Dear Elected Official and citizens of these United States,

Please stop the slaughter of the Buffalo. With the power that you have you can help to preserve them. Both the officials and citizens of this country have that power.Why do they have to join the Dinosaurs?Why do they have to become extinct and little by little disappear from the face of this earth? We don't even do it to humans under the worst conditions. We don't kill humans when they are stricken with deadly diseases. We just let mother nature take its course.Why not let mother nature take its course with the Buffalo? I don't want my children to have to look in some book to know and see what a Buffalo is. I don't want them to go to a circus or a zoo to see what's left of this magnificent animal. I don't want them to eventually be placed on a endangered species list because of all this slaughter each and year.

Not only is the Eagle a national symbol but so is the buffalo. There is a reason they are here and they weren't put here by man. So why then does man have the right to kill them off. If the public wanted to eat buffalo meat rather than beef then it would be a different story. Then there would be cattle farmers propping up all over the place. If the buffalo had some part of itself that could lend a hand to cures of disease in the field of medicine, then their wouldn't be a slaughter. We spent millions maybe billions of dollars putting up sound barriers and road dividers across this nation to both save lives and accommodate homeowners to the lessening of both sound and sight of the roads, bridges and highways.We have enacted laws to prevent destruction of our environment. WHY NOT USE SOME OF OUR TAXPAYER DOLLARS TO IMPLEMENT LAWS TO PROTECT THOSE BUFFALO.WHY NOT TAKE SOME OF THOSE TAX DOLLARS AND PUT SOMETHING IN PLACE TO PREVENT THOSE BUFFALO FROM WANDERING INTO HARMS WAY. Each year I hear of how much our government spends to try and keep Mexicans from crossing our borders and what we spend to send them back to Mexico.Why cant the same be done for the Buffalo regarding Yellowstone Park? How much trouble do we go through to make sure that Whales and other mamals and sea creatures get safe passage back to their domains when they wander into our bays and rivers? Do we want to be known as the people whom terminated the existence of the Buffalo? Are we going to wait until its too late and it turns up on some ballot sheet at an election time?
The time is now and I elect that everyone joins together until the leaders and citizens of this nation do something to save these magnificent animals we call the "BUFFALO"!!!

Buffalo Nations is calling for the concerned citizens of the United States
to express their outrage to Montana's governor, Marc Racicot (email:,, over the
resumed slaughter of this nation's heritage, the last wild buffalo.
Unfortunately, a Federal Judge has already conceded that at least 100 more can be killed this winter.

Would you please sign my guestbook at---> with you comments on this very important issue so that I may hear the messages and thoughts regarding this magnificent animal we call the Buffalo.

Thank you,

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