my banner, which is red roses on a blue background on green frame, with my name Charlene2000's web

animated welcome graphic

August 28,1997
Wow! I have a page.
Of course it only took me a year of being on the web to get the nerve to try a page. Then After I got the page 2 people had to actually start it for me. One was this fantastic lady from The Pagan Place(Halfelf) and the other was my dearest "significant other "Victor. After they started the page then I took off. Well, After another month of reading html imformation on the web and looking at and coveting other web pages.

I love this feelng of power. I have created "Ta da," a web page. I found some helpful pages on html in "Pixelwitch". "Pixelwitch", and "Graphiccow" have created backgrounds,graphics, bullets..ect. for free use. Let me tell you they are beautiful. I hope to learn how to add a link so you can go to their pages.

a pretty silver scrolly bar


Holiday,family,and friends pages

My shamrock page

You can email me at in the meantime.
You can also contact me on ICQ. I'm Charlene

. Go figure.

If You want use graphics from my page please link my page. Please download my banner and the url.

small black banner with orange spooky looing letters spelling out charlenes web, framed in grey or this one small

pretty siver bar

animated mouse and cat hitting each other with a sledge hammer

pretty silver bar

January 8,1998
Well what do you know I have learned a thing or two.


volenterprizes business card

animated bar


valentine shaped heart with fire comming out the top and the heart is wrapped in gold and diamonds says kind hearted diamond  award of mistress excellance

animated bar

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A working counter bin

I write my html right from the web. I haven't learned to do it from the desktop.

And how to take the darn v-link lines out of my links...because i I write on the web,not desk top.
Hey, Mike Buckman visited my page and found out how to take the lines out bordering links> He said to write, border="0" ,with the src img.You can visit him at Mike Buckman

Febuary 26,1998

I have learned to write on (desktop) windows notepad. And excuse the language "its a hell of a lot easier".

pretty silver scrolly bar><br>
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