Wit's End Studio
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Hello, and Welcome! Can't believe that summer is over and it's nearly Christmas. Where does the time go? I hope everyone stopping by here has a wonderful holiday season. As usual, we keep pretty busy here at Wit's End--I'll be making more changes soon, so if you can, please stop by in a few days and check out the new stuff! Meanwhile, kick off your shoes, help yourself to a cuppa coffee or tea (or whatever), and visit with us awhile!
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In Louisville, KY it is currently
A Bit of Irish Wisdom for You:
An Irish Blessing
May the road rise up to meet you May the wind be always at your back May the sun shine warm upon your face And the rain fall soft upon your fields And until we meet again May God hold you in the palm of his hand.
Tickle the little kitten--if you can catch him, that is--to find a short history of me (Stevieann) and my family.
Oh Wow!! I am very proud of this award!
 Need help? Unfortunately, I had to resign as a community leader. With so much going on in my life these days, I couldn't keep up with all the duties and responsibilities. However, I am still willing to help anyone who has questions about setting up a homepage. Please feel free to ask! Thanks, Heather, for the great graphic!
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Got any comments or suggestions? Email Stevieann
All cheerfully returned to Sender. :-)
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You are visitor number since August 15, 1997 (plus about 494 visitors before my counter crashed!!)
Last updated December 7, 2007
I Am A Proud Member

Phenomenal Women Of The
Irish philosophy courtesy of "Irish Blessings, Toasts & Traditions" edited by Jason S. Roberts