Click for Kasson, Minnesota Forecast

Last Updated October 10, 1998
Check out the updated 'Friends Choral Ensemble'link
New Mailing list allow you to be updated
on upcoming performances!

The Kasson Site will include sections for a variety of Kasson, Mantorville, and Dodge County, Minnesota organizations and activities. Also included will be links to other Kasson and Dodge County Pages. If you are from this area and have a page you'd like to have linked to from this one please email me and let me know where to find your page. No adult themes or links please.

Listed below are several categories. Not all of these include active links as yet. If you know of any home pages that fit these catagories or if you have suggestions of categories to be added, please let me know.

divider bar

button Dodge County Chapter
spacer American Cancer Society.
button Friends - A Great Choral Ensemble
button Kasson's Festival in the Park
button Mantorville Theatre Company
button Masonic Lodge

button K-M Telephone Company
button Kim Ibach Automotive
button Mantorville Brewery
button SE Minnesota School of Music

button St. John's Lutheran Church

button Desktop Media
button Millennium Communications
button Rural Connections - Pick A Plan
button Search for Providers - Internet
spacer Access Providers (IAP)

button AmericInn

button Minnesota Links
button Welcome to Kasson

buttonDibble's Website
buttonRubyRed's Parlor
buttonThe Brues

button Kasson Elementary
spacer and Middle School
buttonKasson - Mantorville Schools


Come visit often as I intend to make this page,
like Kasson,
a GREAT place to visit!!

This site has been visited by great people since February 7, 1998!