I have decided to add this page to my Sweet
Angel Hubbies page as a rememberance to
all who have lost a loved one in their life. I
would like to add the address of your loved ones
webpage to My Angels Page then as people look
through Scott's page they can look at your loved
ones. If you do not have a page please email
me and I might be able to help
you make one for your loved ones.

Two Angel babies lost due to miscarriages
Their Mommy Michelle misses them very much.
I dedicate this page to Scott, Alexandria, and Gavin
Gone too soon but not forgotten.
Love ya sis.
Michelle's Little Angels Page
Soaring with the Angels
due to Miscarriages
Jonathan Dwayne Pace
5/13/94 - 6/14/99
Soaring with the Angels
from Bacterial Meningitis
Jamie Bulger
1991 ~ 1993
Soaring with the Angels
Murdered by two
ten year-old boys/font>