Since he was born March 29, 1999, all the storks were on Easter vacation. The Bunny brought him instead.
No, thank goodness! When he's hungry, he just whimpers softly. It actually takes him a while to wake us up for a feeding, poor guy!
Her first word was "cat." Her first two-syllable word was "happy."
"Hello, Daddy." Her first sentence was, "I see diggers," referring to bulldozers working near our new house.
A flower, green with pink petals around her face.
It's great! The view is even better than we were expecting, and we have triple the space we had before. Our neighbors are very friendly, and we're only a few minutes away from work, school, and shopping.
About 6,000 feet, with Pike's Peak towering to 14,000 feet. Denver, schmenver!
The date was July 11, because we like to drink Slurpees from 7-11.
168 (that's one every hour for a whole week).
Rebecca was born on July 9, 1997. That's a neat birthday because it's a palindrome! (7-9-97)
Yes! Linda, Rosalind (Bernie's mom), and Alannah (Bernie's cousin) all have the same birthday (Dec. 7 - Pearl Harbor Day). What's even neater is that they are all exactly 25 years apart in age. On the day that Rosalind turned 50, Linda turned 25, and Alannah was born! By the way, Alannah's dad, Aaron, just happens to have the same birthday as Rebecca (July 9). Pretty amazing!
Who are your children named after?Their first names were chosen fresh, but their middle names honor family relatives. Rebecca's middle name "Araxia" was chosen in honor of Rebecca's great grandmother, Araxia Hovsepian. Jacob shares his middle name "Gibson" with Bernie and Bernie's father Bruce. The Jackson family tree goes back through the Gibson family to American colonial times. |
July 11, 1992 |
Dan Akroyd.
They both were "lucky" enough to live in the most sought-after room of a Stanford dormitory called "ZAP House." Linda got it as a senior by living at ZAP for two previous years, getting elected house manager, and washing a whole bunch of dishes. Chelsea got it as a sophomore, her first year at ZAP, by having the President of the United States for a Dad.
No team that has lost to either of them has ever gone on to win a Super Bowl that season.
Green and purple.
Joe Gibbs, who is now an NBC commentator.