

Kitten - 06/03/98 02:52:54
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Soho/Coffeehouse/7885/
My Email:kitty_cat@earthling.net

I loved your page and i hope you have many more people to come to your site....i think it is simply beautiful!

Robin Altstatt - 05/31/98 05:45:29
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Valley/1917
My Email:bluejay_female@hotmail.com

Hi Debby, I'm one of your LOTH sisters. I want to thank you for taking the time to email me about my witnessing the abuse on the little boy. I pray that the authorities will do the right thing where he is concerned. I loved visiting your site. Again Thank You! Love, Robin

Jerri - 05/28/98 04:20:02
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Pointe/2099

Your site shows a lot of work and caring. I have bookmarked it and will be back.

Elaine Reynolds - 05/21/98 11:46:40
My URL:http://www.geocities.com
My Email:horses@newmex.com

Neat site!

Margot G. - 05/11/98 03:59:14
My URL:http://mypage.goplay.com/marnie_g
My Email:kgardner@yourinter.net

This was really great. I need to come back some more to get into all this stuff.

Becky - 05/09/98 16:46:40
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/hills/3765
My Email:3sums@gte.net

Your site is wonderful. I am honored to have found it.

Running DeerWolf - 05/07/98 18:36:57
My URL:http://www.runningdeer.com
My Email:runningdeerwolf@runningdeer.com

Hi Debby,

Thank you for the invite to your home on the web. I read a little about your family and all I can say is Wow! 5 boys and 12 grandchildren... Wow! You have a lot of valuable information here and I also see that you have a lot of cyber-friends that you have met along your journey and I hope that we is CWWE can also be counted among your new friends!

Keep the faith,
increase the peace,
lead from the heart and always... be yourself.

Be well, be happy and walk softly
and in peace and light.... RDW

Crone~Wise Woman~Elder

Lotusbud - 05/06/98 19:18:04
My URL:http://coastnet.com/~lotusbud
My Email:lotusbud@coastnet.com

Hi Debby I have had a wonderful time here visiting and I shall return. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and words with us all. I am very grateful to have had the opportunity to sit a spell. Blessings Lotusbud

Kate Shue - 05/05/98 16:48:58
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/plains/5533/GREY.HTM
My Email:5greyhounds@geocities.com

What a fun site! Thanks for telling me about it. There are so many interesting things here that I haven't even had time to read it all, but I will.

Alice - 05/01/98 04:21:12
My Email:aawesner@aol.com

I really enjoyed seeing this site. I want to come back soon and look at at everyone's pages. I don't have my own page yet, but may do one, one of these days. I'm still new to computing, and it's still "one thing at a time" so I don't feel overwhelmed. After I retire from teaching in a couple of months, maybe I'll take on a page! Thanks!

Feathers - 04/30/98 15:28:13
My URL:/Heartland/Acres/7041
My Email:dleon@owt.com

You have my up most respect as I believe that when you are a military wife, you have the same as enlisted in the service. Keep up the good work. Darlene

Vincent - 04/27/98 03:53:00
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Delphi/8991
My Email:vmico@hotmail.com

A very interesting page. You are one with the Earth.

Carmi - 04/25/98 17:00:21
My Email:carmial@hotmail.com

Great homepage.Have enjoyed my visit here alot.Keep up the good work.*SMILE*

annie - 04/22/98 02:26:46
My Email:vangoad@onebellevue.com

Very nice page. I see you put alot of heart and soul in it. I found it by joing the LOTH. I am have been trying to view as many of you all pages as i can , but with working full time it is hard. So I will close for now hope to hear from you soon. You can lso catch me on ICQ no is 9585115 later your LOTH sister Annie just join

Laura - LOTH sister - 04/09/98 12:37:16
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Surf/8121/inex.html/
My Email:ladyice@hotmail.com

I would be honoured if you added my site to your list as well. You can take the box off the front page with the angel on it with the dedication to my mother. The site is to raise awareness to Cancer, child abuse as well as inspirational words.. Let me know if I am to be added and I will provide a link back to you as well..

Darlene Spencer - 04/06/98 18:49:10
My Email:dspencer@hereintown.net

Thank you for acknowledging me this morning. I really appreciate knowing that I have friendly sisters somewhere. My flesh and blood sister died over 13 years ago. I have missed her a lot. Glad I know I have other sisters now. Darlene

RAMsgram - 03/29/98 17:09:23
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Hills/3817/grand.html
My Email:laros@earthlink.net

Hi Debby, Just came from signing your Nannys birthday book. Really enjoyed reading the memories of your grandma. I also have a grandparents page and have added your site to it. I would like to be added to yours also. Keep up the great work. Another LOTH "granny", RAMsgram (R)icky (A)llie and (M)egan(s) gram!

Jenny - 03/26/98 13:40:04
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~jenny5/index.html
My Email:blharry1@penn.com

Thank you so much for signing little Ryan's Guestbook..It means alot to me to do this for him...I have surfed your page and really like it ..you have done good work here...

BabieBlues - 03/25/98 04:43:38
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/estates/2949/
My Email:bblues@hotmail.com

Hi LOTH Sister! ... After signing Nanny's book I decided to scratch a little note in yours as well. You have a wonderful page...so full of vakuable information and family love. I'm proud to be your sister...not in heritage but in the LOTH spirit! All my est, BabieBlues aka Barbara~

Mimesq - 03/25/98 03:32:31
My URL:www.geocities.com/Athens/Forum/5941
My Email:mime@usa.net


Enjoyed my visit to your page. I am not a granny, but loved your dedication to grandmothers! Great idea! Sorry, don't know your missing ancestors(!) - seriously, I think it is wonderful to trace your roots - Good luck!

Sage - 03/24/98 08:54:32
My Email:sagewalker@usa.net

would like to join the LOTH grannys

Lady in Black - 03/24/98 02:28:35
My URL:http://www.geocitie.com/Athens/Olympus/7614/
My Email:ladyinblack@geocities.com

Greetings Sis! Signed Granny's birthday book and spent some time visiting :) Your pages are great! Have had a great time here. Love, Light, Peace and *Big LOTH Hug*

Jerene - 03/24/98 01:52:33
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Nashville/1148
My Email:Jerene@geocities.com

I am a proud grandmother of 7 and one more on the way. I had three girls and they gave me 6 grandsons and one granddaughter so far. Waiting to see what the one is. It is due in Aug of this year. You have done a nice job on this site...I am still trying to add to mine and well be doing so shortly and plan on doing a page about my grandchildren and try to keep it up dated as much as possible but with that many I think I might have a hard time due to there is always something going on in there lifes...

Mary D - 03/23/98 20:32:37
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Estates/3383
My Email:boomboom45@hotmail.com

Just love your LOTH Granny page! Guess I should join since I'm one, too. I've bookmarked this, waiting for the time to go visit all the grannies' sites. What a neat idea! Thanks.

Auddi - 03/22/98 17:32:47
My Email:adonohue@adss.on.ca

A very 'Happy Birthday' to your Grandmother . May she thoroughly enjoy her day, with many more to come. May she also enjoy her family & friends. I will remember her in my prayers on"her Special day'

Angelina Nelson - 03/15/98 19:21:45
My Email:rhspride@hotmail.com

Great page. I really enjoyed searching through it.

Agnes (Sage) LOTH - 03/14/98 23:25:40
My URL:http://not yet
My Email:walkon@catc.net

This is very beautiful so calming.

Debbie Barnhill - 03/14/98 20:11:27
My URL:http://w3.trib.com/~dbarnhl
My Email:dbarnhl@trib.com

Had to check out the other "grannys" from LOTH. Some awesome pages here! How do I get mine added?? Thanks for the neat page.

Penny - 03/06/98 01:00:14
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Wellesley/Garden/1403
My Email:telkat13@hotmail.com

Hiya Debby, wonderful site you have here! IT has been a pleasure getting to know you through LOTH! Keep up your wonderful work here, this site really shows your wonderful spirit!!

Gwenn - 03/04/98 15:29:20
My Email:popshome@map.com

Debby, didn't know what you were doing when you sent me here! Needed some of this. Am thanking you Loth sister.(((HUGS)))

J. King - 03/04/98 15:15:00
My Email:bear@nextdim.com

Looks Great

Linda - 02/11/98 19:43:59
My Email:Amberval@aol.com

I am a brand new LOTH member, interested in Native Americans and the environment. I have, as yet, no idea how to start my own web page. I suppose I chose you to write to because of similar interests ( I loved the music) and because we are the same age. I ould love to hear from you. Linda

VBG - 02/06/98 14:42:59
My URL:/NapaValley/6883
My Email:prangemeier@rocketmail.com

You certainly have created a super homepage. I will have to pull my socks up to be able to compete! Congratulations and thanks for helping me kindly and patiently with mine. VBG

VBG - 02/06/98 14:38:42
My URL:http://geocities.com/NapaValley/6883
My Email:prangemeier@rocketmail.com

You certainly have created a super homepage. I will have to pull my socks up to be able to compete! Congratulations and thanks for helping me kindly and patiently with mine. VBG

CricketMoon - 01/17/98 01:16:51
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Olympus/5513
My Email:cricketmoon@geocities.com

Hi sis! Finally made it to your pages, and I must say, that it warms my heart to find that we are sisters in more than one walk! May you always Walk in Beauty! C_

Bill and Darleen Nelson - 01/15/98 15:25:17
My URL:http://you know
My Email:nelsonent@oregontrail.net

Debbie, This is really cool. I like the music, too.

Kathy - 01/13/98 19:17:18
My URL:http://ww,geocities.com/Heartland/Hills/3789
My Email:gypsyrad@merlin.net.au

Hi Debby.. lovely to meet you and your beautiful family.. thank you so much for sharing them with us.. you know I wasn't even aware that Tamara had banners until I saw the link on your page so I will definitley have to get around to putting one on my page now too...thank you ..
Always a pleasure to meet another LOTH Sister, I am also a Grandmother of 6 beautiful grand-children.. *HUGS*

Please visit with us "Down Under" if you get the chance...

Bye for now..

Gypsy - 01/06/98 17:33:33
My URL:http://members.aol.com/justgypsy/index.html
My Email:justgypsy@aol.com

You have a very special place here. I have really enjoyed my visit, and will be back. hugs

David Register - 01/02/98 07:57:25
My URL:http://members.aol.com/drregister/personal.html

A great site that you have here! Keep up the good work!!!

Cheryl - 01/02/98 00:29:54
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/6095
My Email:Ladybug123@hotmail.com

Thanks so much for the chance to visit your wonderful pages, they arelovely.

mommylady - 01/01/98 21:55:11
My URL:http://www/geocities.com/Heartland/Prairie/4652
My Email:tkadams@flash.net

Debby, What a wonderful friend a person you are! As time goes by so many others have been discovering the same thing I have! That your a concerned and caring person, and one terrific friend.....and so giving of yourself and your heart.....if only the world had more people like you! Your page reflects your spi it....keep up your good work dear friend.

E.Gordon McGillivary - 01/01/98 20:02:14
My URL:http://www.norcom.mb.ca/moody/index.htm
My Email:Egmcgill@norcom.mb.ca

Great graphics...excellent information. I'll keep coming back to visit!

Sharon - 12/30/97 17:09:11
My URL:http://www3.netgazer.net/users/rn1
My Email:s.ferrer@mailexcite.com

Debby, I just want to thank you for signing my guestbook. Your pages are great:) Love the music on your opening page, gotta go check out the link. C'ya. {{{hugs}}}

Lois Adams - 12/17/97 22:02:18
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Pentagon/2311
My Email:mrsyat@mindspring.com

Great site. I really liked you POW/MIA page.. They are not dead till they are forgotten.. We will keep them alive. God Bless

Mick - 12/17/97 18:03:58
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Acres/6564
My Email:osomick@micron.net

HI THERE! Feathers sent me your page and I like it very much. You have done a great deal of work. This has been a lot of fun, and I still have a great deal to learn. Keep up the good work, Mick

Elle~Poetess~ - 12/15/97 04:01:33
My URL:/athens/delphi/3671
My Email:crazylove@mindless.com


angie - 12/14/97 06:25:14
My Email:angieg@jps.net

Hello, I am new with LOTH and am surfing thru the ladies sites to learn alittle about them. Your site was nice and informative. Hope to see ya soon.

Candy - 12/14/97 04:29:51
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Candy3/index.html
My Email:ccheney@eot.com

Dear Debby, I read your note on LOTH news from the Goddess. I am a Grandma, I have one Grandchild, Cameron, 10 months old. He is such a joy in my life! I love your web page. I am becoming more and more drawn to all things Native American. I recently had a Shaman retrive my Power animal, a Sea Lion! I am going to attend a drumming circle on the winter solstice. Would love to connect with you! Candy

Marie (Uma) - 12/13/97 21:41:01
My URL:http://huizen.dds.nl/~uma/index.html
My Email:maruma@therapist.net

Hi Debbie! I've been here before and signed, but I love you'r page and now I have a few word's with me, to share. (I have had it on a poster here in my comp. room for years now). "Oh Great Spirit who dwells in the sky, lead us to path of peace and understanding, let us all live together as brothers and sisters." Native American Indian -Prayer of Peace- Love and hugs to you LOTH sister!

Myndi - 12/09/97 22:28:24
My URL:http://members.aol.com/MYNDI7/index.html
My Email:myndi7@aol.com

Hi wishing you a happy holiday....I am a new member of LOTH and just passing threw looking at all my new LOTH sisters beautiful pages! I will be back to see any changes...You have a very good page

Darlene - 12/06/97 19:35:48
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Acres/7041
My Email:dleon@owt.com

You are doing so good with your homepage I am looking forward to getting my as good looking as yours. Keep it up. HUGS

Darwin K. Russell - 12/06/97 19:31:53
My Email:russ@stellarcom.com

Hi Hon, tell Darlene I found your home page with no problem and it's very good, you did a out standing job.....Merry Christmas...... Russs

Rowana - 12/02/97 16:17:47
My URL:http://www.ovis.net/~earthshk/
My Email:earthshk@ovis.net

Good Morning, Sister! Wonderful, wonderful page! It is an absolute guarantee that I'll be back many times. Far too much to enjoy here, to be a one-shot visit. Have bookmarked your site, and plan to link you with my site. Have a wonderful, creative day! Your LOTH sister... Rowana

Kymberlie R. McGuire - 11/29/97 22:24:40
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~kymberlie
My Email:kymberlie@imailbox.com

What a lovely page, sis! I'm glad I got to visit another person that I seem to have a lot in common with. Take care and keep up the great create! ~hugs~

Something Interesting!

Visit the Mutant Movie Reviewers From Hell!

Redneck Woman - 11/18/97 23:28:55
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Hills/7657
My Email:redneck-woman@rocketmail.com

Hey Nice page you got here. Keep up the good work.

Sue - 11/18/97 15:21:33
My URL:/Heartland/Meadows/2462/
My Email:swalsh@cbt.net

Hi Debbie,

Your pages look wonderful! You did a great job. I really enjoyed meeting your grandmother.....so sweet. Many hugs to you, sis. Sue ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Live Well~Laugh Much~Love Often

quietsiren - 11/15/97 02:24:07
My URL:http://www.ameritech.net/users/quietsiren/Lair.htm
My Email:quietsiren's lair

Greetings sis... I came to see your web page, and I really love the overall feel of it :) I'll be checking back every now and then, to check on any progress. *HUG* from your LOTH sis!

Hilde Mari - 11/13/97 18:56:56
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~hilde_mari
My Email:hilde_mari@geocities.com

Hi Debby :) So nice to chat with you yesterday :) And thanks for visiting my site. Your site is wonderful :) I will be back to have a closer look, a cold is having some fun with me today :(

Thomas W. Peterson (RedHeart) - 11/13/97 17:16:51
My URL:http://www.voicenet.com/~peterst
My Email:peterst@voicenet.com


Please sign RedHearts Guestbook

This Native American Indian Homepage
belongs to

Thomas W.Peterson <RedHeart>

Click Here a Listing of Members HomePages

Click Here to Join Native Am Indian WebLink
Nice site! I'll bookmark it and stop back past. Thank you for visiting my site and signing my guestbook. I have bookmarked it fo future returns. Very well done. I have added your homepage to my site at--->http://www.voicenet.com/~peterst/index6.html. You bring honor to it but more importantly to the Native American Indian Peoples. May the spirits protect you for you are truely one of their childre. Wado, RedHeart

Sunny - 11/09/97 21:54:37
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~chris30/index.html
My Email:chrismcl@brunnet.net

I too have just become a memeber of "Ladies of the Heart" and just wanted to say hello. I have just begun to look over your page and am really impressed.

Karen - 11/08/97 04:01:12
My URL:/Heartland/4502
My Email:rnites@maine.rr.com

Thank you so much for the warm welcome into LOTH!!! Your pages are beautiful! So many kids and grandkids....WOW!!!

Debbie Barnhill - 11/03/97 03:34:11
My Email:dbarnhl@trib.com

Hi! Found your site via the LOTH. You have a great page here and the opening poem is very nice. Your Grandmother reminds me of mine. Cherish all the special moments you have together.

Sharon - 10/31/97 06:23:47
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/3237
My Email:satuce@wilman.wow.aust.com

Hi there Debby....! Thought that i would pop into your pages for a visit. You have done a wonderful job on them. Your grandbabies are just beautiful. *smile* Oh thank you for saying you would vote for myself on the *Whoa Award* the address you asked for is on my page. Regardless of all that keep up the great work on your pages. Luv Sharon................. from Down Under........ *LOTH* Sister..........

BJ - 10/30/97 14:15:28
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/9801
My Email:denbarb@centuryinter.net

HI Deb!!! I KNEW IT!!!! Your homepage is WONDERFUL!!!! I love the song in the beginning..is sad, but so very true! Keep up the great work!!!!!!!

Sus - 10/30/97 01:10:47
My URL:http://members.aol.com/Delesha/index.html
My Email:Delesha@aol.com

What a great site and thank you for visiting my Castle site. Please also visit my fairy site (link attached) :) loth hugs Sus

Thee and Me - 10/05/97 14:36:10
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ranch/6644
My Email:gallop@bright.net

Hi Debby! Great Page!! See you in chat soon! Thee and Me

Connie (cclassy) - 10/05/97 14:31:30
My Email:cclas@worldnet.att.net

Wonderful homepage. So nice to meet you!

dj1012 - 10/05/97 13:51:48
My URL:http://member.wbs.net/homepages/d/j/1/dj1o12.html
My Email:Diana@cybertap.com

You have a great homepage. I also enyjoyed visiting your page on Nana's Angels.

Solon Magno - 10/04/97 20:09:16
My URL:/~solonmagno
My Email:solon@fnn.net


Hi Debby !Very nice web site.

Chana - 10/03/97 23:42:41
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Prairie/9092/index.html
My Email:ashbubs@ihug.co.nz

Kia Ora Debby and warmest heartfelt greetings to from the "Land of Long White Cloud" Aotearoa - New Zealand :) Alot if time and love has gone into creating all your wonderful pages and this is much in invidence :) I loved the Tribute to your "Elders" this is lovely to see something like this and I know your ancestors would be very proud of you with all you have done on your wee special corner in the world. Heartfelt Aroha ( Love ) & Hugs Chana LOTH

Debbie - 10/03/97 18:17:03
My URL:http://www.mindspring.com/~dkalbe/
My Email:dkalbe@mindspring.com

Hi there Debby!!! Read your post on the LOTH mb and thought I'd drop by. You have a great site, you've put in a lot of effort on it and it shows!! I've enjoyed my visit very much. {{LOTH hugs}}

Miki - 10/03/97 15:03:32
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Prairie/6196
My Email:miki@digitalexp.com

Great site. Really enjoyed it. Miki

Katie - 10/03/97 13:07:55
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Wellesley/3747/
My Email:kazra@hotmail.com

Cute page! Cute kids! :) *hugs* Katie ~LOTH~

kittiara - 10/03/97 12:46:27
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/6339
My Email:dragon@bconnex.net

You have done a wonderful job on your page Debbie I just loved my visit here...Hope to talk to you soon...Your sister in LOTH **HUGS***

Leanda Bell - 10/03/97 10:29:23
My Email:bells@tig.com.au

You have done a fantastic job on your homepage, Debby. It reflects all the time and effort that you have put into it.

Karen Monier - 10/03/97 10:22:39
My Email:rkmonier@tig.com.au

Great page, Debbie. Lots of hard work there. If you can recommend any good books on doing a page, I would appreciate it. By the way, I am KerryAnne, named by Leandas son who couldn't figure out my name or my accent. Are you American Indian?

Judy Hydorn - 10/02/97 19:35:20
My Email:Vette_Lady@Hotmail.com

I love your page! I have been wanting to do something like this, but after being on the computer all day at work, I don't seem to bring myself to get onto it in the evening! Great job!! =o)

Cinderella31 - 10/02/97 19:23:25
My URL:http://members.wbs.net/homepages/c/i/n/cinderella31/cinderella2.jpg
My Email:snoco@slic.com


Theresa - 10/02/97 17:23:06
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Meadows/9058
My Email:ashmore@clarksdale.com

May I be the first to congratulate you on your now-working guestbook!! While I'm here, I'd like to get a plug in for Bluize' Bungalow in the Site Fights. I'd appreciate everyone's votes! Thanks!!

Have a great day!!

testing - 10/02/97 17:17:27


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