The Life Of Laura Ingalls Wilder
Oh, once a little barefoot girl on high blue grass did play.
A sunbonnet hung low on her back as she worked and loved each day.
Such days, she told, were of long ago, but of memories not gone.
These memories of sweeter times, she thought, "they must live on."
Her life was but a simple one yet one honest and true.
Her stories would yield so many friends, and this she never knew.
(C)Laura Licata Sullivan, 1997
Please stop on your way out and sign my guestbook!
Let me know how Laura Ingalls Wilder has touched YOUR life!
I'd love to hear from you!
Thanks, Laura L. Sullivan
a.j. - 12/23/00 05:18:21
Your Favorite Little House Book: These Happy Golden Years
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: never have seen them
| Comments:
Laura Ingalls Wilders book's are great. Iv'e read
all of them at least 12 times!! (I'm serious) My
grandmother gave to me and I started reading them and I couldn't put them down! Every time I go to the bookstore I try to see if there are any new ones that have came out. I wish that I could have lived in the time of Laura and what i would do to meet her. She was a very wonderful person and it's amazing to think about all she has accomplished and she gave us a window to the past and she must have been one of the most, if not best, authors to do that. I love her books and have read them 12 times times and I'm only 11!!!
Laura L Taylor - 12/19/00 02:39:58
Your Favorite Little House Book: These Happy Golden Years
| Comments:
I remember watching the episodes on tv when I was little, although I just recently just started reading the books my neice cassie is in home schooling the Classics program and we studied on the Little House on the Prairie book I guss I just got hooked on
hem, I found that the books were allot different then the show, the best parts were when she got Nellie Olsen, And I was just fasinated by all the ways they prepared their foods, clothing and beddings for themselves, We just need to be thankful for what w
have already made for us now a days, But I found my self just thinking how many things that I have in common with her, because I to was born in Feb on the 6, but one hundred years later in 1967; I to have also been teaching like her and sometimes I'm som
times get iretated, I also told my husband Don that we were going to take obey out of our merriage vows. although I've never really lived on a farm, there was a time my family lived in a house that we had to haul water for a short time, I didn't really li
e that but I loved the peace and the space we had. As a matter of fact I was calling my self Laura Ingalls when we lived in that house it was a small joke I made to everyone, the books are very good it is good read about somebody else for a change.
James - 12/17/00 06:01:17
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: Sylvia
| Comments:
LHOTP is marvelous because family values have become politically incorrect. Particularly with my growing up, life could be a nasty and lonely place. I always had a warm smile on my face every week watching LHOTP. Sylvia is my favorite episode because I
had the BIGGEST crush on the actress who played her (Olivia Barash). In fact, the Part 2 of that episode originally aired on my ninth birthday 2-16-81. I have terrific memories of that show, and to this day it touches me still. Great job on the web Laura
James - 12/17/00 05:59:50
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: Sylvia
| Comments:
LHOTP is marvelous because family values have become politically incorrect. Particularly with my growing up, life could be a nasty and lonely place. I always had a warm smile on my face every week watching LHOTP. Sylvia is my favorite episode because I
had the BIGGEST crush on the actress who played her (Olivia Barash). In fact, the Part 2 of that episode originally aired on my ninth birthday 2-16-81. I have terrific memories of that show, and to this day it touches me still. Great job on the web Laura
Melissa McPherson - 12/17/00 02:03:20
My Email:moemac1
Your Favorite Little House Book: Little Town on the Prairie
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: all
| Comments:
I really enjoy everything about her and the series.I collect her books,the tapes of the series
I feel she had a wonderful outlook on life. I really enjoy anything and everything about her and
the series. I hope one day I will be able to visit her home/museum it has been a life long
dream for me.
Valerie Walker - 12/14/00 19:53:45
Your Favorite Little House Book: These Happy Golden Years
| Comments:
Now that I have read all her books I really love the places she lived and want to be more like she was.
Jeannine DeMatteis - 12/13/00 04:35:57
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: The one when pa has to put bunny the horse down.
| Comments:
Hi Laura, we have a 2 common loves. Little house and Billy Joel. I confess when its on TBS in the afternoon and if the kids are napping. I watch it. Great Sites!!! and again CONGRATULATIONS on your book. Jeannine
Symphony - 12/11/00 21:54:46
| Comments:
i am just doing a school assighnment on her.
Kristen - 12/11/00 02:52:12
Your Favorite Little House Book: Little House In The Big Woods
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: Little House On The Prairie
| Comments:
I enjoy reading Laura's books. They are interesting books to read. Right now, I am reading Little House On The Prairie. & I have the book " The Little House In The Big Woods. I just realized a couple of days ago that the book the I have is writtin by Laur
. P.S. I hope everyone enjoys reading Laura's books.
Rachel - 12/10/00 20:22:07
Your Favorite Little House Book: Farmer Boy+LittleHouse in the Big Woods
| Comments:
Thank you for having a website,I'm doing a Language Arts report on her, and this site had a lot of info I could use.
Scott Doornbos - 12/10/00 15:45:39
My URL:http://msn
Your Favorite Little House Book: Little House in the big woods
| Comments:
I"M in school and just starting to read Lauras books and really enjoy them.
Hazel Gonzalez - 12/09/00 23:56:48
Your Favorite Little House Book: Little House in the Big Woods
| Comments:
Gabrielle Marie - 12/07/00 02:05:53
Your Favorite Little House Book: all of them
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: Christmas on little house
| Comments:
I have watch little house on the priarie for as long as i can remember,I really feel that little house is one of the best series on televsion,
Little House On The Priarie was an insperation for me when I was younger,I love Little house and everyone in it,
You've done a wonderful job,Thank you for giving us such a wonderful joy,
Gabrielle Marie - 12/07/00 02:05:44
Your Favorite Little House Book: all of them
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: Christmas on little house
| Comments:
I have watch little house on the priarie for as long as i can remember,I really feel that little house is one of the best series on televsion,
Little House On The Priarie was an insperation for me when I was younger,I love Little house and everyone in it,
You've done a wonderful job,Thank you for giving us such a wonderful joy,
Lori Dziedzic - 12/02/00 18:48:54
Your Favorite Little House Book: Little House on the Prairie
| Comments:
I enjoyed the books as a little girl-I couldn't put them down. As an adult, I always talked about getting the set someday. It brought tears to my eyes when my mother gave me the entire series last year at Christmas. I'm 27, and Laura still affects me.
jordan coiner - 11/29/00 16:18:56
| Comments:
jordan coiner - 11/29/00 16:18:54
| Comments:
ashley hilton - 11/29/00 16:18:40
| Comments:
Lora Elizabeth Wilson - 11/28/00 23:19:22
Your Favorite Little House Book: On the Banks of Plum Creek
| Comments:
My teacher told us we have to do a book report on our hero I chose Laura because she has aclampushed so much!
Lora Elizabeth Wilson - 11/28/00 22:50:00
Your Favorite Little House Book: Farmer Boy
| Comments:
I was named after you! I love your work I love to hear how it was back then!You describe everthing in perfect detail!
pat - 11/28/00 18:41:06
Your Favorite Little House Book: Little Town on the Prairie
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: When Laura and Mary fake laryngitis!
| Comments:
Please forgive me for not giving url: it;s my first day with e-mail and I don't even know what it means! I've read all of Laura's books since I was little. The only thing I didn't like about them was that when Laura would write about Pa's fiddle music and
the songs they sang, we of course had no idea what it sounded like. Well, thanks to you, even that aspect has come alive for me, and now when I read the books, I read them with a new perspective and appreciation. Do you know, when I heard "These Happy Gol
en Years" on the piano I actually got tears in my eyes because it was so beautiful and simple, just like Laura and her stories. Thank you for doing that.
Annika - 11/28/00 15:17:11
Your Favorite Little House Book: On The Banks Of Plum Creek
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: 11#
| Comments:
Laura Ingalls is a great person to do a report on!!!
Kelly - 11/27/00 23:27:41
Your Favorite Little House Book: Little Town On The Prairie
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: Little Town On The Prairie
| Comments:
I bet I like the little house on the prairie books just as much as you do!
Elizabrth Stoll - 11/22/00 23:42:03
Your Favorite Little House Book: On The Banks Of Plum Creek
| Comments:
I love these books, and am doing an assinment about Laura Ingalls Wilder. I also liked Farmer Boy.
Michelle Brown - 11/22/00 04:25:01
Your Favorite Little House Book: still can't pick
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: still can't pick either!
| Comments:
I have a friend at school called Rachel and she has never heard of Laura, Almanzo, Mary, Carrie, Grace, or even Rose, but I tell her about them and as soon as I see her at school tomorrow, (Mossfiel Primary School, Hoppers Crossing VIC Australia) I will r
commend this website to her because I am sure that she will love to see the guest book and just how many people there are who like Laura and her books.
I would love to visit Rocky Ridge Fram, the little houde in the big woods and the prairie (if they are still there) and to hear Pa's fiddle being played. But probably won't be over there anytime soon, as I am only !@ years old and I don't think plane tic
ets cost les than $6.00 which is how much money I have. A message to Laura Licata Sullivan: That is a really nice poem!
Michelle Brown - 11/22/00 04:08:53
Your Favorite Little House Book: every single one
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: every single one too
| Comments:
I started reading the little houde boks when I was about seven or eight and when I finished all of them I was so fascinated by Laura's family and the way that people lived back then that I just had to read Rose Wilder Lane's stories by Roger Lea MacBride.
He was so lucky to know Rose, as I am certain she was a wonderful person, like Laura.
Debbie Vercher - 11/21/00 01:54:56
Your Favorite Little House Book: Little House in the Big Woods
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: Sweet Sixteen
| Comments:
I began reading the Little House books as soon as I could start reading and I watched the first episode on TV as a little girl. She has always been a role model of mine.
sammie jaramillo - 11/18/00 03:33:08
Your Favorite Little House Book: school days and little house on the prairie
| Comments:
i think laura ingalls wilder is the best writer. her books are the best.
J. Bolduc - 11/17/00 02:55:05
Your Favorite Little House Book: The Long Winter
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: the movie
| Comments:
I started out reading these books to my boys and got hooked and had to read ahead! What peaked my interest was that Laura was a contemporary of my great grandfather. They grew up at the same time and both in the upper mid-west. It has been fun to see t
rough Laura's eyes what life was possibly like for my great grandfather. I salute the memory of Laura Ingalls Wilder and her family!
Alyssa Melillo - 11/16/00 02:04:10
Your Favorite Little House Book: 1 The first four years 2Farmer boy
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: the pie burglar one
| Comments:
I have read all the books including parents,grandparents,...I am doing a report
in school and need at least 20 facts.My mom
read most of the books too.
Kayleigh - 11/15/00 00:52:22
Your Favorite Little House Book: Little House in the Big Woods
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: don't watch T.V.
| Comments:
I really like your web-site!!!!!
Lacey Kathman - 11/13/00 04:31:20
Your Favorite Little House Book: Little House on the Prairie
| Comments:
I loved reading the Little House books when I was younger! I used to wish I had her life and could live and experience what life was like back in those days. I have read all of her books at least twice, and they never get old!
Matt Williams - 11/13/00 01:04:34
Your Favorite Little House Book: Little House in the big Woods
| Comments:
I cannot pick a favorite television episode. I thought they were all so good. I have enjoyed these stories as I grew up and now enjoy watching my children experience them. I especially like to watch my daughter read the stories and watch the television
series. They are and always will be very special to me and my family.
B Ray - 11/12/00 01:16:25
Your Favorite Little House Book: all
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: all
| Comments:
I remember as a little girl my Grandmother reading these stories to me and I feel in love with them. I still watch The Little House seres on t.v. when I'm home.
hs student - 11/10/00 02:13:28
Your Favorite Little House Book: all
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: all
| Comments:
my mom loves the tv shows and the books,especially.
i'd love to get some feed back from you!!!
Lynn Dula - 11/08/00 22:06:14
Your Favorite Little House Book: The First Four Years
| Comments:
Laura Ingalls Wilder is the best! I love her books!
HEATHER JOHNSON - 11/07/00 15:48:40
| Comments:
MacKenzie Mata-Connors - 11/03/00 02:02:41
Your Favorite Little House Book: Little House in The Big Woods
| Comments:
MacKenzie is my 7 year old son. His second grade teacher is reading the series aloud to his class. We live in Wisconsin, and travel annually to the Northern part of the State. MacKenzie is enraptured by these stories, and our family discussions bring u
fond memories for me too. Thank you for your website. Jenn Santos Connors and MacKenzie
Janice I. LeJeune - 11/01/00 21:14:36
Your Favorite Little House Book: These Happy Golden Years
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: The very first episode
| Comments:
Laura Ingalls Wilder has been a lifelong interest of mine. I have collected numerous items of hers(all of her published books, cookbooks, pictures, articles, etc.) I had the experience to visit Rocky Ridge Farm in Mansfield, Missouri and it was wonderfu
. I hope Laura "lives" on for children for many years thru her books.
Janice I. LeJeune - 11/01/00 21:14:16
Your Favorite Little House Book: These Happy Golden Years
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: The very first episode
| Comments:
Laura Ingalls Wilder has been a lifelong interest of mine. I have collected numerous items of hers(all of her published books, cookbooks, pictures, articles, etc.) I had the experience to visit Rocky Ridge Farm in Mansfield, Missouri and it was wonderfu
. I hope Laura "lives" on for children for many years thru her books.
whitney - 10/30/00 23:37:53
Your Favorite Little House Book: little house in the big woods
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: where laura gets in a fight with one of this local girls
| Comments:
I think this page is awesome, im in 8th grade and i had to do something called literary society day and i dressed as Laura Ingalls Wilder. i love her books and the tv shows were awesome. thanks
brittany king - 10/30/00 00:43:25
| Comments:
Carrie - 10/29/00 21:40:56
Your Favorite Little House Book: The Long Winter
| Comments:
It is a very nice, long book! I am interested in this book.
Emily Susan Plate - 10/29/00 19:37:51
Your Favorite Little House Book: All of them!!!
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: I just can't pick!!!
| Comments:
-I was so glad to find this web site about Laura Ingalls Wilder. When I was little my mother used to read me the books that she wrote every night before I went to bed. Later on I started to watch the TV series. I have always loved, and been interested
n pioneer times, and Laura Ingalls Wilder has always been a favorite person of mine. Thanks so much for creating this site, I have had so much fun looking at it!
Emily Plate
Christina Vizenor - 10/28/00 01:28:47
Your Favorite Little House Book: Little Town on thePrarie
| Comments:
I read the Little House paperback books till they fell apart while I was growing up. Even now I will occasionally pick one up to reread just for old times sake! Thanks to the internet I'm able to get more info to satisfy my curiousity. I wish there was
more information avail. I really enjoyed your web site.
Christina Vizenor - 10/28/00 01:28:37
Your Favorite Little House Book: Little Town on thePrarie
| Comments:
I read the Little House paperback books till they fell apart while I was growing up. Even now I will occasionally pick one up to reread just for old times sake! Thanks to the internet I'm able to get more info to satisfy my curiousity. I wish there was
more information avail. I really enjoyed your web site.
Tori Rittgers - 10/28/00 01:25:46
Your Favorite Little House Book: Little House on the Praire
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: The first episode
| Comments:
I think she is very instresting. Was Charels in the Cilvel War? Her and her family has really made a change in my life. I really want to go to Mansfield, MO. Well please E-mail me back. I am 7. My birthday is 1-19-93. I have two sisters their names are De
nna and Nicole. Deanna is the oldest and Nicole is the youngest. My parent's names are Delbert and Christi Rittgers. I have a cat and a fish. Well I better get going now. It is now 8:23. The date is 10-27-00. Bye! and Thanks. Thank you very much. Love, yo
r new friend Tori Rittgers P.S. Can you please tell me where you are from.
Carl J. Ewald - 10/27/00 17:02:51
Your Favorite Little House Book: Farmer Boy
| Comments:
At age 57 I look back over many years of having an on going love affair with Laura.
I first fell in love with her and her books when I was in 3rd Grade.
Now I am nearly at the end of my career as an elementary educator. Every year I introduce a new group of students to Laura.
Carl J. Ewald - 10/27/00 17:02:48
Your Favorite Little House Book: Farmer Boy
| Comments:
At age 57 I look back over many years of having an on going love affair with Laura.
I first fell in love with her and her books when I was in 3rd Grade.
Now I am nearly at the end of my career as an elementary educator. Every year I introduce a new group of students to Laura.
MIchelle - 10/22/00 15:12:16
Your Favorite Little House Book: On the Banks of Plum Creek
| Comments:
Luara is the best writer in th whole world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
anita horn - 10/20/00 16:12:34
Your Favorite Little House Book: little house in the big woods
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: little house on the prarie
| Comments:
i've been to her home and her retirement home in the ozarks and let me tell you, it was beautiful.
i don't have an e-mail or a url address, but my home address is route 1 box 13-broughton,ill-62817. i would love to hear from you.
anita r. horn
Leisl - 10/19/00 18:00:05
Your Favorite Little House Book: Little Town on the Prairie
| Comments:
The Little House stories have been my favorite books since I was little. My 17-year-old paperback copies of Little Town and These Happy Golden Years are literally falling apart. If a library owned them, they would have been thrown out about 9 years ago
r before!
Tawni Davis - 10/18/00 22:03:50
Your Favorite Little House Book: Little Town on the Prairie
| Comments:
I really like your books.
Amie Moore - 10/17/00 17:45:12
Your Favorite Little House Book: On The Banks of Plum Creek
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: The halloween episode towards the beginning
| Comments:
Laura has effected my life with her memories
and tv series. Infact, she's the reason I
became a teacher. I'd really like to take a trip
and see all the sights. I hope to someday. Do
you have any brochures or pamphlets you
could send me about the different sights?
Jessica Taylor - 10/16/00 14:13:23
Your Favorite Little House Book: Farmer Boy
| Comments:
I love the Little House on the Prairie books!
I like how you detail everything so precisely.I wish I could live back in the past where there was pioners.
Yours truly,Jessica Taylor
Patricia Mahan Gullidge "The Prairie Lady" - 10/14/00 23:59:45
Your Favorite Little House Book: Little House in the Big Woods
| Comments:
"Little House" has inspired me as I have researched womens life on the prairie. My "Prairie People" have their origin On the Illinois Prairie but life was not much different than depicted in Mrs. Wilders books. I thank God she had to forsight to share h
r history with us all.
Kasandra Smith - 10/14/00 05:34:27
Your Favorite Little House Book: Farmer Boy
| Comments:
I have read all of the books at least a dozen times. I have also read biographies of Laura's life. I hope to visit museums and sites devoted to her, and am so thankful that she thought to share her life's journey with the world.
Rachel Harken - 10/12/00 22:18:56
My URL:I don't have a website!!
Your Favorite Little House Book: Little Town on the Prairie
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: By the Shores of Silver Lake
| Comments:
I love Laura and her books!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I just wanted to say this is my favorite website!!!!!I wish Laura,her family,Rose & Almanzo were still with us.Martha,Charlotte,Caroline,MaryX2,Laura, Rose,Joseph,Henry,ThomasX2,Eliza,Caroline(Carrie) Charles,Grace
and last Almanzo are all part of the Family.
Rachel Harken - 10/12/00 22:18:49
My URL:I don't have a website!!
Your Favorite Little House Book: Little Town on the Prairie
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: By the Shores of Silver Lake
| Comments:
I love Laura and her books!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I just wanted to say this is my favorite website!!!!!I wish Laura,her family,Rose & Almanzo were still with us.Martha,Charlotte,Caroline,MaryX2,Laura, Rose,Joseph,Henry,ThomasX2,Eliza,Caroline(Carrie) Charles,Grace
and last Almanzo are all part of the Family.
Edna Boddy - 10/11/00 03:07:08
Your Favorite Little House Book: The Long Winter
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: Don;t know
| Comments:
Laura's books were my favorite books growing up.
I have re-read them several times as an adult.
Grace K. - 10/09/00 20:37:05
| Comments:
Grace K. - 10/09/00 20:37:03
| Comments:
shirley ledford - 10/01/00 21:57:38
| Comments:
I enjoy all of the little house episodes. I really liked the one where Laura gets Nelly back by pushing her down the hill into the creek. I also liked the marriage of her and Almonzo. The saddest episode is the last one where the blow up the entire town o
Walnut Grove.
DEEDRA KELLEY - 09/30/00 18:44:47
Your Favorite Little House Book: all of them
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: all of them
| Comments:
DEEDRA KELLEY - 09/30/00 18:37:20
| Comments:
Jodie & Shelley - 09/22/00 17:36:16
Your Favorite Little House Book: Litte Town on the Prairie and On the Banks of Plum Creek!!
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: When Laura beat up Nellie's brother!
| Comments:
Excellent website!
Jade - 09/20/00 21:54:44
Your Favorite Little House Book: The Long Winter
| Comments:
I have learned so much about pioneer life reading Laura's books. I also thing your page is great and I often use it for school reports. I'm sure Laura would be proud of you. Keep up the good work! Jade
Taylor - 09/20/00 18:36:57
My Email:westvikingtn
Your Favorite Little House Book: Litttle House In The BIG Wood
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: The Long Winter
| Comments:
Alair - 09/20/00 18:34:48
My Email:Two000STLC@AOL.COM
Your Favorite Little House Book: little house in the big woods
| Comments:
Taryn Beaver - 09/18/00 22:08:47
Your Favorite Little House Book: These Happy Golden Years
| Comments:
Shannon Kilichowski - 09/16/00 19:20:26
Your Favorite Little House Book: happy golden years
| Comments:
Shannon Kilichowski - 09/16/00 19:19:36
| Comments:
Melissa - 09/16/00 15:31:18
Your Favorite Little House Book: These Happy Golden Years
| Comments:
B - 08/31/00 01:10:37
Your Favorite Little House Book: All
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: all of them
| Comments:
reading her books has given me a vehicle to the past. I have always enjoyed history and her books give me a first hand account of what life was like in the past. I am happy to have all of her books to pas on to my children so that they can have the same
appreciation for her writing that I do.
Hannah - 08/28/00 21:18:44
| Comments:
Regina Lakes - 08/28/00 21:01:52
Your Favorite Little House Book: The Long Winter
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: Christmas related ones
| Comments:
I am 43 yrs old and still enjoy reading the LH
books from time to time. They are my favorite
books of all times. I just love reading about the
simple pleasures they appreciated in those days.
misty pilcher - 08/28/00 17:40:25
Your Favorite Little House Book: the long winter
| Comments:
I've visited the home in mansfield and enjoyed it so much! Haven't been since the opening of the little rock house, although I did see it, with its shorter than usual cabnets in the kitchen for pa's little half pint. I didn't realize she was really that s
all until then!!!
Mathilde - 08/25/00 11:44:48
| Comments:
I'm French and here children can see the Little House video show at 12h30 everyday on the same channel for more than 15 years. It has become a real tradition!!! It's the only American story that all the French like. Congratulations, Laura.
gina bratakusuma - 08/23/00 00:42:42
Your Favorite Little House Book: all of the books
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: when laura met almanzo
| Comments:
i really really like her family. I have all of the books including little house on the rocky ridge series. And my sisters love it.
Esther Burton - 08/19/00 23:10:13
My Email:esther_burton
Your Favorite Little House Book: Little House on the Prairie
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: I love them all!
| Comments:
The Little House books are one of my favorite.I have the whole set of books and i love reading them over and over again.
Esther Burton
age:13 Birthdate:Febuary 18,1986
Your page it Wonderful! I love it!!
Missy - 08/12/00 05:17:42
Your Favorite Little House Book: I love them all!!!
| Comments:
I really admire Laura Ingalls Wilder, not only for her wonderful books but for her good attitude, and the obediance she showed as a young girl and a woman. She truly was an amazing pearson. Even though she is gone, her lessons, books, and self remain.
Debbie McTavish - 08/10/00 16:49:32
| Comments:
Charles sister Lidea is my 3rd Great Grandmother.
My mother has done our famliy tree back to the
sandy - 08/09/00 01:53:08
Your Favorite Little House Book: these happy golden years
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: all of the younger years
| Comments:
I love your page its so much better than mine, but mine isnt for laura!
Mandy Plew - 08/01/00 15:51:35
My Email:kidrockgirl00
Your Favorite Little House Book: These happy golden years
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: When laura and carrie get sent home from school
| Comments:
Laura affected my life bye writing these books,
because i now know a lot about back in that time.
and these books make me feel like i'm in there
world when i read th
rebecca HAMMOCK - 07/26/00 17:23:06
Your Favorite Little House Book: ALL
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: ALL
| Comments:
Eva Bothwell - 07/25/00 20:09:47
Your Favorite Little House Book: ALL
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: ALL
| Comments:
Its a pleasure and a relief to know that even TODAY our children are learning the important lesson of good family life and good attitude that we ALL need to put on practice every day...Thanks to Laura's books!!!
Carol - 07/23/00 07:46:04
Your Favorite Little House Book: Haven't read any of them, but would love to.
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: I really enjoyed all of them. I would watch them with my mother when she was alive. It would never fail, we would both end up crying.
| Comments:
Now there are so many different things on television that I wonder what Laura would say? She would probably be even more greatful for the time she did live in, and have no wishes to live in the now.
Faith Cernetic - 07/20/00 02:17:35
Your Favorite Little House Book: All of them
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: I like all of them, but especially the older ones were Laura's older.
| Comments:
I watch the show practically everyday I can. I really like them! I wanted to check out this web site because I wondered what she looked like in real life. Plus all of her family and the house she grew up in.
debbie davis - 07/19/00 19:18:13
My Email:hotmom114@hotmail
Your Favorite Little House Book: all of them
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: all of them
| Comments:
Sylvia - 07/18/00 10:17:37
Your Favorite Little House Book: all
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: all
| Comments:
I am very glad that there are so many url's about my favorite writer.
I love her books since I was a little girl and I like to watch the series on tv (when I have the luck, because I am Dutch).
My wish is to go to the States and to visit all the LIW museums.
carol montgomery - 07/12/00 01:34:00
Your Favorite Little House Book: Little House on the Prarie
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: any when Nelly gets clobbered by Laura
| Comments:
As a little girl, I devoured the Little House books. When the tv show came out, I also watched it religiously. Now that I have 3 daughters that are beginning school, I am encouraging them to read the Little House books to develop a sense of compassion
or the work Laura Ingalls Wilder has given to the readers of her life.
Tom - 07/10/00 18:41:49
| Comments:
Comments are about your Bily Joel Home Page. Laura S., were you aware that before Piano Man that Billy had a group called the Hassles and between the Hassles and Piano man a group called Atilla and also and just befor Piano man an album called Cold sprin
Harbor? Contact me if you would like any more information.
Michelle Johnson - 07/09/00 06:22:01
Your Favorite Little House Book: all
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: the books are the best.
| Comments:
My father used to read me a few chapters before I went to bed, when I would stay with him on the weekends. I don't remember a thing of what was read, probably too sleepy, but the atmosphere of the books were love and truth. Those morals have helped me i
my 31 years.
I now have a daughter and will be traveling to see some of the Laura Ingalls Wilder homesteads. I want to pass on this great history of triumph and true Christianity to my child. I can't wait to go, for my daughters sake and mine.
Jenny Treiberg - 07/07/00 20:24:45
Your Favorite Little House Book: These Happy Golden Years & Little Town on the Prarie
| Comments:
I really like this site because I learned a lot of things that I didn't already know. I enjoy reading all of the books in the series and mine have been read so many times that they are now falling apart.
Laura VW - 07/07/00 14:18:43
Your Favorite Little House Book: Little House in the Big Woods
| Comments:
My parents named me after Laura & i love reading her books! I've read all of them even "the Rose Years." I enjoy reading her books because she describes pioneer life so vividly.
Animal - 07/07/00 09:12:08
| Comments:
Actually, I got here from your Billy Joel Page. It is AWESOME. Very good. Baby Grand is one of my Billy favorites along with Scenes From and Italien Restaurant and Goodnight Saigon. You have done a great job on your page. He puts on a great concert,
oesn't he??
christine sedlacek - 07/04/00 00:12:35
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nicole sedlacek - 07/04/00 00:08:39
| Comments:
Megan ~~~~~~ - 06/30/00 01:49:51
Your Favorite Little House Book: The Long Winter
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: Christmas w/ Mr. Edwards
| Comments:
I enjoy reading Laura's books. I am on The Other Side of the Hill (the Rose years). It's amazing how so much happened to her in her books. I relate to Laura because I have an older and younger sister. It was fun visitin this website.
Cathy Bodle - 06/26/00 01:16:43
Your Favorite Little House Book: All of them
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: All of them
| Comments:
I first became interested in Little House when I was about 7. My parents got me the set of books when I was 8 and now I am thirty and still read that same set to my daughters.
tara - 06/25/00 20:30:56
My URL:http://yahoo
My Email:tara_mcquaide@yahoo
Your Favorite Little House Book: all of them
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: first 4 years
| Comments:
i'm recieving the little house books in the mail.
Tracy - 06/24/00 23:42:20
Your Favorite Little House Book: Happy Golden Years
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: no particular one
| Comments:
As a kid, I received the gift box of her books. I read and re-read all of them. I even started calling my mother "Ma". I still do. I have all the books including the Caroline years and it's my daughters turn to enjoy them. Each time one of Lauras' books a
e read, it's like re-living her life. She made me a better person growing up.
Teresa - 06/23/00 00:26:58
My URL:http://teresaallenkk01
Your Favorite Little House Book: Little House on the Prairie
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: All of them
| Comments:
Recently I was able to visit Laura's home in Mansfield, Mo.. It was so much fun sharing history with my two children. I hope everyone takes the time to share these books with their children. It's a great way to teach them about life years ago.
- 06/19/00 19:46:34
| Comments:
Marilyn Hodges - 06/19/00 14:08:23
Your Favorite Little House Book: all
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: all
| Comments:
I watch little house every mon.-fri. I even have my husband watching now.
Janet - 06/17/00 23:24:02
Your Favorite Little House Book: All of them
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: All of them
| Comments:
I love everything that has to do with Little House! I am always bugging my daughter to get on the computer and get me things about Little House.(esp. Laura Ingalls Wilder)
Sarah Firmin - 06/17/00 19:36:36
Your Favorite Little House Book: all of them
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: cant remember
| Comments:
I first read little house in the big woods, when I was 6 (1977). I can recall how may times I have read them. One of my ambitions in life is to visit the states, and lauras home. Its nice to finally find people who feel the way I do.
Kathy Olmstead - 06/16/00 17:30:29
Your Favorite Little House Book: which ever one I'm reading at the time
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: don't like the show as well as the books
| Comments:
I admire Laura and her family for their optimistic and hopeful out look in such harsh conditions. Each day was a struggle for survival, yet they always knew things would get beter. I also enjoy "watching" Laura grow up in the books and seeing her family
radually achieve a higher standard of living. As a young girl Laura was thrilled to have her own tin cup to drink from and not have to share with Mary any more. Later Pa was able to have a shanty on a claim and a store front in town. I respect Laura fo
her character.
deidra fouse - 06/16/00 15:53:32
Your Favorite Little House Book: On the Bank of plum creek
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: Laura and Almanzo got married.
| Comments:
I wish I could have met them. I wish I could meet Dean Butler. Who writes the books now. Is There any new books coming out.
Lorelei Kittelson - 06/15/00 20:28:44
Your Favorite Little House Book: "Litttle House in the Big Woods
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: The premier movie "Little House on the Prairie"
| Comments:
I LOVE this! It's really special to know that there is someone else who also enjoys the passion of Laura Ingalls Wilder....her books....and her life! Thank you!!
Dotty Farrell - 06/12/00 18:22:12
Your Favorite Little House Book: love them all
| Comments:
The Little House series and the books, have brought me so much pleasure in my life. I look forward every day to taping the series shows and adding them to my collection. How i'd love to go back in time and live in Walnut Grove.
Caroline Labodda - 06/09/00 19:29:37
Your Favorite Little House Book: These First Four Years
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: all
| Comments:
I love Laura sooooo much when i am not in school I watc the tv episodes. I have all of her books from her great grandmother to her daughter Rose
Mizuoti Tsuyae - 06/09/00 05:02:20
Your Favorite Little House Book: almost all
| Comments:
This is from Japan. I have read her book in Japanese. I was deeply impressed.
The most of all is Laura's dog named Jack.
What a faithful and clever nice dog he was!
On TV,there was no Jack I remember.
Are there any imformation about him?
Tami - 06/08/00 06:03:28
Your Favorite Little House Book: Little House on the Prairie
| Comments:
I love reading about Laura Ingalls Wilder. I found this sight wonderful. I have always thought of Laura as a wonderful role model for kids and grown ups alike....
Morgan Kleifgen - 06/07/00 02:45:18
Your Favorite Little House Book: The First Four years
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: Little House on the Prairie
| Comments:
Laura is a verey good writer.
Janet Conner - 06/05/00 20:30:20
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: I'll be waving as you drive away.
| Comments:
I have watched Little House on the Prairie since i was a little girl. I collect all the movies and shows about Little House. I watch 2 episodes everyday that i can on TBS. This show taught me so much as I was growing up.
- 06/04/00 19:54:20
| Comments:
Jackie - 06/04/00 18:05:20
Your Favorite Little House Book: Little House on tho Prarie
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: I like them all
| Comments:
Emily Paez - 05/29/00 23:56:09
Your Favorite Little House Book: Little House on the Prairie
| Comments:
I just love Laura's books because she is an astonishing writer and has magnificent stories.
Kari - 05/29/00 03:19:43
Your Favorite Little House Book: These Happy Golden Years
| Comments:
Hey! I really like your page. It is very interesting. I read the books a lot. I am trying to get the whole series of them. I have read almost all of them. I have not been able to find some of them in the library.Well, I must say, you did a good job on you
page. Keep up the good work!
J Ingalls - 05/28/00 00:35:59
Your Favorite Little House Book: Little house on the Prairie
| Comments:
I is so cool how she could write such good books I love reading them over and over again. She has a way of expressing herself. WOW!
Tammely Casey - 05/26/00 18:40:39
Your Favorite Little House Book: On The Banks Of PlumCreek
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: I can't pick just one!
| Comments:
The t.v. show "Little House on the Prairie" is how I got hooked. Michael Landon & the whole cast portrayed such feeling performances, you feel as if you are really in Walnut Grove. You could tell there was a strong bond between the cast members.
I am adopted and have had a not so easy life you could say, at 33, and the show to me was the image I had of a perfect family life. Such closeness! I am an avid reader and in my adult years decided to read some of Laura Ingalls Wilder's books, and I now a
most have the whole series of her stories. Every birthday and Christmas now, I get one of her books. And even though they are childlike and simplistic, I love "listening" to her. The way she tells her story, it's like being able to feel the cold winters w
th her, or taste the maple candy with her. Feel the excitement as she gets a shiny penny for Christmas. She truly is a role model and am so glad her spirit has touched me in the way that it has. I would love to know where her decendents are now (after Ros
). And I would love to know where to purchase any of the furniture Charles Ingalls made. I know how rare it would be to find any.
Well, thank you for your time...
Susan Jackson - 05/24/00 19:17:45
Your Favorite Little House Book: These Happy Golden Years
| Comments:
I would love to find the melody to the song that Laura sings in THGY, and also at the beginning of The First Four Years. The first verse goes "In the twilight, in the twilight, at the daylight's dewey close, when the nightingale is singing its last love
ong to the rose...." I've made up my own tune, but would love to know the original. I've felt a kinship w/ Laura since I was a child, and love reading anything about her. My own daughter, Laura is almost 7, and loves to have me read the Little House bo
ks to her now. Thank you for any assistance w/ the song tune.
- 05/23/00 19:52:32
| Comments:
suck in hell
- 05/23/00 19:51:27
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- 05/23/00 19:51:06
| Comments:
i bet now you are a moldy freek
- 05/23/00 19:49:14
| Comments:
i bet now you are a moldy frek
- 05/23/00 19:48:26
| Comments:
You think LIW is pretty Angela Lackey? Are you off your rocker or what?
- 05/23/00 19:47:12
| Comments:
- 05/23/00 19:47:00
| Comments:
kiss my ass
TINA - 05/23/00 19:44:55
Your Favorite Little House Book: LOVE ALL
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: FORGOT
| Comments:
Lauren Capell - 05/23/00 19:44:19
Your Favorite Little House Book: the little house in the priary
| Comments:
your are such a geek
- 05/23/00 19:43:19
| Comments:
You are a dork Sarah Ferris
Laura Ingalls Wilder - 05/23/00 19:41:11
Your Favorite Little House Book: I should like them all
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: I like them all too
| Comments:
I have come back from the grave
Britney Spears - 05/23/00 19:39:15
My Email:Hit me
Your Favorite Little House Book: You drive me crazy
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: Oops! I did it agian
| Comments:
Sometimes I run. Somtimes I hide. Please write bak. I am lonely.
CHRISTINA - 05/23/00 19:38:38
My Email:?????????????????????
Your Favorite Little House Book: KGFLGKF
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: LKMLDLFLK
| Comments:
Poophead - 05/23/00 19:36:57
My URL:http://Who wants to know?
My Email:Terdpie
Your Favorite Little House Book: I hate them all
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: People actually watch them?!
| Comments:
She was a human being.
monkey - 05/23/00 19:36:12
My Email:beverlyhills 90210
Your Favorite Little House Book: thers a monster in my toilet
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: titantic
| Comments:
I love when cliford gets on the train
Christina - 05/23/00 19:35:56
My Email:?????????????????????
Your Favorite Little House Book: PLUM CREEK
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: NONE
| Comments:
bubbles - 05/23/00 19:35:41
My URL:http://????????????
My Email:?????????????????????????
Your Favorite Little House Book: ???????????????????????????
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: ????????????????????????????
| Comments:
how old wear you when died ?
jessia - 05/23/00 19:34:03
My Email:don't know
Your Favorite Little House Book: non of them
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: what little house
| Comments:
Is she dead
eral - 05/23/00 19:31:21
My Email:766579b
Your Favorite Little House Book: littlebutt on theprariie
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: fjuhvn
| Comments:
Sarah Ferris - 05/20/00 20:03:43
Your Favorite Little House Book: On the banks of plum creek
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: I was too young!
| Comments:
Hi!, I'm in the third grade and have read most of your books. I really enjoyed all of them, I have learned alot about history from them. When I get older, I'm going to travel to the places you did.
Lauren Balch - 05/20/00 19:00:32
Your Favorite Little House Book: Little Town on the Pairie
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: None
| Comments:
Lacy McCormack - 05/19/00 16:46:52
Your Favorite Little House Book: On the banks of Plum Creek
| Comments:
I feel that Laura and her family had some rough times and some good times. I have enjoyed reading the Little house books since I was a little girl. I used to read them over and over until I had alot of it memorized. I wish sometimes that I lived in those
ashley - 05/18/00 22:57:16
Your Favorite Little House Book: farmer boy
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: little house on the prarie
| Comments:
i really enjoy ur web site but ur missing a book called on the way home wrote in 1894 its a diary of a trip from south dokota to mansfield,in 1894
thanx 4 a great web site mabey i helped u and u sure helped me with my speech thanx agian ashley
BES - 05/14/00 23:38:34
Your Favorite Little House Book: THE GOLDEN YEARS
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: THE FIRST
| Comments:
EricaBohn - 05/14/00 19:00:40
Your Favorite Little House Book: so far plum Creek
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: The one were Lauras brother is born
| Comments:
I love History thanks to Laura and my grandma I really like pioneer life. If icould for a week i would want to see what it is llike to be a pioneer.
Connie Schellinger - 05/13/00 07:08:58
Your Favorite Little House Book: The Long Winter (1940)
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: (unsure of name...)
| Comments:
She was such an outgoing, caring person. She always seemed to know what she wanted, and went for it!--so determined!
Anne Munkwitz - 05/11/00 23:20:24
Your Favorite Little House Book: Little House in the Big Woods
| Comments:
REading the Little House series three times in my childhood brought me joy! I wanted to travel back to the time she lived in. Now as an adult i read the stories and and almost brought to tears. What a smart lady in sharing her life with the world !!!
Brooke Bechen - 05/11/00 22:26:32
Your Favorite Little House Book: The little house in the big woods
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: have never seen one
| Comments:
Before I heard of Laura Ingalls Wilder, I was unsure what to be when I grow up. My teachers always complamented me on my work, plus I read all of the books. I really want to be a writer someday and with Laura Ingalls Wilder, My wish is coming true!
beth - 05/10/00 13:55:20
Your Favorite Little House Book: All of them
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: All of them
| Comments:
Way cool and totally rad!
- 05/09/00 01:30:41
| Comments:
Kathi - 05/07/00 18:50:51
Your Favorite Little House Book: haven't read them yet
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: when Almanzo and Laura get together
| Comments:
Hi, love your homepage!!! Really great. Love Laura Ingalls, the way she showed us how it was to grow up in her time. The family live/the hard times....
I'm looking now for her books because here we only have the series on tv. Love to get in touch with other fans.... Bye for now, Kathi
E. Cochrame - 05/07/00 17:29:46
Your Favorite Little House Book: Lauras Ma
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: allof them
| Comments:
I think Little House on the Praire books & show are the best ever. I watch every episode and read every book.
E. Cochrame - 05/07/00 17:29:21
Your Favorite Little House Book: Lauras Ma
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: allof them
| Comments:
I think Little House on the Praire books & show are the best ever. I watch every episode and read every book.
alicia - 05/05/00 16:07:45
Your Favorite Little House Book: the parie days
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: waltens hill
| Comments:
thank you for making this page
Michelle - 05/03/00 01:49:11
Your Favorite Little House Book: all of them
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: all of them
| Comments:
I wanted to know if the series on television was
true to her real life. I own all the video tapes
and she was an inspiring person
Haley Chandler - 05/01/00 20:12:49
Your Favorite Little House Book: on the banks of plum creek
| Comments:
I think it was great for you to make a website for
the famous Laura. She was a little brave girl and
had a great imagination just like my little
sister.I think you had a great idea in making a
website. When i was young, i read all of them the
same year because they were so interesting. Then I
started reading the books by her relatives but
they weren't as good.Well, gotta go.
Haley Chandler p
brandi saylor - 05/01/00 01:19:12
Your Favorite Little House Book: All of them !
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: Marrying Almonzo
| Comments:
Enjoyed your page which helped with with a school report..........thanks!
Samantha - 04/30/00 23:53:25
Your Favorite Little House Book: All of them
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: All of them
| Comments:
- 04/30/00 17:42:09
| Comments:
Rachael Jones - 04/30/00 04:17:58
| Comments:
Michelle Laval - 04/29/00 00:23:22
Your Favorite Little House Book: All of them!!
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: All of them!!
| Comments:
If anyone would like to talk to my about Laura, I would be happy to, I love her, and her books as much as you do, but I have no one to talk to with about her, and it's starting to bug me!! My e-mail is e-mail me all you want, I'd
be happy to talk to you!!!
Michelle Laval - 04/29/00 00:13:02
Your Favorite Little House Book: All of them!!
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: All of them!!
| Comments:
I would like to thank you sooooo much for putting out this site!! Laura Ingalls Wilder is my absolute, most FAVOURITE writer of all time!! Nobody else that I know even knows who she is, but she's still my favourite. I own 8 out of the 9 Little House books
(all except Farmer Boy) and I have read what I have at least 5 times, EACH!!
I also have most of The Rose Years' books. I've read everyone of those too!! Laura was EXACTLY like me when she was little, but Rose isn't at all. I think it's sad what REALLY happened to Jack, and it made me cry when Pa died. So, thank you again sooo muc
Michelle Laval
Rebecca Cornell - 04/27/00 22:09:45
Your Favorite Little House Book: On the shores of silver lake
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: ?????
| Comments:
I found this site very helpful in doing a reasearch paper on Laura. Thank You!!!
emilee katherine gevock - 04/26/00 01:33:18
Your Favorite Little House Book: all of them
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: all of them
| Comments:
if u have any more info or good web sytes thaat u have gone to please send them to me and how old are u i am 11 my bday is april 16 1989 i am a aries what are u maybe if u are young enough we can be pen pals please send me a letter or e-mail my address i
emilee gevock 2185 harrah ave jolley ia i hope i hear from u i really do your maybe friend emilee gevock
P.S. please write back and what is your email addess
Jessica - 04/25/00 23:12:18
Your Favorite Little House Book: Little House in the Big Woods
| Comments:
I think all Laura's books are wonderful and great. I had a great time reading them.
Eileen the Canadian - 04/23/00 02:17:46
Your Favorite Little House Book: These Happy Golden Years
| Comments:
I find it amazing that a woman who lived & wrote stories during a time period which today only exists in history books is still being remembered & honoured on the world wide web in the 21st century! Laura Ingalls Wilder well deserves this recognition!
I was also knocked senseless when I found I could actually HEAR Pa's songs online! What a thrill! I've always wondered what they sounded like.
Although I loved all Laura's books, I am a hopeless romantic and can never learn enough about her and the relationship she shared with her husband, Almanzo. Even though he was 10 years her senior they managed to find a 'common ground'. From the books it
seemed like Laura was mainly interested in his talent with taming horses ... but obviously their love ran much deeper than that. I am extremely curious about any information anyone could provide regarding this remarkable couple, especially during their c
urtship years. Please feel free to contact me at the above address.
Thanks for this wonderful web page!
ANGEL - 04/22/00 17:00:17
| Comments:
angel - 04/22/00 16:42:36
Your Favorite Little House Book: these happy golden years
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: laura as a teenager
| Comments:
i love little house
- 04/18/00 18:30:13
| Comments:
- 04/18/00 00:23:34
| Comments:
Ezekiel Fuhrman - 04/17/00 23:43:30
My Email:Unavalible
Your Favorite Little House Book: On the Banks of Plum Creek
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: They are all my favorite!
| Comments:
Laura has affected my life big time. At first, reading doom, now it is the greatest thing that has happened in my life so far. Thanks for all your help, Laura, and God bless you!!
Teena Price - 04/17/00 17:47:32
Your Favorite Little House Book: all of them!!!!
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: all of them!!!!
| Comments:
I have always love Little House.... we homeschool our 4 children and my 11 year
old daughter is reading the Little House books
and doing a unit study.... it has been her favorite
year. She loves them. She watches Little House anytime she can!!!!!
cristie ellison - 04/17/00 04:29:34
Your Favorite Little House Book: little house on the praire
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: love them all
| Comments:
Melissa Gross - 04/15/00 23:40:34
Your Favorite Little House Book: I love them all
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: The one where Laura made dinner for Nellie and Almanzo
| Comments:
All my life i have loved the Little House on the Prairie. It has showed me that even when things get tough, there is always the family there to help you through anything!!
Gina Ziebarth - 04/13/00 17:43:22
Your Favorite Little House Book: all
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: I enjoy all of them
| Comments:
I'm from South Dakota,not far from Desmet, I all ways loved the stories that were written by Laura'ever since I was a little girl, and to this day I love watching Little House on the prairie.
I think it is wonderful that her books and the show are still popular today.The history is amazing and loved by all,I thank Laura for that..
G.Z Flandreau S.D.
Annonymous - 04/13/00 00:38:36
Your Favorite Little House Book: These Happy Golden years
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: undecided
| Comments:
I am a big Laura Ingalls Willder fan.I am ten. Laura was like me, always getting into trouble. I live in the country and it is such a pleasure.
brittney spears - 04/12/00 13:47:47
Your Favorite Little House Book: hit me baby one more time
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: music videos
| Comments:
come see my concerts!
Anna - 04/09/00 02:30:51
Your Favorite Little House Book: all of them
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: " "
| Comments:
I absolutely love her books. Her life was just so interesting and the way that she wrote and her thoughts and experiences are just so easy to relate to that they are a joy to read!
- 04/06/00 22:12:30
| Comments:
Steph - 04/04/00 12:58:43
Your Favorite Little House Book: little house at the crossroads
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: none
| Comments:
good book
freckles16 - 04/04/00 02:29:19
Your Favorite Little House Book: The long Winter
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: all of them
| Comments:
i LOVE all of the Laura ingalls stuff! I have done so many reports on her my teachers are beginniung to make me choose a new person!
amber kellerman - 04/04/00 01:09:31
Your Favorite Little House Book: the long winter
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: the lord is my sheperd
| Comments:
Laura's life totaly feels me up. I have never found books I could read over and over again and never be bored. whenever life gets me down I read the long winter and it lets me know how lucky I am to have the things I have!
To laura forever
from amber
Stephanie Casey - 04/03/00 23:05:20
Your Favorite Little House Book: Mountain Miracle
| Comments:
Thank you for helping me with my school project. I picked Laura Ingalls Wilder.
Angeline Parsons - 04/03/00 18:06:24
Your Favorite Little House Book: Little House on the Prarie
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: all of them
| Comments:
I remember reading every single book in the fourth grade. We even had "Laura Ingalls Wilder" Day. I couldn't stand it then, but I'm doing a research paper on her right now as I speak. I guess she had some impact on me. Your sight has been a wonder to me
Thank you.
- 04/01/00 19:15:17
| Comments:
Maria Heitzenrater - 03/30/00 21:14:27
Your Favorite Little House Book: Little House on the Praire
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: I liked the Little House Movie
| Comments:
It is really fascinating to read ow simple life used to be. If at all possible it would be really great if you could email me and tell me how the stories affected your life (I'm doing a report on Laura and her story and if you could email me that would b
susan whynot - 03/30/00 14:36:18
Your Favorite Little House Book: little house on the prairie
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: all of them
| Comments:
i really enjoy the tv shows they have on.i hardly ever miss one. if everyone shared the love they have on the shows the world would be a better place.
Debbie - 03/30/00 02:18:42
Your Favorite Little House Book: All of them
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: When Laura receives her teaching certificate
| Comments:
Jennifer Roberts - 03/29/00 18:16:58
Your Favorite Little House Book: By the shores of silver lake
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: Sweet Sixteen
| Comments:
Whenever my fast paced life seems to get the best of me I stop and watch a "Little House" show on tv.or a tape of it. After watching it I always seem to have a calming feeling. You can realize that no matter how hard times are, the love and support of fam
ly can make the times easier.
Stefano Armani - 03/29/00 08:13:28
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: all
| Comments:
Deanna Sue Knutson - 03/28/00 19:38:12
Your Favorite Little House Book: The Little House in the Big Woods
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: All of the of the Episodes
| Comments:
Thank you Laura, for writing all your books.Going on on all the adventures and living to write them down.
Cassie Cole - 03/28/00 03:43:08
Your Favorite Little House Book: Little House and the big Woods
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: The 1st Christmas
| Comments:
I did a project on her when I wa sin the 3rd grade. I am now about to Graduate from High School. I have a little sister and now I am helping her on her project. It is just majical to do the same project, and teach her what I learned about her.
Julie Pratte - 03/23/00 16:09:23
Your Favorite Little House Book: The Long Winter
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: When Mr. Edwards crossed the creek to bring presents to the girls.
| Comments:
I have grown up with Laura Ingalls Wilder my whole life. I have now began to share these stories with my nieces and nephews and they are loving them just as much as I did when I was a child. I have every book practically memorized and I have visited Mans
ield on 4 different occasions. Laura Ingalls Wilder is such a positive influence on our young kids today.
Julie Pratte - 03/23/00 16:06:50
Your Favorite Little House Book: Long Winter
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: Mr. Edwards crossed the creek to bring the presents
| Comments:
Kim - 03/20/00 20:23:16
Your Favorite Little House Book: all of them
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: the first christmas one
| Comments:
Chrissy - 03/16/00 15:45:48
Your Favorite Little House Book: all
| Comments:
I forgot to write about here goes:
Her books made me love to read, I would take those books everywhere. I even took Little House in the Big Woods camping, and unfortunately I left it touching the side of the bed, and it got soaked! So I had to hang it out to dry so I could keep reading it!
She taught me that your family means everything in this world and to take each day as it comes and to work hard and love lots. And she showed me that everyone has weaknesses and gets into trouble sometimes, but as long as you face up to the problems and t
e punishment and learn your lesson...everything will work out fine.
Chrissy from Rochester, NY
Chrissy - 03/16/00 15:39:19
Your Favorite Little House Book: all of them
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: when Laura runs away after her baby brother dies
| Comments:
I love Little house and Billy Joel! Billy Joel is the BEST EVER! I grew up watching and reading Little House. I listen to Billy Joel all the time. My boyfriend and I went to his concert in 12/98 (on his last tour...), it was my Christmas present and it wa
the best concert and the best present! We're going to have one of his songs play at our wedding as our first dance. We haven't picked one yet... I play the piano, although I'm probably not as good as you or Billy Joel. I've taken lessons since I was 5, w
nted to since I was 3...I can play And so it Goes and that's the extent of Billy Joel far...Great pages, I really like them. Take care, hopefully we'll both be able to meet Billy Joel for more than a second....and hopefully you can play a duet
ith him...
Chrissy in New York (Rochester, not the city...7 hrs. away)
Bridget - 03/14/00 15:55:28
Your Favorite Little House Book: love em allllll !!!!!!!!!!!!!
| Comments:
I think she is a wonderful person and she has a great family to go with it.
Bridget - 03/14/00 15:55:10
Your Favorite Little House Book: love em allllll !!!!!!!!!!!!!
| Comments:
I think she is a wonderful person and she has a great family to go with it.
michelle - 03/14/00 01:52:05
Your Favorite Little House Book: all of them
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: christmas on plum creek
| Comments:
I have been a fan for since I read my first book. Any books I find about Laura I buy. I am constantly adding to my collection. I hope to travel to some of the sites this year or next, I just need to get my husband excited about going with me.
Matthew Lance - 03/12/00 16:52:32
Your Favorite Little House Book: Little House in the Big Woods
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: Don't Know
| Comments:
I like all of the books she has written.
I don't get to see many of the tv shows.
I hope this web page will always be here to teach
them about Laura's life.
Matthew Lance - 03/12/00 16:47:02
| Comments:
Gerda Torp - 03/12/00 13:55:45
Your Favorite Little House Book: Den lange vinter
| Comments:
Sarah - 03/10/00 01:39:36
Your Favorite Little House Book: Plumb Creek
| Comments:
Thanks for this webpage! It has helped me in my research.
Victoria Schmidt - 03/10/00 00:12:38
Your Favorite Little House Book: little house on praire
| Comments:
Laura is my favrote author my mothers too.I'm reading FarmerBoy
Jenny Orgeron - 03/09/00 14:53:24
Your Favorite Little House Book: In the Big Woods
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: the Christmas episodes
| Comments:
Tracy Laune - 03/09/00 03:11:41
Your Favorite Little House Book: All of them
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: Laura puts pepper in the cinnamon chicken she made for Nelley
| Comments:
I am 30 years old and have been watching Little House since I was 14. It was a family thing every night at 6:00p.m. to watch it. My family has enjoyed it a great deal, and hope to continue the tradition for my own children. Thank You for all the wonderful
Nadia Ayesha - 03/06/00 08:55:31
Your Favorite Little House Book: I can't say now as I haven't read all yet
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: The show didn't come to where I live
| Comments:
I really like all the books written by Laura Ingalls Wilder. It was a lot of fun reading about her,her family and friends. It's as good as being there. However, I wish I could have met Laura.That would have been cool.
McKim's - 03/06/00 01:53:09
Your Favorite Little House Book: Farmer Boy
| Comments:
angel - 03/05/00 04:15:59
Your Favorite Little House Book: little house in the big woods
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: none
| Comments:
i have many good books but theseare the best
Kristin - 03/05/00 01:26:36
My Email:dont have one
Your Favorite Little House Book: In the big woods
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: The Rival
| Comments:
I love her books and Movies its showed me how people survived in the wilderness
Ashley Folken - 03/04/00 22:59:18
Your Favorite Little House Book: The Long Winter
| Comments:
The books are excellent! I love reading them, and to think that someone had that kind of life is hard for us to imagine these days.
Angie Shroyer - 03/04/00 18:52:50
Your Favorite Little House Book: These Happy Golden Years
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: Sweet Sixteen
| Comments:
I love your website! I'm a really big fan of Laura Ingalls Wilder. Love to learn all I can about her!
patricia harris - 03/04/00 16:21:00
My Email:mrstrish_44@yahoo .com
Your Favorite Little House Book: all of them
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: last farwell
| Comments:
i really love all the shows on tv.They are so wonderful to watch.Icry sometimes when their are some sad seems.Ilaugh at all the right places.Thhe show is great.
Bria - 03/03/00 01:51:50
Your Favorite Little House Book: These Happy Golden Years
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: Faith
| Comments:
I love this site & i love Laura Ingalls Wilder. I want to know as much as I can about her. Thank you for helping me!
Jessica Davis - 03/02/00 21:42:48
My Email:emp.000
Your Favorite Little House Book: Little House in the big woods
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: Don't Have One
| Comments:
I wold like to learn more about L.I.W.(L.I.W.stands for Laura Ingalls Wilder.Could
you send imfortion about her. Thanks
Jessica Davis
812 E. ELLIS
SALEM,MO 65560
Sarah Miller - 03/01/00 16:43:08
My URL:http://-
My Email:--------------------------
Your Favorite Little House Book: Little House on the Prairie
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: all of them
| Comments:
You did a very nice job on your website. I am doing a project in my English class and your site was very helpful. Thank you!
ashley jones - 03/01/00 15:18:01
Your Favorite Little House Book: Farmer Boy
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: were Laura is about to marry willy.
| Comments:
Your boooks are very good.They tell a lot about Laura Inngalls Wilder.
Crystal Phillips - 03/01/00 04:47:48
Your Favorite Little House Book: Little House in the big woods
| Comments:
I really love your books they are great with adventure!
Crystal Phillips - 03/01/00 04:46:29
Your Favorite Little House Book: Little House in the big woods
| Comments:
- 02/29/00 19:52:19
| Comments:
Marcy J. Schley - 02/29/00 02:04:56
| Comments:
Heather Bollett - 02/29/00 01:36:27
My Email:liw60
Your Favorite Little House Book: Little Town on the praire
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: None
| Comments:
I've loved Laura Ingalls Wilder since I read her
first book at the age of eleven. Her stories
brought such peace into my life as my life was
not very peaceful from a young age. Her stories
gave me an escape into a beautiful,loving,caring
world. They had a rough life but they were united
as a family. That is very important. I will
always love Laura and her books. She left a
great gift for all to enjoy.
Jacqui Gunn - 02/28/00 02:01:25
Your Favorite Little House Book: By the Banks of Plum Creek
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: most of them
| Comments:
Absolutely brillient,really enjoyed it all.Audio`s a really nice touch.just shut your eyes and imagine your actually there listening!
Roger Martin - 02/27/00 16:33:14
Your Favorite Little House Book: Farmer boy
| Comments:
I like your books!!
rgb - 02/27/00 16:32:14
| Comments:
Haley Monteith - 02/26/00 01:39:27
Your Favorite Little House Book: Little House in the Big Woods
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: all!!
| Comments:
I'm doing a research paper on Laura Ingalls Wilder and there are so many interesting things about the way of life back then! My favorite chapter is called "Sundays" in "Little House in the Big Woods", because it shows you how they followed the Ten Command
ents by "keeping the sabbath day holy!" But, she has really meant alot to to me and I relate her books to my own life. ~Haley~
- 02/25/00 21:04:15
| Comments:
elizabeth gifford - 02/22/00 16:23:10
Your Favorite Little House Book: all
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: all
| Comments:
I use to have the whole set of books when i was a little girl. Unfortunately 5 years ago they were disroyed by a hateful man aka my grandfather. My grandmother had them for safe keeping until I could get a proper place to store them. In 1995 she passed
away and the books were burned. Do you know where i can get the set again?
polly - 02/19/00 02:19:15
| Comments:
I read Little House On The Prairie. We are studing early pioneers in school. We studied
Laura Ingalls Wilder.
Veronica - 02/18/00 23:41:40
Your Favorite Little House Book: Little Town on the Prairie
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: Back to School Part 1 and 2
| Comments:
I think you have a really neat page.
Danielle - 02/17/00 22:25:03
Your Favorite Little House Book: Little House In The Big Woods
| Comments:
Laura Ingalls is a good roll model. I learned alot from the books I read. I advise everyone to read these books.
laura - 02/17/00 16:17:33
| Comments:
I really like Laura's books.I really like her too.
laura - 02/17/00 16:11:43
| Comments:
Melissa - 02/14/00 23:01:15
Your Favorite Little House Book: little house on the praire
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: dont know
| Comments:
melissa - 02/14/00 22:43:52
Your Favorite Little House Book: dd
| Comments:
E.L.Wilder - 02/14/00 03:56:55
Your Favorite Little House Book: Farmer Boy
| Comments:
- 02/13/00 00:28:51
Your Favorite Little House Book: probably the long winter
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: only the very early ones..
| Comments:
thank you for this site.. still new to internet, initiated one search for Laura stuff, came up only with the modern marketed items.... thank you for info,music,photo of Rocky Ridge and links, which I shall save for a cold evening...J>B>
- 02/12/00 21:36:37
| Comments:
Shauna - 02/11/00 21:02:47
Your Favorite Little House Book: These happy golden yr.
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: the fake gold episode
| Comments:
i love to read her books. they are really great!
i have read all of them and read about Caroline.
Stephen Peng - 02/09/00 19:01:33
Your Favorite Little House Book: Little House in the Big Woods
| Comments:
My sister (Cynthia Peng. She signed this guestbook too), read me Little house in the big woods to me.
Danielle - 02/08/00 19:10:57
Your Favorite Little House Book: On The Banks of Plum Creek
| Comments:
I'm in fifth grade at Platteville Middle School.
Casey Proctor - 02/08/00 01:43:48
Your Favorite Little House Book: All
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: All
| Comments:
I have always loved Laura Ingalls Wilder. My parents named my little sister Laura, and I thought it was after Laura Ingalls Wilder, but it was really after our Great Grandmother.
jessica hall - 02/07/00 17:56:06
My Email:supergirl88hotmail@
Your Favorite Little House Book: little house on the paire
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: little house onthe paire
| Comments:
the books have really hepld me
Brittany Ellen Emmons - 02/07/00 02:26:00
Your Favorite Little House Book: Life in The Big Wood
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: All of them
| Comments:
I was able to visit the Laura I. Wilder home this past summer. I had a wonderful time and just wish that I could have somehow met her in my lifetime. It is hard to see the original pictures of her, when I have the image of the Laura from television in m
some guy - 02/07/00 02:21:58
| Comments:
you like billy joel? you'd LOVE the Jeremy Richter Effort go to the page i listed
Audra K. Martin - 02/05/00 23:05:22
Your Favorite Little House Book: Little House in the Big Woods
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: Pilot Episode
| Comments:
I am 5 years old and my mother has read all the books to my sister and I this past year. We really liked them. We just went to a Laura Ingalls Wilder Birthday Party at our library. We are also in the World of Little House Club through Scholastic and we
really enjoy getting packages in the mail. We love Laura Ingalls Wilder! My sister's name is Grace, like in the book.
Audra K. Martin - 02/05/00 22:59:23
| Comments:
Matt and Kelly Parker - 02/05/00 20:49:18
Your Favorite Little House Book: Dance at grandpa's
| Comments:
Hortensia - 02/04/00 00:16:33
Your Favorite Little House Book: all of them
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: I never really cared for the show
| Comments:
While growing up I read all the LHOP books over and over. Now that I have kids of my own I can't wait to share these stories with them. I just started reading Little House in the Big Woods to my 5 year old son. He's really enjoying it.
Nickole - 02/01/00 04:39:53
Your Favorite Little House Book: all
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: all
| Comments:
Cynthia Peng - 01/31/00 22:16:30
Your Favorite Little House Book: These Happy golden years
| Comments:
I love Laura Ingalls Wilder and I love your page. I wish Laura was alive right now so I can get her autograph.
- 01/30/00 19:26:02
| Comments:
Jacqueline S Wood - 01/30/00 16:14:45
Your Favorite Little
| Comments:
Thankyou so much for putting up the Billy Joel Page.
I am a 35 year old New Zealand male who is probably the biggest fan from "down under". Over the past 2-3 years I have developed a deep appreciation for Billy and his music.
I'm keeping the faith!!!
Polly Weifenbach - 05/26/98 14:56:16
Your Favorite Little House Book: "On The Banks Of Plum Creek", but I love them all too much to choose!! :)
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: I love them all, can't choose, but did like all the times when Nellie Oleson got her come uppance! :)
| Comments:
I absolutely loved this wonderful site!!! I was raised on the "Little House" series of books, and I have passed these wonderful stories on to the children in my family. They have a deeper respect and love for what the pioneers did and sacrificed to build
p this country we live in, and now have a special place in thier hearts for the Ingalls family as I did. Hearing your sound clips of the music that inspired and shaped Laura Ingalls' life was a treat, too. Keep up the good work, I have just been inspired
o go grab "Little House In The Big Woods" and start reading again! :) :)
Angela Wilson - 05/21/98 02:44:45
Your Favorite Little House Book: On the Shores of Plum Creek
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: when Laura's book wins a contest and is about to be published, but she backs out because the publishers changed it so much.
Kimberly Koscielniak - 05/19/98 16:29:53
| Comments:
Collecting Laura's books in languages other than English has long been a hobby of mine. If you are interested in a list of French titles (and Japanese if I can translate them), please let me know.
Kim (LIW list) (
Angie Cyr - 05/19/98 00:38:38
| Comments:
I love your Laura Ingals Wilder Pages! Please come visit my pages if you get the time. Thanks.
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: When Laura meets "Manly"
| Comments:
I love your Laura Ingals Wilder Pages! Please come visit my pages if you get the time. Thanks.

Rosemary - 05/17/98 20:09:38
Your Favorite Little House Book: On the Banks of Plum Creek
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: When Laura cooks dinner for Nellie to impress Almonzo
| Comments:
How happy there is a LHOTP site. My sister, shared her excitment with me and I can't wait to pass it on! Long live Laura
Amanda - 05/14/98 19:24:04
My Email:mburger@cyber
Your Favorite Little House Book: ALL
| Comments:
Hi from Mary in Lilburn, Ga. again. I was wondering if you are the Sullivans who are related to Robin Anderson Laney in Nebraska?? She is a very dear friend and she's told me about the Sullivans buying a homestead or something like that in aps makeing it
into a bed and breakfast and I was just wondering if it's ya'll. Thanks for your time, Mary B.
Toni Niedringhaus - 05/12/98 16:28:03
Your Favorite Little House Book: On the Banks of Plum Creek
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: "Laura Ingalls Wilder"
| Comments:
Hi Laura!
I looked up your web page! Very nice indeed!
Erin - 05/11/98 23:25:09
My URL:http://?
My Email:have know idea
Your Favorite Little House Book: Little House On The Prarie
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: Where laura and jonah find fools gold
| Comments:
your website rules all other of lauras website
Mariann - 05/07/98 23:16:06
Your Favorite Little House Book: On the Shores of Silver Lake
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: "Remember Me"
| Comments:
I love your web page!!! I love the pictures of fans in prairie dresses. :) I've chatted with you before on IRC and you're such a sweet person. I've got this site bookmarked and deffinately will keep coming back. :) *HUGS*
Bridge - 05/06/98 00:48:02
Your Favorite Little House Book: Little house on the prairie
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: I don't remember
| Comments:
Hello, I saw you in another guestbook and I have to say that you have a very nice site here.
I saw the Little House on tv a long time ago and I always liked it a lot. I still have two books of it: Little house on the prairie and Little house in the big woods. Please take also a look at my homepage if you have time. Bye and greetings from Holland.
Jenny - 05/05/98 20:39:00
Your Favorite Little House Book: Little House in the Big Woods
| Comments:
Your webpage is one of the best Laura Ingalls Wilder around. My mom fi her books. Laura Ingalls Wilder was a great woman and I thank you for giving her the recognition she deverses.
Cindy Williams - 05/03/98 19:43:50
Your Favorite Little House Book: These Happy Golden Years
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: The Country Party
| Comments:
I have been an avid collector of "Laura" things for the past five years. I have most books about her and eagerly look forward to new publications. It is great to see so many other enthusisats.
Laura - 04/29/98 23:05:42
Your Favorite Little House Book: The Golden Years
Your Favorite | Comments:
Loved the site. I'm a big fan of Little House even though I am 20yrs old. Thanks for the memories.
Jeri - 04/29/98 00:59:18
Your Favorite Little House Book: All fo them
| Comments:
I remember watching Little House as a kid and have watched reruns over and over again. I still cry each and every time I see certain episodes. I can't choose a favourite as they were all great. I wish we knew what happened later in her life. Your site is
Essence McPherson - 04/28/98 14:46:20
i would like for you to write me an tell me more.
Heather R. Christenson - 04/28/98 00:29:39
| Comments:
heather r. christenson - 04/28/98 00:22:43
| Comments:
Judy Daniel - 04/27/98 03:33:50
Your Favorite Little House Book: The Long Winter (but this is a very difficult decision!)
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: n/a
| The older I get the more precious the "Little House" books become to me. I have read them dozens of times, and each time I gleam another precious gem in which to ponder and meditate over. Laura Ingalls Wilder has enriched my life
many times over. I ad
ire her wisdom, and I mourn over the fact that I will never personally meet her.
Lynne - 04/26/98 03:05:12
Your Favorite Little House Book: The Long Winter
| Comments:
Visiting the site in MO was very emotional. To see all the items talked about in her books was an experience I'll never forget. If you are a big fan, it's a must to see. I don't think the Little House series did the books justice, especially towards th
F. X. Leach - 04/22/98 23:55:19
Your Favorite Little House Book: Jeremiah Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: Same
| Comments:
A pig will walk in the wilderness,
a pig will walk on the sea.
A pig will walk wherever he wants,
but no pig walks on me.
Sara Robinson - 04/18/98 21:24:29
| Comments:
I thought that your page was really cool! I love Whinnie the Pooh and Tigger. This is a great page! Thanks for making it.
Jasmine - 04/16/98 22:58:01
Your Favorite Little House Book: I like them all, but the one I go back to all the time is, These Happy Golden Years. I think it's the best one.
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: Sorry, haven't watched them much.
| CoGreat website! No offense to anyone, but I thought I was too old for the Little House books, even though I continue to read them. Just recently did I read them again. I read them once in Junior High. It could be me, but being
8, I think I understand
ore of what Laura was writing about than when I was 12. It could be that maturing and experience in life stuff I've heard a lot about! :) Something that really saddens me is reading about the United States that Laura lived in. Times have changed so dr
stically, and we wonder why people have so much stress, and so few values. I have this idea that if we went back to her time, life would be a lot easier, even if we do think there would be more work. Just a thought.... I'll have to read more of her boo
s, now that I know there are a couple more than I've read! Thanx for the website and info!
Jana Loomis - 04/15/98 16:13:07
| C
Karen A. Owens - 04/13/98 17:37:58
Your Favorite Little House Book: Little House in the Big Woods
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: I have to many
| Comments:
Little House is one of my favorite shows. I am 20yrs. old and have grown up with that show and I still watch. I loved all of the characters and story lines. It gave you a good detailed description of the life and times of that era.
Brooke - 04/10/98 14:25:40
Your Favorite Little House Book: By the Shores of Silver Lake
| Comments:
I have 8 of Laura's books abooks,like,The World of the Little House.
Donata Leunberger - 04/08/98 17:18:04
Your Favorite Little House Book: all of them
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: all of them
| Comments:
I really enjoy all of the Little House books and T.V. shows. I have all the books and I am working on getting all the videos. It was one of the best shows ever on T.V. to bad they don't make shows like that any more. I do plan on visiting Laura's museu
s and homesteads. Right now my husband and I have a little boy who is 1 1/2 and we have another one on the way so not to much travelling right now but hopefully soon.
Thanks for creating this page. Are you related to the Wilders in any way please let me know.
nicole nelson - 04/08/98 14:01:41
My Email:nichoe-17
Your Favorite Little House Book: big woods
nicole nelson - 04/08/98 14:01:39
My Email:nichoe-17
Your Favorite Little House Book: big woods
| Comments:
Jamie - 04/05/98 17:26:37
Your Favorite Little House Book: The First Four Years
| Comments:
Jordan Ruth Yarbrough - 04/05/98 03:11:53
Your Favorite Little House Book: Little Town on the Prairie (or) These Happy Golden Years
| CoI really like all the Little House books so it is really hard for me to decide which is my favorite one. I really like Farmer Boy too even though it is not about Laura. Laura is alot like me so I really enjoy reading them over and
over again. I don't thin
I could ever get tired of them. Also I don't think I can ever get tired of goin to her homestead in MO, I have been there many times and my friends and I are planning a trip there soon.
I just got the I Remember Laura book today and I can't wait to read it!
Thank you for making this page possible.
Jordan Ruth Yarbrough - 04/05/98 02:58:15
| Comments:
Cathy Philp - 04/03/98 02:54:35
Your Favorite Little House Book:<Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: The Christmas Episode where Mr Edwars brings the candy through the blizzard
| Comments:
I discovered the Little House books fairly late in life (17). I grew up in Australia and now that I am living in USA I look forward to visiting as many historical sites and places mentioned in the books as I can. All my Little House books (as well as my E
id Blyton collection) are safely stored away for my children-to-be.
Bug - 04/02/98 19:49:27
Your Favorite Little House Book: Can't decide!
| Comments:
I love all of her books! She is such a good writer.
beth kinney - 04/02/98 02:32:32
Your Favorite LittleYour Favorite Little House Television Episode: all of them
| Comments:
Laura is a very special Lady! I've read her books
over and over since I was 10 yrs. and I'm now 39. I collect anything and everything that has to do with Laura and her family.
Beth Kinney
Errin Gardner - 03/31/98 15:37:12
| Comments:
I loved to grow up reading her books. They were always favorets.
Harold "Chip" and Marie - 03/31/98 03:32:19
Your Favorite Little House Book: all of them
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: the Christmas story
| Comments:
We love Laura's boo |
Marie - 03/31/98 03:24:57
Your Favorite Little House Book: Little House in the Big Woods
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: Christmas story
| Comments:
Emily L. Harris - 03/31/98 01:37:10
Your Favorite Little House Book: On the Banks of Plum Creek
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: The show when Laura's youngest sister was born.
| Comments:
We visited Rocky Ridge last summer and had a wonderful time. Now I am portraying Laura for an English assignment for my fourth grade class this week. I am showing uri. I will be great!!
Mercedes Howe - 03/26/98 00:09:30
Your Favorite Little House Book: The Big Woods
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: Them looking fo Gold in South Dakota
| Comments:
My mom introduced me to Laura books when I was 2. She read a chapter every night to me. I have continued at the age of 7 to read them on my own. I enjoy them very much. I often daydream about her stories and have wished many times to have been able to liv
like Laura on the open prairie. I wish things were as simple now as they were for Laura and her family back then. We watch the television show almoist every morning and laugh, cry and pray right along with the Ingalls family. The love they shared for eac
other is so rare now adays that I am thankful for my family and the same lo |
Steve "Squirt" Casazza - 03/22/98 07:05:29
| Comments:
Hey Squirt, This is the best web page that I've seen done by someone I knew. Nice Going! I've going to bookmark your page. Talk to ya soon.
Sally Chung - 03/20/98 02:45:19
Your Favorite Little House Book: I love them all!
| Comments:
I read a lot of stuff I didn't know about her and
her home. And since I'm doing a report on her,
by my choice, I can have another resource!
Aaron - 03/18/98 16:33:20
Your Favorite Little House Book: The First Four Years
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: May We Make Them Proud
| Comments:
Hi Laura,
I did not know about this new Little House movie thing at all! It sounds great. Please if you have any more info on the Little House Movie Please let me know!
Vist my Little House Collectibles Page:
Your Friend,
Crystal L. Stinnett - 03/15/98 20:47:40
Your Favorite Little House Book: I love all of them
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: all of them
| Comments:
i love your page. It brought to my mind a lot of thoughts that I have never thought before. Great job.
Crystal L. St |
Crystal and Shanna - 03/13/98 19:19:19
| Comments:
WE LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!
Sabrina Copes - 03/13/98 01:39:14
Your Favorite Little House Book: all of them
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: almost all of them
| Comments:
Laura Ingalls Wilder was a fantastic writer. I started reading her books in third grade, and still love them. She has touched many lives, and will always be a classic.
katie kahle also bought the 2 available books about Ma's life and haven't been able to really get into these books. Have you read them and enjoyed them as much as the other LIW or RWL books ?
Thanks for your web site-enjoyed it so much!
Ashley - 02/27/98 03:36:51
Your Favorite Little House Book: Long Winter and more
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: Nellie Olson
| Comments:
Dear Laura,
I love your your page. Laura is a great author.
My teacher talks about her all the time. She likes
how she discribes everything. I think it was sad
when Mary went blind after they where talking about when she goes to collage. My fav. person besides laura and family is Nellie Olsen.
Your Favorite Little House Book: The long winter
| Comments:
I love laura Ingalls and I wish she was still here
so she could see all of her books and see how
much people love them and tell us more of her past.
JACLYN AURILIA - 02/25/98 17:13:21
| Comments:
Angela E. Lackey - 02/24/98 17:42:28
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: I'm not fond of the show anymore because of the changes made to LIW's story; however I do like some of the ones where Laura was younger because they seem to be a more faithful representation of her lif
| Comments:
Hi Laura!
(Hope this works! ) I just love your page of music, especially the one where you are playing the piano. Music is the heart of life!
Rachelle - 02/07/98 18:22:00
Your Favorite Little House Book: By The Shores Of Silver Lake
| Comments:
Go Laura! Whoo! Happy 131st birthday Laura! You got it going on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
mollie/Abbie - 02/06/98 18:49:20
Your Favorite Little House Book: Little House in the Big Woods
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: All
| Comments:
Today we are celebrating Laura's birthday.
- 02/06/98 18:46:46
JoAnne Tharp - 02/05/98 19:26:34
Your Favorite Little House Book: These happy golden years
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: Christmas movie
| Comments:
Thanks for a delightful page! I really enjoyed it. Lots of facts that I didn't know.I've been reading her books since I was a little girl and still enjoy the books , movies and episodes!
Leslie A. Kelly - 01/27/98 07:51:43
| Comments:
Laurs now the publisher; ISBN 1-888306-26-2, a part of the History Alive Through Music Series.
I was glad to see your note that you like "Laura Ingalls Wilder Country". Is is a favorite of mine.
Have you seen the Laura Ingalls Wilder Country Cookbook? My daughter, Erin, who got me started on photographing the Laura Ingalls Wilder sites, laughed when she heard that I would be doing a cookbook. My concept of cooking is to read the box and see how
many minutes to set the microwave.
That book has some very dear treasures for Laura fans as all of the "props" in the pictures are Laura's pots, pans and dishes; the recipes are hers, too, of course.
Best regards, Les.
Nicole Amodei - 01/23/98 01:11:02
Your Favorite Little House Book: These Happy Golden Years
YElizabeth Anderson - 01/13/98 23:58:47
Your Favorite Little House Book: I like all of the books
| Comments:
Great web page!
Lindsey - 01/13/98 20:25:28
Your Favorite Little House Book: In The Big Woods
| Comments:
Your book is great. I've read only read
part of your book, but it is great.
Ditte Knudsen - 01/13/98 11:31:34
Your Favorite Little House Book: All Lauras books
| Comments:
Laura Fenton My
Your Favorite Little House Book: The Long Winter
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: dont watch!
| Comments:
I am named after Laura Ingalls. My mum and my auntie both read her books when they were little and my auntie always wanted to live in the country, perhaps because of them. Now she is the shopkeeper on a tiny island on the west coast of scotland. Sort o
a frontier girl!
One old friend of yours - 01/11/98 18:30:53
Your Favorite Little House Book: don't know
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: we watched so many!
| Comments:
Dear Laura,
Your page is terrific. It's great you are able to do something like this for something you are so passionate about. As always, many people will benefit from yoI miss your music and your laugther.
John - 01/10/98 00:48:35
My Email:JCAT10
Your Favorite Little House Book: they are all such a treat
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: When Laura wins the blue ribbon after riding her horse Bonnie to victory
| Comments:
I have one word to say, WOW. What you have put together is simply mindblowing. I can remember the days of my youth when I watched Little House and wished I was an Ingalls. Your work is poignant with a touch a flare, simple yet heartfelt. I plan on coming
o this page over and over again. It makes me giddy w/ joy to know there is someone in this world who can move me the way you did. You are an inspiration to all of us. Thank you.
Abby NitkMy
Your Favorite Little House Book: I like all of them! But my best one? Probably Little Town on the Prairie
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: The Legend of Black Jake
| Comments:
Hi Laura,
Your site is really great! It's one of my favorite LIW-LH ones! The pictures are really nice. So is you playing your piano (Golden Years are Passing by).
Anne Nitkowski - 01/08/98 18:08:57
Your Favorite Little House Book: That's a tough one! Probably "These Happy Golden Years"
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: Sweet 16
| Comments:
Dear Laura,
Your site gets better each time I visit! So many new additions! I really enjoy the photos~Anne
Christine - 01/03/98 18:27:27
Your Favorite Little House Book: The First Four Years, These Happy Golden Years
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: Sweet 16, Days of Sunshine, Days of Shadow
| Comments:
Laura, I loved your webpage. Was a nice surprise finding your page on Dean Butler. :) Keep up the great work. I love your poetry too.
Love, Christine
Emily Jo Worley - 12/30/97 19:39:58
My URL:don't have one, I believe
Your Favorite Little House Book: I Love Them All!
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: "The Lord Is My Shepard"
| Comments:
Dearest Laura,
I finally decided to check your website, and to me you have done a superb job! I love all your graphics and even your Billy Joel page.
You are a wonderful friend to have and I look forward to all our little talks on the digest as well as through our e-mail. Love Ya'!
Love Always,
MMy URL:don't have one!
Your Favorite Little House Book: These Happy Golden Years, The First Four Years
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: Days of Sunshine, Days of Shadow
| Comments:
You did a great job! Keep up the good work. I really enjoyed your page.Its so nice to see so many adults who are still interested in LIW Lore.
Jane Langley - 12/19/97 04:44:38
Your Favorite Little House Book: The Long Winter, and Farmer Boy
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: The pilot
| Comments:
Dear Laura: I think your homepages are great, you must have put alot of work into the |
Vicki Eddy - 12/17/97 19:27:35
Your Favorite Little House Book: can't choose just one
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: The Richest Man in Walnut Grove
| Comments:
You are a dear and cherished friend, and I'm so proud of your contribution to keep LIW's spirit and simple lifestyle alive. It is this simple, honest lifestyle that we need to instill in our children, so that the next generation doesn't lose her vision a
d her values. God Bless you.
Love, Vicki
Pat - 12/15/97 00:10:22
Your Favorite Little House Book: N/A
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: | Comments:
Hey Laura, it's your old buddy Pat!!! Finally!!!
Glad I finally found you.....I answered your recent email, but it was returned back to me, for some strange reason. Bummer!! I saw Lorretta last night at Leslie's house. She looks great and seems happy. Give me a call at work or at home this week.
Talk to ya soon!!!
Ava Gunn - 12/13/97 01:27:14
Your Favorite Little House Book: These Happy Golden Years (I love all of them, though!)
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: I'll be Waving as You Drive Away, Sweet Sixteen, Laura Ingalls Wilder (all the mushy love stories )
Great job with your site, Laura!!
Keep up the great work!!
Glen - 12/10/97 02:51:16
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: The Lake keiza Monster
| Comments:
sorry I took forever to sign this, I really like your pages, they are neatly set out, the background is very nice too!!
Talk to you again soon!!
ya buddy Glen!!
Becky Iverson. - 12/06/97 00:40:13
Your Favorite Little House Book: ''These Happy Golden Ye | Comments:
I love the Little House Books!
Joseph T. Pergola - 12/03/97 15:13:26
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: The Record Player
| Comments:
Hi Laura,
Great Site!
sarah gscheidle - 12/01/97 18:23:27
Your Favorite Little House Book: plum creek
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: little house on the prarie
| Comments:
- 11/26/97 03:18:39
Kathy - 11/19/97 19:36:49
| Comments:
As Ida Wright said in Laura's autograph album:
"In Life's Golden Casket, Drop One Pearl In For Me"
Kathy - 11/19/97 15:54:45
Your Favorite Little House Book: Little Town on the Prairie
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: I liked them all!
| Comments:
Laura, this is terrific! Who knew that a pioneer woman would bring the two of us together via a modern thing like a co |
Judy Pausley - 11/19/97 00:43:30
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: The Legend of Black Jake
| Comments:
Dear Laura,
I enjoyed your pages. Please visit my home page to see the new photos I have of the Wilder Farm House.
Best Wishes,
Judy Pausley
BARBARA VARNER - 11/18/97 19:14:56
Your Favorite Little House Book: ALL
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: ALL
KERI AND LISA - 11/16/97 22:17:17
My Email:IERKC
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: MARY LOOSES HER EYESIGHT
| Comments:
Ma & Papa Joe - 11/13/97 23:52:21
Your Favorite Little HYour Favorite Little House Television Episode: Days of Sunshine/Days of Shadow
| Comments:
Dear Lauretta,
We enjoyed your page immensely and will be eager to come back again. It brought back some fond memories from the days we spent watching the classic episodes together.
Cathy O'Leary - 11/13/97 20:00:13
Your Favorite Little House Book: These Happy Golden Years
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: Days of sunshine, days of shadow
| Comments:
I loved your page. It was different than everyone else's.
JosYour Favorite Little House Book: Little Town On The Prarie
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: Sweet Sixteen
| Comments:
Hi Laura! I just got here and it looks fabulous I'm going to check out some more now...
Debbie - 11/13/97 16:31:18
Your Favorite Little House Book: I love all of the books.
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: First Christmas in Walnut Grove
| Comments:
Dear Laura,
I loved your idea of putting music from the books into sound. A great new idea for Laura fans. Your hard work paid off, very successful. Nice to hear you play the piano!

Your Favorite Little House Book: Whichever we happen to be reading
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: Premier movie
Dearest Laura,
The page is GREAT! I know you've worked very hard and I just want you to know I think its wonderful.
I love you very much!
Lynda Nolan - 11/12/97 22:01:57
Your Favorite Little House Book: LHOTP
Your Favorite Little House Televis | Comments:
I think your page is great!!!!
I would like to add your url to my page,
Please let me know if you would like for
me to do this.
Angela Lackey - 11/12/97 18:52:50
Your Favorite Little House Book: The Long Winter
Your Favorite Little House Television Episode: I like the earlier episodes were the show was more faithful to the books! :)
| Comments:
YAY!!! You did it, Laura! Congratulations. It's a beautiful page. I especially like the picture of LIW when she was 17. Wasn't she a beautiful woman? It is so nice that all of us who love her books and ideYour Favorite Little House Television Episode:<
b> Sweet Sixteen!
| Comments:
I love it when LIW was older in the books and tv show.She seems so energetic. Nice page!