est. 1992
Jake displays the stripe he just earned |
Jacob Earns First Stripe — Nov 2004Jake took his first martial arts test this morning and earned a yellow stripe on his white belt. After he has three yellow stripes, he can test for a yellow belt. Until now, Jake has been in an individual "junior" class. After his test, his instructor invited him to join the older kids ages 6-12. |
Three Monkeys Choose a Christmas Tree |
Jacksons Waste No Time Selecting Tree — Nov 2004In keeping with tradition, the Jacksons brought home a Christmas tree the day after Thanksgiving 2004, measuring nearly 9 feet tall including stand. "With Christmas only a month away," said Linda, "it's important to maximize the time we can display decorations." Linda denied rumors that the Advent quilt went up the same day. |
Sabrina's second drawing of our family |
Sabrina Draws Whole Family — Nov 2004Sabrina drew her first picture of our whole family. "Actually," she says, "I already drew one at school for my book." We won't see that one until the end of the year, but this is her second. |
Jake faces unconventional attack |
Jake Faces Unconventional Threat — Nov 2004Jake is enjoying his martial arts class. He has learned a few kicks as well as a front stance, palm block, and a few hand strikes. His instructor says Jake is almost ready for a stripe on his white belt, indicating that he is part way to his next belt. Good job, Jake! Will Jake learn to escape a determined kiss? |
Sabrina wrote her name for the first time |
Sabrina Writes Her Own Name! — Nov 2004Sabrina is writing her name now, all by herself! She also writes "MOM," and she reads about a dozen words including: I, a, to, no, go, so, he, me, yes, not, on, the, and they. |
Jacksons in costume |
Halloween 2004Halloween 2004 was good for the Jacksons. The kids had school parties in costume, and we had good weather for trick-or-treating. At the last minute, Daddy even made a costume. Sabrina dressed as a flower for her school party Wednesday, but by the time Halloween came (Sunday), she had her eye on a pink bunny costume Becka had worn a few years ago. Jake went as a race car driver, and it turns out two of his school friends wore exactly the same costume! Becka dressed as Hermione, the leading girl in the Harry Potter series. Her costume was complete with a magic wand and the official necktie of the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry! During trick-or-treating, the weather turned gradually colder. We dropped off Sabrina and Jake after completing a short loop and went back out with Becka and some older friends for a long loop. On the way home, a light freezing rain began to mist down on us, and just after we made it inside, it began to snow. Perfect!
Jake and his pit crew |
Becka's First Bike Ride |
Becka rides with no training wheels! — Mar 2004We removed Becka's training wheels last summer, but she has only ridden a few times since then, and only with Daddy holding the handle bars. This morning (Wed. Mar. 24), we took her to a park to practice on the basketball court. After about 20 minutes working with Daddy, she wanted to try balancing herself. She rode all the way across and put on the brakes with no help. Then she did it four more times flawlessly! At that point a reporter showed up with his camera. He was out hunting for early-spring human interest photos for the Gazette. He snapped dozens of pictures while Becka continued traversing the basketball court without a hitch. Then she worked on turning. Becka rode laps around the basketball court with Daddy holding the handle bars during the turns and letting go for the straight parts. After a few laps, she went solo with no problem! We didn't even have our camera because we had no idea she would suddenly master it--but at least the reporter caught it all on film! Back at home, Becka rode lap after lap around our cul-de-sac, picking up speed and dodging neighbors. We even had to remind her to slow down! That's when we got these photos. |
Becka's First Pitch |
Becka threw the first pitch! — Jun 2003At Sky Sox stadium, Becka had a Girl Scout bridging ceremony before the game. First, the girls walked over a wooden bridge symbolizing their transformation from Daisies to Brownies. Then, Becka was chosen to represent them all by throwing the first pitch! "I threw a good pitch!" reported Becka proudly after her historic toss. "The catcher couldn't even get it!" The Sky Sox are Colorado Springs' AAA minor league baseball team affiliated with the Colorado Rockies. Their stadium is the highest in the world, at 6400 feet. |
Brina's first braids
Sabrina the Pixie |
Age 4 going on 16
Jake at the car show |
Longboat Key |
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