January 1997, Prayer LetterDear Brethren, The second blessing was when
I talked to Brother Tony Gonzales who is filling in as Pastor until May.
He said he received a phone call to come to a home when a man had overdosed
on drugs. When he arrived he could see the man’s heart beating through
his chest. Tony witnessed to the man and he got saved and then Tony
called 911. After the man was taken to the hospital, Tony went back
and witnessed to the man’s family and they were all saved. The Lord
is really blessing the work in Las Vegas but that also means Satan is close
by and waiting to mess it up so pleasekeep
them in your prayers.
I am setting up meetings
for another trip and if I get enough this will be our last one, Lord willing.
So please pray the Lord leads me to the right churches.
Thanks again for your prayers.
They keep us going when the devil knocks us down.
Your co-worker in Christ,