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BASTIN Family Website
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Welcome! My name is Gary Bastin, and I have been researching the BASTIN family since about 1967. This website provides a recent snapshot of my offline database, and lists descendants (with spouses), and ancestors (when known) for Thomas and Hannah Bastin of Caswell County, NC. Thomas died in January 1817, and Hannah in October 1834. Their descendants account for the majority of BASTINs alive today in Kentucky, and in several neighboring states.

Since the sons of Thomas and Hannah Bastin all migrated to Kentucky in the early 1800's, this database also contains nearly 800 surnames of individuals who 'married into the family', and attempts to list all their descendants up to the present. If you have ancestors in Kentucky, especially in the Counties of Lincoln, Pulaski, Wayne, Casey, Barren, Adair, Metcalfe, Hart, Edmonson, Muhlenberg, and other nearby counties, there is a good chance that you have a family connection with this database!

I am also the list administrator for the BASTIN Family Discussion List, which is a free genealogical e-mail list for individuals researching the family lines contained in this database. This website is both my homepage and the official website of the BASTIN-L list. (What is a BASTIN-L?) Of the 100+ current subscribers, approximately 60+ are researching the lines in this database. The mailing list also is for BASTINs worldwide, as well as for various spelling variations of the BASTIN surname. Our common goal is to link as many of the BASTIN and related-spelling family lines as we can! The searchable BASTIN-L Archive contains many messages from 1996, 1997, 1998, and 1999 and is an excellent way to read what we have found!

Enjoy your visit! Please e-mail if you see corrections or have additions! Updates are made about twice a year to this online database. For privacy reasons, dates for living relatives are never published here.

This database would not have been possible without the earlier work by the late Dr. Harold Eugene 'Gene' Ragle and by Alexa, Wanda, Richard, and Eldred; and by the ongoing work of our online cousins Nell, Ray, Sue, Shari, Kathy, Eldred (again!), Larry, Nancy, Jeri, Don, and all the others who have contributed to this effort over the years through recording and sharing our family's history! THANKS!

There are 4098 individuals and 1504 families representing 848 surnames in this database.
These WWW pages were produced on Sat Jan 1 18:52:47 2000 .



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The BASTIN Scrapbook (Photos!)
BASTIN Family History Told Through Maps
Yanceyville, Caswell County, NC Scrapbook (Photos!)
The BASTIN Civil War Scrapbook
BASTIN-L Archive
BASTIN Virtual Cemetary(Photos!)
The BASTIN Backroom (KY Storytelling)

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Where Were You Born? (SSN Calculator)

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Database Owner Contact Information

Gary L. Bastin
267 Neville Cir NE
Palm Bay, FL 32907
Problems with my e-mail address? Mail me via the web, instead! .

My ICQ Number is 16351471 and you can contact me in real time with ICQ if I am online!

(c) Mirabilis LTD.

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You are visitor number since 2 Aug 1997.

Email|| Home|| Surnames|| Scrapbook|| Family History|| Civil War|| BASTIN-L Archive|| Cemetary|| GEDCOM|| Storytelling|| Calendar|| SOUNDEX|| B.D. Calculator|| News|| Survey

Awards: See the awards this website has won! (Guaranteed allergy-free and always freshly dusted!)

Explore Related Links:
Don Bastin's Homepage
Don's other page at Family Tree Maker
Edith Bastin's Polston/Poston Family Page
Glenda Bastin's Presnell/Presley Family Page
Shari's SS Hypertree (Descendants of Anna Bastin Langwell, daughter of Thomas and Hannah Bastin of Caswell County, NC. Photos of cousins, too!)
Mike Vance's homepage

East Chicago, IN BASTINs
BASTIAN/BOSTIAN Webpage Pennsylvania, North Carolina.
Terry Bastian's Research on BASTIANs(Terry is working to connect these into a family tree!)

Kentucky Konnections The Best of KY-related pages!
WCLU 1490, Glasgow, KY(Turn off the Jukebox/Album before visiting this site, an online RealAudio archive for the last week of local news.)
Adair County, KY
Barren County, KY
Casey County, KY
Edmonson County, KY
Hart County, KY
Lincoln County, KY
Metcalfe County, KY
Muhlenberg County, KY
Pulaski County, KY
Wayne County, KY
KYGenWeb for any KY county not listed here.

Down Home Cumberland River Region of KY (Pulaski Co, KY, and nearby.)
Gorin Genealogical Publications Numerous books on Barren, Hart, and neighboring counties in KY for sale.

Search for your Surnames:
Rootsweb. A major source of Genealogical Data on the Web.

Ancestry Connections

GenConnect Global Surname Search (all linked County pages, Obituary Pages, etc.)
Online Genealogical Database Index (Contains all known searchable online databases.)

The SurnameWebThe Surname Web
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