Hi, and welcome to my guest book! I hope you enjoyed my page, and come again soon!

Moocowzz - 03/28/00 06:03:48
My URL:/Heartland/Pines/7915/index.html
Place of residence: Maine
Hobbies or Interests: sewing, gardening, piano, singing

Nice site

Laurel - 01/15/00 03:21:18
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Cabin/4803
My Email:Private
Your occupation: stay at home mom
Place of residence: B.C. Canada
Marrital status: Married
Number of children and their ages: Three, ages:11,10, and 3!
Your age: 30 (something) lol
Hobbies or Interests: Reading, T.V. Surfing and Page building

I like your pages and the way they are set up. Checked out most of it, but am coming back again. Nice to see some kid links!

Mechelle - 10/12/99 17:29:05
Place of residence: Michigan
Marrital status: Married
Number of children and their ages: 3 boys ~~~ 13, 9, 17mths
Your age: sheesh so personal. lol ummm... I'm 32, that's the truth and I am sticking to it!!
Hobbies or Interests: walking, reading, in the process of teaching myself to knit.

I love the website. It is great to put a face with a name!

Joe - 09/23/99 14:34:14

Just in the neighborhood, thought I would say Hi.

~stillaughing - 09/07/99 19:22:12
Your occupation: networkmarketing
Place of residence: Windsor,Ontario,Canada
Marrital status: omgosh yessssss
Your age: 12 and 15
Hobbies or Interests: making people laugh

I loved you web...will have to come back...thank your husband for directing me here...it is a great place to visit ...wish i cooked you got alot of great ideas there...don't have to wish you luck...looks like you are making your own...way to go...and keep on keeping on...Laura

^mini - 07/28/99 02:25:59
Your occupation: homemaker
Place of residence: canada
Marrital status: Married
Number of children and their ages: 2 kids 18 and 14
Your age: 44
Hobbies or Interests: gardening...shopping...chatting lol

Very lovely site....thanks to Rob for sending it to me. You have put a lot of work into it and should be congradulated. Keep up the excellent work!!

Jeff aka:Bama - 07/03/99 03:33:45
My Email:crimson_tide@mindspring.com
Your occupation: lil this and that
Place of residence: Alabama...where else
Marrital status: married , or was last i checked
Number of children and their ages: 2 at last count, age?? 8 and 1 something
Your age: 30 something
Hobbies or Interests: told you i would have to kill you

Love your page, was Great!! never knew you had so many talents *wink* hope to see ya soon, Jeff

marie glenn - 07/03/99 02:28:52
My Email:franmc
Your occupation: teacher
Place of residence: burton
Marrital status: married
Number of children and their ages: 1 2yr
Your age: 27
Hobbies or Interests: none i have child

Just looking around and learning about everything.

Nancy - 06/28/99 00:05:51


Beth - 06/24/99 22:27:32
My Email:ebryant14@aol.com
Your occupation: Stay at home mom
Place of residence: Swartz Creek MI
Marrital status: Happily married
Number of children and their ages: 1, 18 mos.
Your age: 28
Number of cats, and their names: none

Thanks for the link!

Patti - 04/24/99 02:17:25
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Petsburgh/Farm/3339
My Email:hayespg@kua.net
Your occupation: jack of all trades
Place of residence: Florida
Marrital status: married
Number of children and their ages: 3- 18, 16, 13
Your age: 36
Number of cats, and their names: 2- Sarabi and Spencer

Found your url in the html 4.0 classroom. Learning a lot from the course. Planning to apply the new skills to my existing web page someday soon. I like your site, the graphics are neat. Hey, what happens to the fish in your pond come winter??? I woul love to put a pond in my back yard, though I wonder if my dog would eat the fish!? Visit my site if you get a chance!

Ed Skala - 01/18/99 21:49:39
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/WestHollywood/Park/5516/
My Email:ejs427@ibm.net
Your occupation: Artist
Place of residence: New York City
Marrital status: Single
Your age: Old
Number of cats, and their names: One Great Dog, Gizmo

Very nice site Laura. Very nice family and friends. I particularly liked the Kids Quotes. "Smile." I love your Fish Pond. My back hurts just looking at all those rocks. :)

m.Flavell - 11/18/98 00:00:43
My Email:M.Flavell@tesco.net
Your occupation: manager
Place of residence: uk
Marrital status: single
Number of children and their ages: 2 dogs 1 +2
Your age: 27

Well i thought i would say hello and look around your web site as i an new to this net stuff mark

jim - 11/08/98 20:37:32
My Email:ac4xl@ntr.net
Your occupation: retrid
Place of residence: louisville ky
Marrital status: yes
Your age: 68

just looking

testing - 11/03/98 18:56:54

Just testing out the guestbook...

Sirio - 10/05/98 18:46:30
My URL:http://www.fortunecity.com/millennium/bluepeter/224
Place of residence: Italy

SirioStarGate ... Ciao

10/04/98 13:05:44
Penny Gomer - 09/14/98 14:51:01
Your occupation: Manpower/office help
Place of residence: Zeeland
Marrital status: Married
Number of children and their ages: 1 and 9 years


John Q. Public - 09/07/98 16:40:03
My Email:oldfolks@home.net or com
Your occupation: Cyber Heckler
Place of residence: Keyboard,Cyberspace
Marrital status: This is a trick question right?
Number of children and their ages: 2 kids and one whacked out teenager
Your age: 69 yrs. young
Number of cats, and their names: 2... ( the lee cats.. ug and home

Hey great page I love the sports section. It was very detailed and your cooking ideas were great. I really enjoyed the gardening section and thought it was phenomanel. So keep up the good work and just remember you could be Me.. so keep a smile on your face...

Mo Russell - 07/15/98 21:51:53
Your occupation: sitting in the house and doing nothing
Place of residence: everywhere
Marrital status: Hmmm not yet i dont think
Number of children and their ages: hahahahaha
Your age: 13 almodt 14
Number of cats, and their names: 1 jasmine

Hi mom whats up nice page bye

Buckwheat - 07/14/98 12:19:18
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/RainForest/Canopy/3876
My Email:buckwheat-dc@bigfoot.com
Your occupation: none!
Place of residence: A box of Crackerjacks
Marrital status: single
Number of children and their ages: none!
Your age: 12!
Number of cats, and their names: one, named Bert

Hi, come and bring loads of friends to my web site!

mOnTaNa~bob - 07/03/98 18:07:22
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/nashville/9013/
Your age: under 49
Number of cats, and their names: 1-"kitty"

Hi Came back for a visit...take care....!

Angela - 06/19/98 08:07:04
My URL:/Heartland/Prairie/4787/
Place of residence: Germany
Marrital status: married
Number of children and their ages: one son, 19 years old ;-))
Your age: 44
Number of cats, and their names: 5 cats: Lisa, Bella, Carlos, Leo, Stinker (and 2 dogs and 2 mynah birds)

Hi Laura!! I wanted to sign your guestbook and say hello before I leave this nice place! Your pages are really great, very well designed with a lot of nice, funny and interesting contents - seems you are a very creative person - I just love them!! I enjoy d my visit very much, I enjoyed looking through all your lovingly designed pages, I'm sure to return to visit you again :-). Have a great day ~ greetings from Germany ~ Angela

Angelas Homepage - our cats, dogs and mynah birds, pictures and stories - animal protection page - background sets and more

Matt - 05/18/98 02:54:19
My Email:920573@ican.net
Your occupation: Lumberyard worked
Place of residence: Northern Ontario
Marrital status: single, many girlfirends lol
Number of children and their ages: zip
Your age: sixteen
Number of cats, and their names: none,

hello Lora, this really is a cool site, ummm................I'll see you later

Frank - 05/14/98 00:39:24
My URL:http://surf.to/sci
My Email:scan-service@gmx.de
Your occupation: programer
Place of residence: germany
Number of children and their ages: 1 3 years
Your age: 28
Number of cats, and their names: 1 / sheba

Hi !!!
Just wanted to compliment you on your page!
Looks like you've worked really hard on it. :)
I will have to come back again and visit sometime.
please stop by my page and check it out and sign the guestbook !!!
Greets & All the best from Germany,
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Webmaster check out this and get up to 22000 hits/day:

Tom hood - 05/04/98 22:59:58
My Email:tomhoodjr@bigfoot.com
Your occupation: Navy Pilot
Place of residence: Texas
Marrital status: Married
Number of children and their ages: None
Your age: 23
Number of cats, and their names: I HATE Cats!!!! (allergies)

Wow, Nice page. Nice Site. I take care of a site for my friends who have a band.... www.fourdegrees.com Don't do much else with HTML anymore... flying keeps me pretty busy. I'm impressed with your stuff. TOm

Jack - 04/24/98 05:29:11
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/9915
My Email:nt3bjack@mail.cvn.net
Your occupation: 3M
Place of residence: Gettysburg,Pa
Marrital status: Married
Number of children and their ages: 2 boys age 21 and 23
Your age: 48
Number of cats, and their names: none


Hello Laura

Enjoyed meeting your wonderful family though your pages on the internet.
Very well done and was a pleasure to read and view.
Thank you for sharing it with us and God Bless Always.

The Ditzler's

Rhonda - 04/22/98 23:03:50
My Email:RhondaH777@aol.com
Your occupation: Quality Inspector
Place of residence: Swartz Creek
Marrital status: Married to Dan
Number of children and their ages: boy-7, girl-5
Your age: 30
Number of cats, and their names: 1 Millie :)

Hi! Nice page!!! :) See you at the soccer field!

Montana Bob - 04/18/98 16:05:21
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/nashville/9013/index.html
Your occupation: Government
Place of residence: In
Your age: 48
Number of cats, and their names: 1------kitty

Ive just arrived here and am looking around as I speak. Please visit me too !! Bob

Michelle Nicol - 04/17/98 06:29:41
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Meadows/2611
My Email:chrisandmick@geocities.com
Your occupation: Full Time Mum
Place of residence: Australia
Marrital status: Encumbered
Number of children and their ages: 3 luvely tin lids
Your age: Enough
Number of cats, and their names: ZERO

Liked the page - cruised in off your geobanner. Drop by my page when you get a chance

Cynthia Hirsch - 04/17/98 02:05:03
My URL:http://www.personal.isat.com/kchh
My Email:kchh@isat.com
Place of residence: Pahrump, Nevada
Marrital status: Married
Your age: 31

Very nice family site..Looks like you have a good life there. Good Luck!

polly - 04/16/98 18:41:43
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/oh/pollyspatch
My Email:polly_v@hotmail.com
Your occupation: homemaker
Place of residence: ohio
Marrital status: 15 years
Number of children and their ages: one @ 16 years
Your age: 30+
Number of cats, and their names: no cats (allergies) one dog Venus

Nice page but will have to come back, I ran out of time and have to go make some dinner.

Kyle - 04/09/98 10:54:09
My Email:Aquaflight@aol.com
Your occupation: ROV Pilot
Place of residence: Wyoming
Marrital status: Divorced
Number of children and their ages: 1@3
Your age: 27
Number of cats, and their names: One VR Cat I call Harm

Thanks for share'n your stories, and family with me.

Kyle - 04/09/98 10:52:52
My Email:Aquaflight
Your occupation: ROV Pilot
Place of residence: Wyoming
Marrital status: Divorced
Number of children and their ages: 1@3
Your age: 27
Number of cats, and their names: One VR Cat I call Harm

Thanks for share'n your stories, and family with me.

Adam and PAm - 04/08/98 02:19:45
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/4615
My Email:cyfy@bigfoot.com
Place of residence: Florida
Your age: 26/25

Great page! We enjoyed our visit! Keep up the good work. :-)

- 03/28/98 17:17:11


Dale Staudacher - 03/28/98 05:54:57
My Email:dcstau@hi-line.net
Your occupation: Insurance agent
Place of residence: Havre, Montana
Marrital status: married
Number of children and their ages: 2 plus 3
Your age: 58

Just brousing around and came across the name. Curios if there is a relationship. My father came to Montana from Michigan in 1912. His dad/my grandfather's name was Thomas Andrew. Have a good one.

Marie Peragine - 03/26/98 03:35:09
My URL:http://www.liii.com/~ralphp1/Grandma
My Email:mariep1@hotmail.com
Your occupation: Office Supervisor
Place of residence: Long Island, N.Y.
Marrital status: Married
Number of children and their ages: 3 kids(?) 33-30-28 4 grandkids
Your age: 21+

Loved your page Kids Quote are Great! Best Wishes Marie

Christine Martin - 03/25/98 22:44:04
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Valley/7377
My Email:caam@flash.net
Your occupation: student
Place of residence: Fort Worth, Texas
Marrital status: engaged
Number of cats, and their names: 2, Putter and Mew

I love your page, I read your ramblings and I've run into the same problem. I used to work at Six Flags Over Texas and we had to be helpful or we were fired. They paid people to go around the park like guests and ask us tuff and scored us so we never knew if this person was a mystery guest or not.

Amy Nicole - 03/18/98 15:14:52
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/southbeach/breakers/8915
My Email:nicole_am@yahoo.com
Your occupation: College Student
Place of residence: Port Lavaca, Texas
Marrital status: Single
Your age: 19
Number of cats, and their names: Sorry, I'm a dog person

I was just visiting all the pages in southbeach. You have a great page! I really liked it. Come visit mine some day.

Nicky - 03/10/98 20:25:19
My Email:nicky29@flash.net
Your occupation: Domestic engineer
Marrital status: Divorce
Number of children and their ages: son 5 and daughter3
Your age: 29
Number of cats, and their names: none

Hi Laura saw you on the powwow white pages and saw you where from Michigan I am working on moving to Dearborn soon and like to talk to people from that area .Liked your page it was original and I hope to have one myself some day ! :) Take Care Nicky

nanato9 - 02/28/98 05:32:08
Your occupation: Housewife
Place of residence: western Kentucky
Marrital status: married
Number of children and their ages: 3,--30,29,17
Your age: 53
Number of cats, and their names: 1, Gretchen

I like your page, I am new to the net. I like to see peoples home page.Yours is user friendly =-)

missy - 02/15/98 01:59:08
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/pa/missyz/index.html
My Email:mlzeig@nni.com
Your occupation: hairstylist
Place of residence: PA
Marrital status: seperated
Number of children and their ages: 1 son, Tyler, 15 months
Your age: 24
Number of cats, and their names: 2,..roxie and goober

nicepage. i liked it. you got cute kids!

Ken - 02/02/98 04:25:16
My Email:marmin@uq.net.au
Your occupation: Computer Trainer
Place of residence: Australia
Marrital status: Married
Number of children and their ages: 2......26 and 22
Your age: 50
Number of cats, and their names: none

I was very impressed with this home site i was talking to Lora and she told me about the site. I hope to create something similiar in the very near future.

A Woman - 01/31/98 22:58:54
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/RainForest/4003
Your occupation: Computer Nerd, part time

Just wanted to say, LOVED the music! Can you tell us more about it?

Ela - 01/29/98 18:41:45
Your occupation: homemaker
Place of residence: calif.
Marrital status: have a hubby
Your age: 32
Number of cats, and their names: 4 cats 1 dog 1 bunny 1 bird

Well, I'm thinking of joining and get my own free homepage, but I think I don't understand it quite yet. I like your's. Well maybe you hear from me again.

Dan & Kris - 01/28/98 07:23:32
My Email:kayak@ida.net
Your occupation: electrician/bookkeeper
Place of residence: IDAHO
Marrital status: YEP
Number of children and their ages: 3 (10,6,3) 1 boy 2 girls
Your age: 30 (both)
Number of cats, and their names: none

Laura & Rob; Wanted to check out your homepage...very nice, lots of creativity, and easy to tour. Didnt have time to tour all...but we'll be back. TATERMAN/KERI.....

~Grandma~ - 01/26/98 05:13:26
My URL:http://members.theglobe.com/Grandmas
My Email:grandma@pcpros.net
Your occupation: A Grandma
Place of residence: Wisconsin
Marrital status: Happily Married To ~Grandpa~
Number of children and their ages: 2 girls, 25,27-3 grandchildren, 2 boys, 3 and 7mod-1 girl 7
Your age: Shame On You
Number of cats, and their names: No Cats, Just Smokey

Hello There: I have greatly enjoyed your pages! It is obvious that you have given great time and effort to their creation! I have bookmarked your page for a return visit! It is always a pleasure and very exciting to stumble upon a page that shows such good taste! Keep up the good work, and don't be a stranger, come on over and visit ~Grandma~! The coffee's always hot and the cookies are fresh baked! ~Grandma~ is always home and YOU are always most WELCOME!!
~God Bless~ ~Grandma~

BlackHawk - 01/24/98 04:06:53
My URL:http://www.golden.net/~blackhawk
Place of residence: Canada
Number of cats, and their names: 1: Kiki

Hiya, loved the page. Just wanted to leave a small note saying I was here. Take care.

debbie staudacher - 01/17/98 20:05:16
Your occupation: unknown
Place of residence: my house or yours
Marrital status: inbetween
Number of children and their ages: 2 or 3
Your age: 29
Number of cats, and their names: 2 - garth & snowball

hi everybody, its Aunt Debbie. I'm playing on the computer. by

Julie - 01/15/98 14:38:00
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/or/Orifamily/
My Email:rorillion@poseidon.net
Your occupation: Mom
Place of residence: South Carolina
Marrital status: Married
Number of children and their ages: 2 13 and 9
Your age: 37

I like your homepage.

Carla Miller - 01/14/98 01:55:21
My Email:miller_fam@msn.com
Number of children and their ages: 3 children, 1 &1/2 grandchildren
Your age: 51
Number of cats, and their names: CATS?? I have a dog thankyou. Belle

Laura these pages are great. They are very organized and easy to tour. I will be back soon to finish reading the stories.

John Williams - 01/13/98 18:31:50
Your occupation: MACHINIST
Place of residence: OTISVILLIE, MI
Marrital status: MARRIED
Number of children and their ages: 2, SCOTT9 &DENAE8
Your age: 34
Number of cats, and their names: No cats, dog Ginger


Jim Staudacher - 01/12/98 02:07:38
Your occupation: Die Maker
Place of residence: Davison, Mi.
Marrital status: Married
Number of children and their ages: Five
Your age: 62
Number of cats, and their names: One (Kipper)


Joe Cappo - 01/11/98 21:44:22
My Email:mcappo@student.flint.umish.edu
Your occupation: mtd

Enjoying your site. Looks like a lot of work went into it. back to browsing......Joe

Bill - 01/03/98 22:31:29
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ca/projectplus
My Email:bpowles@istar.ca
Your occupation: self employed
Place of residence: Hamilton, Ontario
Marrital status: Married
Number of children and their ages: 2, 24 and 21
Your age: secret
Number of cats, and their names: no cats one dog

found your site on home of homes and thought I would pay a visit and sign your guest book

peggy - 01/02/98 23:41:18
My Email:pas610@tir.com
Your occupation: retired RN
Place of residence: Davison
Marrital status: married
Number of children and their ages: 5 step-children
Your age: older than dirt
Number of cats, and their names: Kipper/dog-Abby

Good job Laura.......Your favorite mother in law!

Outrage - 01/02/98 03:22:42
My URL:/Colosseum/3922
My Email:Outrage@geocities.com
Your occupation: network administrator
Marrital status: Married
Your age: 21

Well, I was out surfing and noticed that you were listed so I thought I'd pay you a visit. I enjoyed you page. Thank you. Please pay me a visit. http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/3922

Lobo Music Corp - 12/25/97 21:32:48
My URL:http://bbdsedson.com/lobomusic/
My Email:lobolobo@yellowhead.com
Place of residence: Canada

Lobo Music Corp is providing a directory for musicians and writers . COme vist our page and if you like it link to us and tell your friends. Thanks

Jose Tomas Viesca - 12/24/97 19:48:27
My URL:/WallStreet/7135
My Email:jviesca@home.com
Your occupation: Student in High School, Pending SDSU
Place of residence: San Diego, CA
Marrital status: Single
Number of children and their ages: Not Married
Your age: 17
Number of cats, and their names: 1 cat named Leo

Lovely Page....I like it all...I even Like this cool guestbook...keep it up and visit me at:

Viesca's Web Site! Viesca's Web Site!

melissa - 12/24/97 16:52:16
My Email:none
Your occupation: daughter
Place of residence: mi texas
Marrital status: none i am you daughter
Number of children and their ages: none
Your age: 13
Number of cats, and their names: 2 jassy nanet


Aunt Carla - 12/19/97 00:18:24
My Email:miller_fam@msn.com
Your occupation: Aunt to Jamie (daughter of onemom)
Place of residence: Bay City, MI
Marrital status: yes
Your age: 51
Number of cats, and their names: sorry none but Belle my dog is just as good

This note if for Jamie, If your Mom can tell the world about your personal business (and it is a major accomplishment) then I Aunt Carla, can tell you, so the whole world can see, WAY TO GO JAMIE. YOU ARE A BIG GIRL NOW AND I AM VERY PROUD OF YOU!!! Love, Aunt Carla P.S. See you on Christmas day.

Jane - 12/17/97 03:13:36
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/mi/pagey4/index.html
My Email:pagey2000@hotmail.com
Your occupation: student of Roses
Place of residence: Ann Arbor
Marrital status: single w/Steve
Number of children and their ages: none that I am aware of yet
Your age: 22
Number of cats, and their names: had one named rainbow

Hey Laura! Congrats on your awards! They might have been there awhile and I didn't even see them. I try to come to your and Rob's page a couple times a week and I usually read your page and look at all your links. But I am very, very happy for you that yo earned such wonderful awards!!

Kevin - 12/15/97 02:47:33
My URL:/SouthBeach/Palms/7811
My Email:Kevinb@2-cool.com
Your occupation: Firefighter/EMT
Place of residence: Rio Grande Valley (Texas)
Marrital status: Married
Number of children and their ages: 1/8
Your age: *28
Number of cats, and their names: 1- Frosty

Hey, just surfing and bumped into you...nice work.

Fishman - 12/07/97 10:53:04
My Email:FoolsAndKings@Geocities.com
Place of residence: Home
Marrital status: Black Belt
Number of children and their ages: Just Me
Your age: 28

THIS has got to be my favourite page. I love coming here and seeing what you have done. Its such a NICE page , so much thought .. can i be your manager , when you get page of the year for this. Please keep updating it , I LOVE THIS PAGE

Fishman - 11/12/97 14:22:52
My URL:/southbeach/palms/2961/
My Email:Foolsandkings@geocities.com
Your occupation: Slave
Place of residence: Centre Of The Universe
Marrital status: Taken
Your age: 27
Number of cats, and their names: Mrs is allergic to them

I will update my Web Page , as soon as I have my New Computer ( P2 300mmx , 8GB drive , 64MB ram ), which should be next week , I blew the other one up , so Mrs Fish told me to buy a new one , hehehehe... shame I had to get such a good one. Talk to you re l soon .. I'll have a New ICQ UIN aswell .... hope your doing great ... Love Fish xxx

ASTRID - 11/07/97 18:17:13
My Email:erz95czy@studserv.uni-leipzig.de
Your occupation: always -in -a- hurry student
Place of residence: Leipzig, Germany
Marrital status: ;+)
Your age: 21
Number of cats, and their names: a HONK dog sometime

I enjoyed your home page a lot. It was fun to read !

Kevin - 11/03/97 02:25:19
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Palms/7811
My Email:Kevinb@2-cool.com
Your occupation: Firefighter
Place of residence: South Texas
Marrital status: Married
Number of children and their ages: 1...8
Your age: 29
Number of cats, and their names: 1...Frosty

Nice page, although I think Christmas lights on palm trees is quite normal...

Carrie - 11/02/97 03:14:45
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/CollegePark/Union/1454
My Email:maglite@theonramp.com
Your occupation: Radio/law-enforcement
Place of residence: Perry, MI
Marrital status: SINGLE!
Number of children and their ages: 00000000000!!!
Your age: 25
Number of cats, and their names: Angel:)

Hi! I saw that you were from Swartz Creek (through PowWow) and jumped on your page to check it out! Used to work for CK105 up until May of 96...

Carla - 10/22/97 23:53:09
My Email:Miller_fam@msn.com
Your occupation: Laura's sister
Place of residence: Bay City, MI
Marrital status: 31 years
Number of children and their ages: 3 children 1 & 1/2 grandchildren
Your age: middle
Number of cats, and their names: dog named Belle

Laura, Sorry to hear about Zeppelin. You have my deepest sympathy. Enjoyed your autumn writings and the Halloween page. Hi to Rob, Steph, and Jamie.

Carla - 10/22/97 23:46:37
My Email:Miller_fam@msn.com


Dave Burgess - 10/14/97 04:33:37
My Email:2kawika1@misi.net
Your occupation: Professional
Place of residence: Sterling Heights
Marrital status: Married
Number of children and their ages: 30, 21
Your age: 51
Number of cats, and their names: sushi. Elvin

Enjoyed the tour through your homepage.

David (Gooshi) :o) - 10/08/97 10:23:53
Your occupation: Sales
Place of residence: Australia
Marrital status: Happily married.
Number of children and their ages: 2-G.6 B.4 Stephanee & Matthew
Your age: 32
Number of cats, and their names: no cat's 1 Dog Wooof

Hi laura i really love your Home Page Keep up the good work youve really accomplished a lot in such a short time you should be proud of yourself.I look forward to speaking with you real soon it's been way to long :o(. I hope you can change my sad face to a happy one i think just seeing you on will acheive that catch you later Your Friend on the net Downunder-Dave ( Gooshi )

Fishman Down Under - 10/03/97 07:09:05
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/southbeach/palms/2961/
My Email:On Contents Page
Your occupation: Traveller
Place of residence: On the move in OZ
Marrital status: Married from next Saturday
Your age: 27

Hi there from Down Under. Glad to see the page is still going strong , however its hard to pinch things from your page on this daft machine im using. Everything is going great and the weather is in the 30's. Talk to you both soon. Have fun, your friend Fi hman xox

Zeppey (aka Jane) - 09/27/97 21:41:58
My Email:pagey2000@hotmail.com
Your occupation: student
Place of residence: my new duplex!
Marrital status: Stevenized
Number of children and their ages: none that I know of
Your age: too young
Number of cats, and their names: had about 11 but they all died..see I got my first cat when I was 4, ever since then they all get hit by cars or dround in the toliet. j/k

I am very impressed with this page! Rob gave me the address and I have seen it though two phases. I find it quite humorous and enjoyed it very much. But the very best part was the music that was being played on here! I will definetly be back!

Sandi - 09/26/97 20:53:29
My Email:shibbert@tir.com
Your occupation: Good Question!
Place of residence: C'ville, MI USA
Marrital status: Very Married
Your age: 45
Number of cats, and their names: 2, Boots, & Patches

Hey, girl, it just keeps getting better! You words are thought provoking, and fun, too. Keep it up, kiddo! Sandi

Greg (McG) - 09/24/97 01:12:32
My URL:none yet!!
My Email:rineckga@uwec.edu
Your occupation: Information Specialist
Place of residence: Eau Claire WI
Marrital status: Married
Number of children and their ages: 3 kids Tim 11, Katie 8, & Bryan 6
Your age: 35
Number of cats, and their names: none

Cool Page Laura.

Zep - 09/12/97 06:48:29
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/Arena/8073
My Email:stadacre@tir.com
Your occupation: Mr. One Mom
Place of residence: One Mom's Place
Marrital status: Yes
Number of children and their ages: 3 and they vary
Your age: middle aged
Number of cats, and their names: 2, dead and meat

Hi hon just messin with ya. Your Stud Muffin

Zorb - 09/09/97 04:45:34
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Studio/8394
My Email:Zorb@mindless.com
Your occupation: I am mostly occupied with trying to find my mind and staying in tune!
Place of residence: Professional Gypsy. Try to catch me...I dare you!
Marrital status: Yup, I'm hitched! And I believe "marital" only has one "r"!
Number of children and their ages: One daughter, age 6
Your age: 35
Number of cats, and their names: I am deathly allergic to cats!

Yo! This is great! Laura, I have enjoyed your friendship, even tho I can't believe you would actually talk to someone as "off-center" as me! Didn't your mom (or Rob!) tell you to stay away from musician types? Anyway, tell Rob not to worry, as there a en't many paying gigs in Schwartz Creek. And thanks a million for all the help with my web page!

Tracey - 09/08/97 02:22:26
My Email:dace@hotkey.net.au
Your occupation: net addicted,housewife
Place of residence: Brisbane Australia
Marrital status: Married, sorry Rob.
Number of children and their ages: 2 kids, 4 & 6
Your age: 31
Number of cats, and their names: I have a dog, woof.

Hey I finally found it, way to go Laura, it's great. Keep up the good work. If you need help let me know. Look forward to reading your page in the future.

sandilee - 09/07/97 12:27:52
My Email:You know me!
Your occupation: Mover extraordinaire!
Place of residence: C'ville, MI
Marrital status: Very Married
Number of children and their ages: Just cats & dog
Your age: 45
Number of cats, and their names: 2, Boots & Patches

Boy, have you been a busy girl! Keep up the good work.

Fishman - 09/07/97 09:58:11
My URL:http://www.geocities/southbeach/palms/2961/
My Email:foolsandkings@geocities.com
Your occupation: Postal Worker
Place of residence: North East , UK
Marrital status: Soon to be hitched
Your age: 27

Well Done , This is going to be a cool page and I'm going to put links to both sites when I next update the gallery. Give me a shout if you need any help , scanning , music , pics etc. I proud of you both . Love Fishman

Your Nephew - 09/06/97 14:11:50
My Email:szdn9m@ibm580-1.clc.gmeds.com
Your occupation: Engineering Systems Engineer
Place of residence: Bay City
Marrital status: Married
Number of children and their ages: 1.5 - 15months and -7months
Your age: 27
Number of cats, and their names: none

Cool stuff - you know you can go into business and make $$$$$$ doing web design for other people!

Carla - 09/03/97 00:31:42
My Email:You know it

Hi Laura I finally found you. This page is so cool! Keep it up. Love your sister. (The old one)

stauby - 08/29/97 03:34:48
Your occupation: stud

great page

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