Charles River Dog Training Club, Inc.

Waltham, Massachusetts
The following information is provided as a public service.
CRDTC does not endorse any of the organizations listed nor maintain any of the web pages.

Therapy Dog Organizations

  • The Pets and People Foundation - Weston MA
    Founded in 1985 by a group of public health professionals and veterinarians with the objective of improving life for those institutionalized for whatever reason, and whether they were old or young. Today over 70 volunteers and their pets visit 40 facilities in more than 30 cities and towns in Massachusetts. The demand continues to grow. FMI: Sally Jean Alexander,, 781 899-5029

  • Hebrew Rehabilitation Center - Boston (Roslindale) MA
    Volunteer pet visitation program run by Cathy Paul,, or call Volunteer Services, 617 363-8469.

  • DOG B.O.N.E.S. Therapy Dogs of Massachusetts - Massachusetts
    Dog B.O.N.E.S. - Dogs Building Opportunities for Nurturing and Emotional Support - is a Massachusetts based volunteer organization whose primary purpose is to provide well trained, affectionate, obedient, registered and insured therapy dog teams (dog and handler) for visitation to nursing facilities, hospitals, rehabilitation centers, schools and preschools and any other Massachusetts location where they may provide therapeutic contact with the elderly, the disabled, or the young. FMI: Jeanne Brouillette,, 781-391-5615

  • Capering Canines of Cape Cod - Cape Cod MA
    A canine musical freestyle group that performs musical routines, cute tricks, and visits with registered therapy dogs. They also offer canine musical freestyle classes in Dennisport MA.

  • The Tails of Joy - Northwest Connecticut
    Tails Of Joy is an Animal Assisted Therapy group established in 1995. The group began with a few members making regular visits with their companion dogs to area nursing homes. Since then the Tails Of Joy family has grown considerably and now provides therapy in a wide variety of facilities within Connecticut. FMI: Marie Joyner

  • The Canine Company - Albany NY area
    A service group which is part of Albany Obedience Club, dedicated to visiting hospitals, nursing homes, and elementary schools with well-behaved, well-mannered, friendly dogs.

  • Therapy Dogs International, Inc.
    The oldest and largest therapy dog organization founded in 1976 with members in all 50 states, Canada, and other foreign countries. TDI is a volunteer group organized to provide qualified handlers and their Therapy Dogs for visitations to institutions, facilities, and any other place where Therapy Dogs are needed. A list of requirements for registration with TDI is provided on the web site. FMI: Therapy Dogs International, Inc., 88 Bartley Rd, Flanders, NJ 07836; Phone 973 252-9800; Fax 973 252-7171 or e-mail

  • Delta Society's Pet Partners Program
    A nationwide registration system for pets and volunteers, compassionate pet owners share the physical and emotional benefits that can result from contact with animals. Pet Partners visit hospitalized children, adults who are ill or lonely, people with disabilities and others. The program registers companion animals that successfully complete health, skills, and aptitude screening, and pet owners who complete volunteer training. FMI: The Delta Society; 875 124th Ave NE, Ste 101; Bellevue, WA 98005; 425 226-7357,

  • Northeast Rehabilitation Hospital - Salem, NH
    Northeast Rehab Hospital has a very active Animal Facilitated Therapy Program, organized and run by Ms. Linda Hume within the Therapeutic Recreation Department. The program uses volunteers and well-screened, highly-trained animals. Animals are used within the context of traditional treatment sessions with physical, occupational and speech therapists. Additionally, the animals also make social visits to patients, delivering mail, going on rounds and participating in many community educational presentations.
    The site has a number of excellent articles, including: Profile of an Appropriate Therapy Dog; Before and After the Dog's Visit; Communicating with Confused or Sensory-impaired People-Guidelines for Volunteers; General Guidelines for Visiting Patients; Animal Facilitated Therapy - Safety Guidelines; Stress in Therapy Dogs; Animal Training Tips for Use in AFT; Proposed Standards For Training and Use of Canines in Medical Rehabilitation.

    Related Links

  • Assistance dogs
    There are three types of Assistance Dogs:
    • GUIDE DOGS for the blind and the visually impaired
    • HEARING DOGS for the deaf and hard of hearing
    • SERVICE DOGS for the physically disabled and/or mobility impaired.

    Assistance Dogs International, Inc. is a coalition of members representing organizations and individuals training and placing Assistance Dogs. The purpose of ADI is to improve the areas of training, placement, and utilization of Assistance Dogs. They also set minimum standards and guidelines for the training of assistance dogs.
    Assistance Dogs International Member Organizations & Contact List

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Last updated: Aug-2008