About Scott's Life
This frame and Motorcycle was done by my great friend Kathie Kerley that lost her daughter Shanna Webb due to being murdered by the ex-boyfriend Please click on the picture and go to Shanna's page.
On July 16, 1999, on his way home from work,
Scott was struck by a car on his motorcycle.
What resulted, was a serious head injury which
caused his death on July 20, 1999. If he had
been wearing his helmet, he might have made it
through, and if the other driver had been paying
more attention, it might not have happened at all.
Now his family, his children, and I must go on
without him all because of one little mistake that
had turned into a fatal mistake. Please be conscious
of other drivers and if you ride a motorcycle, please
wear your helmet. It might have saved Scott's life,
and it might save yours one day.
Ronald Scott Baldwin was born on September 4,
1971 in Quincy, Illinois. He grew up in Payson,
Illinois. He went to Payson Seymour Grade School
until the seventh grade. Then his parents put
him into a private school where he went for about
a year. He then went back to Payson School where
he graduated in May of 1991. While in school, he
played baseball and basketball. He loved to go
fishing and pitching horseshoes and went to about
every horseshoe tournament held. Scott bowled
every Friday on a league, his mom sponsored, with
his dad, brothers Shawn and Bill, and his Uncle Jeff.
When he wasn't doing those two things, he was hunting.
His dad taught him how to hunt when he was about
seven years old. He had taken our son a few times
before he passed. His mom taught him the other things,
like to cook and clean. Scott could even make a quilt.
His best friend was Gordon. They had became
friends in the 7th grade were always there for each
other through thick and thin. Then they met Brian and
he seemed to just fit right in with Scott and Gordon
like he had always been there. To describe the three
of them would be to say they were just like the three
muskateers. Where one was you usually saw one of the
others with them.
On November 27, 1993, he married Debra Lee
Mc Cune and they had started raising two children.
The oldest is Scott Jr. He is now nine years old.
Together they learned to hunt and fish. Scott would
even take him to work with him or for rides on his
motorcycle. The next is Kayla and she is now eight
years old. He would go to all of her school functions.
Scott would also take Kayla fishing, but not hunting. I
guess you couldn't tell that Scott and Kayla are his
step-children. He never treated them as if they weren't
really his, even when his own two came along. hen there
is Jordyn Mikaila who was his pride and joy. She turned
two, three days after he passed away. She is so bright
and sunny. She is the reason he got up every morning
with a smile on his face, after her waking him. Jordyn
is now 4 years old. She has started head start and I
know her daddy is smiling down on all that she does.
The last one is Mikel Tyler who had just turned two
months old the day before the accident. Scott called
him Mister Man from the first day he was born. Mikel
didn't get to know him long, but the months he had will
never be forgotten. When Scott looked at Mikel Tyler,
you could see the pride in his eyes. Mikel is now two
years old and he is the spitting image of his daddy. I
am glad that Scott's love will live on in his children
and through them all of Scott's hopes and dreams
will be realised.
Scott will always be
riding with the Angels