Languages of the Little House Books

The Little House Books have been translated into forty languages including Japanese, Dutch, German and Spanish to name a few. This page will be a major work in progress as I am researching! Please e-mail me if you know of some others! I'd love to hear from you! I've included exact translations where I could.

Special thanks to those who helped with this page: Ava Gunn and Kimberly Koscielniak in Mississippi, Rebecca Irby in West Virginia, Joseph Licata in New York, Kamila Orcholska in Pozman, Poland, Bjorn Ramming, and Maria Fabaech Svendsen from Denmark

Dutch Titles:

Het kleine huis in het grote bos (Little House in the Big Woods)
Het kleine huis op de prairie (Little House on the Prairie)
Het kleine huis aan de rivier (On the Banks of Plum Creek)
De grote hoeve (Farmer Boy)
Het Zilvermeer (By The Shores of Silver Lake)
De lange winter (The Long Winter)
Stad op de prairie (Little Town on the Prairie)
Een huis voor Laura (These Happy Golden Years)
De vier prairiejaren (The Four Prairie Years)
Onderweg (On the Way Home)

Roger MacBride Books

Op de heuvel (Little House on Rocky Ridge)
Bij de bron (Little Farm in the Ozarks)
Bij de boomgaard (In the land of The Big Red Apple)

Other Books

Het Kleine Huis Kookboek (The Little House Cookbook - Barbara M. Walker)

Spanish Titles:

Un Granjero De Diez Anos (Farmer Boy)
La Casa Del La Pradera (Little House On The Prairie)
Orillas Del Rio Plum (On the Banks of Plum Creek)
En Las Orillas Del Lago De Plata (By The Shores of Silver Lake)

German Titles:

Laura in Grossen Wald (Little House In The Big Woods)
Laura in der Prarie (Little House On The Prairie)
Laura und ihre Freunde (On The Banks of Plum Creek)
Laura am Silbersee (Silver Lake)
Laura un der lange Winter (The Long Winter)
Laura in der kleinen Stadt (Little Town On the Prairie)
Laura bluckliche Jahre (These Happy Golden Years)

Swedish Titles:

Det lilla huset i stora skogen (The Little House In The Big Wood)
Det lilla huset pa prarien (The Little House On The Prairie)
Farmarpojken (Farmer Boy)
Huset vid plommonan (The House At Plum Creek)
Vid silversjons strand (At The Beach Of Silver Lake)
Den langa vintern (The Long Winter)
Den lilla staden pa prarien (The Little Town On The Prairie)
Gyllene ar (Golden Years)
De forsta fyra aren (The First Four Years)

Italian Titles:

Piccola Casa Nel Grande Bosco (Little House In The Big Woods)
Ragazzo Contadino (Farmer Boy)
Piccola Casa Nel Prato (Little House On The Prairie)
Nelle sponde del Sorgente Prugno (On The Banks Of Plum Creek)
Nella Spiaggia del Lago D'Argento (By The Shores of Silver Lake)
il Lungo Invervo (The Long Winter)
Piccola Citta Nel Prato (Little Town On The Prairie)
Questi Contenti Anni D'oro (These Happy Golden Years)
i Primi Quattro Anni (The First Four Years)

Polish Titles:

Maly domek w Wielkich Lasach (Little House In The Big Woods)
Domek na Prerii (Little House On The Prairie)
Nad brzegami Srebnego Jezoira (By The Shores of Silver Lake)
Maly farmer (Farmer Boy)
Dluga zima (Long Winter)
Miastreckzko na Prerii (Little Town On The Prairie)
Szscesliwe lata (These Happy Golden Years)
Pierwsze cztery lata (The First Four Years)

French Titles:

La petite maison dans la prairie (Little House On The Prairie)
Au bord du ruisseau (Banks of Plum Creek)
Un enfant de la terre (Farmer Boy)
Un hiver sans fin (Long Winter)
Sur les rives du lac (By The Shores of Silver Lake)
La petite ville dans la prairie (Little Town On The Prairie)
Ces heureuses annees (These Happy Golden Years)
Les jeunes maries (The Young Newly Weds)

Chinese Titles:

Da Sun Lin Li D'a Show Moo Woo (Small Wooden House Inside a Big Forest)

Danish Titles:

Det lille hus i den store skov (Little House In The Big Woods)
Det lille hus pa praerien (Little House On The Prairie)
Det lille hus ved floden (Little House By The River=On the Banks of Plum Creek)
Drengen og garden (The Boy And The Farm)
Huset ved soen (The House By The Lake)
Den lange vinter (The Long Winter)
Byen pa praerien (The Town On The Prairie)
De gyldne lykkear (These Happy Golden Years)
De forste fire ar (The First Four Years)
Pa vej mod vort huem (On The Way Home)

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