Welcome, and thank you for stopping by!

... Susan Marsh

My Horses...

My horse Jackie

This is Jackie, my 9 year old Quarter horse mare by Sierpe De Jack, who is by Two Eyed Jack, and out of Beas Dee Dee, a Necona Dee bred mare.


Here is my May 2002 purebred Arabian gelding by Royal Phariel (Royal Jalliel x Royal Pharriel) and out of Madrahlena (El Hadiyyah x Saahaar Nuss Lel). Straight Egyptian, destined for shows in year 2004. Watch for him in shows in Calif. and Oregon!

My horse Jessie

This is Jessie, my 3 year old Morgan mare. She is by Society Benedict, (a Vigilmarch son), and out of Callahan's Show Biz, who is a Waseeka's In Command/Lippitt & Devan bred mare.

My horse Andy

This is Andy, who is my 14 year old 7/8 Arabian gelding by GG Manolete, (an *An Malik son), and out of Sharali, a *Raffles & *Witez II bred mare.

and of course...
some favorite links...

The American Morgan Horse Association
The Arabian Horse Association
Disney's "Family.com"
Horse Worldwide
City of Eureka

I would love to hear from you!
Here's my E-mail. Just
click here and send me a note!