Welcome to the
Collin County Genealogical Society
Chronicles (Quarterly)

Collin County, Texas

Please click here! We have moved some of our Research pages to Rootsweb.

webmaster note: there are about forty plus files on this geocities site - dont delete the site until they have been transfered to the rootsweb site.
They are linked from the rootsweb site now.

What is the Collin County Genealogical Society?

The Collin County Genealogical Society was formed to help researchers find their ancestors. Our goals are to provide educational opportunities for our members through the Society Newsletter and Special Classes, to provide knowledgeable speakers for local residents, to support the Harrington Library Genealogy Section and to publish Collin County research material in the Collin Chronicles.

Society Monthly Meetings

Regular Society Meetings are held at 7:00 pm (New Start Time - so we can finish by 9 pm.)on the second Wednesday of every month Sept through June at the Haggard Library, in West Plano. Visitors are welcome.

The genealogy collection is still at the Harrington Library in East Plano.

You can write us at CCGS, PO Box 865052, Plano TX 75086-5052
or email me at - achancy at msn dot com.

Membership is $18 per year for an individual or $20 for a couple.
Society Year runs July to June. Back issues will be sent to late joiners.

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