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Welcome to Marie's Homepage
Cead Mile Failte
Eireann Gobrath=Ireland Forever !!
This is the land i was born and bred a land full
of culture,music and not forgetting the pubs
it is said that most people in the world
can trace their roots back to Ireland
The Dublin Flag
This is Dublin the town where i was born and
lived for 22yrs before moving to holland,and though the people are very nice and friendly
as the saying goes theres no place
like home.Though many visitors know Trinity
College there is so much more to see,
just walking down O'Connell Street is a buzz.
And nearby theres Grafton-Street and ST Stephens
green a lovley little park.
Irish stew
450gr mutton or stewing beef,1kg potatoes,250 gr carrots,250gr onions,1 tsp tym&parsley,pinch of salt to taste,1 1/2 dl stock or meat cube 2 sticks of celery.
Cut the meat into thick pieces & boil for 45 mins,add the thickly sliced veg and spices and cook for another 45 mins.Best served with freshly baked brown bread
Brown Bread
6 cups of wholemeal flour,4 cups of plain flour,2 tsp salt &bakingsoda,4 cups of buttermilk
Mix the dry ingd,add the buttermilk and make a soft but not sticky dough.Flatten on a floured surface till 3 cm thick.Place onto a floured baking tray and cut a cross in the center of the bread.Bake in a preheated oven fo 45mins gas 6
500gr selfraising flour,250gr margarine,2 eggs,salt(a pinch) sultana's(optionail) 1\2 pint of milk.
Sive the flour into a bowl,add small pieces of marg and rub into flour till crumbly,beat eggs into milk.add to flour to make a soft dough.Put onto a floured surface and roll out to about 1\2 cm,cut out shapes with a glass and put into preheated oven gas 6 for 20 mins
A Little bit of Ireland

"You'r my little bit of Ireland
thats what you used to say
and from my eyes fall
teardrops that taste of irish clay
for i feel my life a mountain
that rises from the sea
of irish song and memories
that wash you back to me.
@ Elizabeth Gallagher.
Irish Blessing

May the road rise to meet you
May the wind be always at your back
May the sun shine warm upon your face
May the rains fall soft upon your fields
And until we meet again
May God hold you in the palm of his hand
As i sit with pen in hand,i pause and think of a far far land,of people i have left behind,and things of great value to which i was blind.A friendly irish smile an invitation to stay awhile and have a cup of tea,these things i took for granted and not for what they were.Now mother dear i ask of you as if in silent prayer,does your hair still hang like silver,is your face toilworn and old,do your blue eyes shine with warmth that keeps out the bitter cold,cause Mother dear i miss you ,you i cannot see but when i sit and think of you in memories you are near to mee.
[Auther] Anne Huizing-O'Donnell.
The name Dunne in Ireland
is derived from O'Duinn and
the O'Doinn gealic steps who
were based in County Laoise
and County Wicklow.It is in these Counties that the majority of decendents can still be found
Motto:Mullach Abu
"The Hills Forever"      
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