Charles River Dog Training Club, Inc.

Waltham, Massachusetts

The CRDTC Library

General information about the CRDTC Library

  • The library is open to all club members in good standing.
  • To reserve a specific title: (1) Fill out a request at the desk; or (2) send email to
  • Materials circulate for no more than 4 weeks.
  • Return materials to the desk any Monday night.
  • Overdue materials: Fines are $1 per week up to the value of the item. Members with fines owed are no longer considered in good standing.
  • Donations welcome. We try to have a book sale every year at the club holiday party. All proceeds go to buy new materials for the library.

New Additions to the library

Dennison: Click Your Way to Rally Obedience
McAuliffe: The Big Bang! How you can help your dog cope with thunderstorms and fireworks

Becker: Living With A Deaf Dog
Burch: Volunteering With Your Pet. How to Get Involved in Animal-Assisted Therapy.
Davis: Therapy Dogs. Training Your Dog to Reach Others
Delta Society: Pet Partners Home Study Course Video

Anderson: Building Blocks For Performance
Ruzzo: Positively Ringwise (audiotape)
TRACKING! A Practical Guide for TD and TDX, 4th Edition
Presnall & Ballard: Novice Nosework, A Primer for Beginning Trackers
Presnall: Track Laying 101
Grandjean: Practical Guide for Sporting & Working Dogs

Kramer: Introduction to the Style of Rally Obedience
Dawn Jecs: Choose To Heel (video)
Dawn Jecs: Choose To Heel (book)
Burnham: Playtraining Your Dog
Haggerty & Benjamin: Dog Tricks

A Complete listing by category

Agility Basic Training Behavior Breed-specifc Info Choosing a Dog
Clicker Training Competitive Obedience Fiction Field & Hunting Dogs Flyball
Fun & Games Grooming Health/Nutrition Herding Kids & Dogs
Newsletters Pet Loss Puppies Rally Obedience Service / Therapy Dogs
Showing in Conformation Teaching Tracking / SAR Misc.  

[You can use your browser's FIND function to search for a specific word on this page. Or just scroll down to browse through all the items.]

Types of materials: B=book N=newsletter P=pamphlet V=Video A=audiotape
category type author title
Basic Training V AKC The AKC Canine Good Citizen Program
The CGC Program was designed to ensure that dogs have good manners and are welcome in public places. Demonstrates the 10 step non-competitive CGC Test
Basic Training B Benjamin Second-Hand Dog. How to turn yours into a first-rate pet
Basic Training B Fields-Babineau Dog Training with a Head Halter
Basic Training B Gentile Guide to Beginning obedience
Basic Training B Handler Positively Obedient Good Manners for the Family Dog
Basic Training B Woodhouse Dog Training My Way
Basic Training B Pearsall The Pearsall Guide to Successful Dog Training
Obedience from the dog's point of view; detailed instructions from Kindergarten Puppy Training through Utility plus tracking. Milo Pearsall was among the first trainers to emphasize a gentler, more inducive approach to dog training
Behavior B Benjamin Dog Problems
Behavior B Burch & Bailey How Dogs Learn
Explains the science of operant conditioning, the psychological principle upon which almost all animal training is based. Includes a history of animal training, the basic principles of behavior, behavioral diagnostics (why does the dog do that?), increasing behaviors (teaching your old dog new tricks), decreasing behaviors (dealing with canine delinquents), differential reinforcement, antecedent control, and using punishment. A book for the more serious dog person or behaviorist.
Behavior B Clothier Bones Would Rain from the Sky: Deepening Our Relationships With Dogs
Behavior B Donaldson Dogs are from Neptune
Candid answers to urgent questions about aggression and other aspects of dog behavior
Behavior B Donaldson The Culture Clash
Behavior B Kilcommons Good Owners, Great Dogs
Profusely illustrated - a throrough, general guide for new owners. Short sections focus on understanding specific canine behaviors and provide some excellent problem-solving tips.
Behavior P McConnell The Cautious Canine. How to Help Dogs Conquer Their Fears
Behavior B Pfaffenberger The New Knowledge of Dog Behavior
Includes how to know the critical periods in a puppy's life, causes of emotional block in adult dog behavior, common training faults.
Behavior B Pryor Don't Shoot the Dog
Indroduces positive reinforcement and other principles of behavior training through examples from daily life.
Behavior B Siegal The Good Dog Book
Behavior B Wood Help for Your Shy Dog. Turning your terrified dog into a terrific pet
Behavior V - The Mentally Sound Dog: How to Shape, Train & Change Canine Behavior
Behavior P - Crate-Den Training
Behavior P - Positive Potty Training
Breed-specific V - Form Follows Function.
The American Cocker Spaniel in the field.
Breed-specific V - The Scottie Mystique.
From the editor of Great Scots Magazine.
Choosing a Dog B Jones & Hamilton The World Encyclopedia of Dogs
Wonderfully illustrated! Includes many European breeds
Choosing a Dog B Walkowicz The Perfect Match, A Buyer's Guide to Dogs
Provides breed profiles, photo, and a checklist of personality and physical characteristics including shedding, grooming requirements, activity level, life expectancy, size, character, behavior with children, genetic health.
Clicker Training V Jones Clicker Fun with Dr. Deborah Jones: Click & Fix
Clicker Training V Jones Clicker Fun with Dr. Deborah Jones: Click & Fetch
Clicker Training V Jones Clicker Fun with Dr. Deborah Jones: Click & Go
Clicker Training P Jones Click ’n’ Sniff Clicker Training for Scent Discrimination
Clicker Training B Jones Click Here for a Well-Trained Dog
Clicker Training P Pryor A Dog & A Dolphin. An Introduction to Clicker Training
Clicker Training P Pryor Getting Started: Clicker Training for Dogs
An enlarged and updated version of the book A Dog and a Dolphin. Introductory article by Karen Pryor, training instructions, clicker tips, FAQs and new chapter on resources.
Clicker Training V Wilkes Click & Treat Training Kit
Clicker Training V Wilkes ON Target!
Competitive Obedience V AKC AKC: 200?
Critiques handlers with various breeds working the obedience exercises. (30 minutes)
Competitive Obedience B Anderson Building Blocks For Performance
Discusses building drive, focus, and motivation in a puppy through goal-oriented play and other positive experiences. Will help you bond strongly with your puppy, build a solid foundation of teamwork, and encourage the puppy to develop a strong work attitude. Suitable for a puppy destined for any type of performance career.
Competitive Obedience B Arnold Steppin' Up To Success with Terri Arnold, Book 1: Theory, Footwork, Handling & Attention
Competitive Obedience B Arnold Steppin' Up To Success with Terri Arnold, Book 2: Novice
Competitive Obedience B Arnold Steppin' Up To Success with Terri Arnold, Book 3: Open & Utility
Competitive Obedience V/A Arnold Attention & Handling, The Birth of Teamwork
Competitive Obedience B Bauman Beyond Basic Dog Training
Competitive Obedience V Bauman Obedience Retrieve for All Breeds
Step-by-step instructions-very organized and clearly presented. Includes a forced retrieve method. (37 minutes)
Competitive Obedience B Behan Natural Dog Training. Teach your dog by using his natural instincts
A good book on inducive training.
Competitive Obedience B Blackiston Teaching Your Dog Obedience.
Includes the obedience regulations effective July 1, 1950.
Elliott Blackston was the first president and first trainer of the Holliston Dog Training Club, formed in 1941. The name was changed to Charles River Dog Training Club in 1969.
Competitive Obedience B Booth Purely Positive Training: Companion to Competition
The first part of the book covers the theory pretty nicely. The rest of the book is very practical, very solid.
Competitive Obedience B Burnham Playtraining Your Dog
Obedience training can be fun! Includes: instructors and training classes, training time, motivation, advice for showing a dog, cues and body language. Realize the full potential of both the dog and the dog/owner relationship.
Competitive Obedience B Byron & Yunck Competition Obedience: A Balancing Act
Competitive Obedience V/P Byron & Yunck Positively Fetching: Teaching the Obedience Retrieves with Food
Competitive Obedience B Handler Successful Obedience Handling: The New Best Foot Forward
Virtually required reading - a superb guide to AKC obedience rules and ring procedures, handler errors, and so on.
Competitive Obedience V Handler Best Foot Forward: Guide to Successful Obedience Handling
(56 minutes)
Competitive Obedience B Koehler Dog Training and Open Obedience
Competitive Obedience B Lewis Smart Trainers Brilliant Dogs
Competitive Obedience B McGovern Competitive Obedience for Winners
Great hints on attention, heeling, and other exercises by a leading European handler.
Competitive Obedience B Oxandale Obedience Judging
Competitive Obedience A Ruzzo Positively Ringwise
Secrets for improving your handling. Includes proper footwork, eye cues, warm-ups, and techniques for remaining calm and focused in the ring. [audiotape, 90 minutes]
Competitive Obedience B Saunders The Complete Book of Dog Obedience
Competitive Obedience P Sternberg Guide to the Inducive Retrieve
Competitive Obedience B Zink Jumping from A to Z
Fiction B Conant Black Ribbon
A dog lover's mystery that features our own Wayne Morie's Chessie, Elsa!
Fiction B Conant Animal Appetite
Fiction B Conant Evil Breeding
Fiction B Conant Stud Rites
Fiction B Conant The Barker Street Regulars
Fiction B Conant Ruffly Speaking
Fiction B Conant Dead And Doggone
Fiction B Conant The Wicked Flea
Fiction B Herriot Dog Stories
Fiction B Herriot All Creatures Great and Small
Fiction B McCaig Nop’s Trials
Fiction B - Chicken Soup for the Pet Lover's Soul
Stories about pets as teachers, healers, heroes and friends
Field & Hunting V - Puppy Training - The Foundation of a Gun Dog
Field & Hunting B Kersley Training the Retriever
Field & Hunting B Loveland & Rutherford Retriever Puppy Training
Field & Hunting B Quinn Working Retrievers
Field & Hunting B Spencer Training Retrievers for Marshes and Meadows
Field & Hunting B Walters Training Retrievers to Handle
Flyball B Olson Flyball Racing, The Dog Sport for Everyone
Flyball B Parkin Flyball, Training... Start to Finish
Flyball B Payne Flying High, The Complete Book of Flyball
Fun & Games V Davis Dancing With Your Dog
Fun & Games P Duford Agility Tricks for Improved Attention, Flexibility and Confidence
Fun & Games P Hunter Fun and Games with Dogs
Educational and fun games teach your dog to enjoy working with you.
Fun & Games V - Take a Bow … Wow! Fun and Functional Dog Tricks
Grooming V DVGGR Grooming Your Golden
Grooming V - Grooming the Bouvier for the Show Ring. D. Roy Holloway’s Seminar.
Health P Bicks Dr. Janes’s Natural Care for a Healthy, Happy, Dog. The complete guide to nutrition and health
Health P Clothier & Lesser Physical Therapy for the Canine Athlete
Health P Corley & Keller Hip Dysplasia, A guide for dog breeders and owners, 2nd ed.
Health B Goldstein The Nature of Animal Healing
Health V Hill's Sci. Diet How To Keep Your Pet Healthy
Learn about the importance of regular veterinary care, proper nutrition, and exercise
Health B Lanting Canine Hip Dysplasia
Health B Llewellyn Homeopathic Remedies for Dogs
Health B Macleod Dogs: Homoeopathic Remedies
An outline of the more common dog diseases, by anatomic system, with a guide to their homoeopathic treatment.
Health B Volhard & Brown Holistic Guide for a Healthy Dog
Health B - Pet First Aid
Kids & Dogs B O'Neil KIDS + DOGS = FUN
Kids & Dogs B Vanacore The New Guide To Junior Showmanship
Kids & Dogs V - Baby's Best Friend. Preparing Fido For Your Child's Arrival
Newsletter N Tufts Vet School Your Dog: A Newsletter for Dog Owners
Pet Loss P Montgomery A Final Act of Caring; Ending the Life of an Animal Friend
Help and comfort for pet owners during a difficult time. Has a section on helping children deal with loss.
Pet Loss P Montgomery Good-bye My Friend; Grieving the Loss of a Pet
Help and comfort for pet owners during a difficult time. Has a section on helping children deal with loss.
Puppies V Hastings Puppy Puzzle.
The Hastings approach to evaluating the structural quality of puppies.
Puppies B Monks of New Skete The Art of Raising a Puppy
Puppies V Ralson Purina Co. Better Care Makes Better Puppies
Shows lots of adorable puppies of many breeds and includes an overview of general puppy care, nutrition, veterinary care and an introduction to training and problem solving. (30 minutes)
Puppies V Rutherford & Neil How to Raise a Puppy You Can Live With
Rally Obedience B Kramer Introduction to the Style of Rally Obedience
All you need to get started in this new approach to dog obedience that emphasizes fun and excitement with a more natural flow to the performance.
Service/Therapy B Hoffman Lend Me an Ear: The Temperament, Selection, and Training of the Hearing Ear Dog
Service/Therapy B Sternberg Dog Training for the Physically Challenged
Service/Therapy V - AZ Pet Guide Therapy Dog Segment
Service/Therapy V - Service With A Smile: Training A Service Dalmatian
Show/Conformation B Nichols How to show your own dog
Teaching B Volhard & Fisher Teaching Dog Obedience Classes
Tracking P Bauman Bauman Guide To Beginning Tracking
Short 10 page booklet designed to introduce the beginner to the basic concepts of tracking. [Additional copies / multiple orders available from: Orders, Bauman Beginning Tracking, 296 Lake Wallkill Rd, Sussex NJ 07461]
Tracking B Johnson Tracking Dog, Theory & Methods
Tracking B Johnson Tracking Trainers Handbook
Tracking B Pearsall & Verbruggen Scent. Training to Track, Search, and Rescue
Tracking B Presnall & Ballard Novice Nosework, A Primer for Beginning Trackers
Tracking B Presnall Track Laying 101
Tracking B Sanders Enthusiastic Tracking
Tracking B Syrotuck Scent and the Scenting Dog
Tracking B Whittemore & Hebard So That Others May Live
The story of Caroline Hebard and her Search-and-Rescue Dogs
Misc. B - CRDTC Obedience Trial catalogs
Misc. B Boneham Breed Rescue, How to Start and Run a Successful Program

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Last update: Jan-2007

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