Almanzo Wilder as a young homesteader
Courtesy of HarperCollins

Laura's Manly

"She thought he had a pleasant laugh. He seemed to enjoy everything..."
Laura Ingalls Wilder
Little Town On The Praire, page 295

Almanzo James Wilder was born on February 13, 1857 to James and Angeline Wilder near Malone, New York. It was in De Smet, South Dakota where he met and courted Laura Ingalls. They were married on August 25, 1885. Together they had a child named Rose who was born on December 5, 1886. A son born in early August, 1889 died in infancy. Almanzo and Laura suffered many hardships early on in their marriage due to crop failures, fire, debts and sicknesses. Almanzo came down with diptheria and he walked with a limp for the remainder of his life. He and Laura spent the good part of the long and happy marriage in Mansfield, Missouri at Rocky Ridge Farm. He is the hero in Laura's Farmer Boy (1933).

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